Soon, some people come to the end of the heart training Road, as long as they walk a few meters further, they can pass the test.

Compared with the previous road, the last section of the road is a layer of steps, which is surrounded by wisps of pink clouds, giving people a strange feeling.

After a short time, Li Changsheng also stepped on the steps. As soon as he stepped into it, the scene in front of him changed dramatically. This time, he will no longer be tortured by mountains, mountains and rivers. In front of him is a forest of wine. These pink mists can draw people's desire, including beauty, food, wine and so on. Everything you want will appear here. Under extreme poverty and luxury, it is easy to let people indulge in it, and they will enjoy themselves every day.

Compared with the previous torture, this time the change is very big, from pain to enjoyment. In the huge contrast, such a fantasy can often obtain miraculous effects, which is easy to indulge in and difficult to extricate themselves from.

Of course, these are still illusions after all, and more of them are tests of temperament and endurance. To be a strong man, you often have to go through countless hardships and temptations, and go all the way through the thorns and thorns. Otherwise, if you make a mistake, you may lose your life.

Li Changsheng did not move, and "looked" at the wine pool. On the stage not far away, dozens of gorgeous dancers were dancing, with willow waist and white arms, and red gauze man dancing, which made people crazy.

In addition, there are also beautiful women around them. They are all beautiful and charming. They are all beautiful and beautiful. They are dressed in pink gauze, and their clothes are half hidden and half hidden. Their snow skin is indistinct under the veil. Their eyes are delicate and charming, and they are matchless. They are full of unique style.

Looking at the moving dance, smelling the fragrance of wine, listening to the whispers of beauty, it is easy to let people indulge in it, can not extricate themselves!

"I don't know what kind of scene female candidates will encounter? Isn't it a bunch of beautiful men? " Li Changsheng resisted the temptation and tried to divert his attention. His heart was full of malice, but he also dispelled some desires.

"Not as beautiful as Karen!"

Li Changsheng's eyes are clear and clear. Regardless of the shy and timid eyes of the beauty, he pushes her down to the ground without paying attention to the other party's expression of pear blossom and rain, and even walks forward without any nostalgia.

"Not as gentle as kaylan!"

"There's no Karan to smell like!"


Li Changsheng Tucao, while pushing down a beauty, stepped forward, and make complaints about his clearness.

What's more, no matter how real it is, the illusion is always an illusion. In addition, Li Changsheng doubts that if he indulges in such "beautiful scenery", what will happen in reality? The thought of that ugly scene made people feel chilly, which made him completely free.

He wants face!

After passing through the wine pool and the flesh forest, the scene changes again. After that, there is a chance to win the favor of the top-grade demons, to be a king in one word, that is to wake up to take charge of the power of the world, and to lie drunk on the knees of beauties.

Unfortunately, it almost had no effect on Li Changsheng.

Top demon pet Li Changsheng has, his special ability can also be classified as adventure, in the goblin world, there is almost no better adventure than this ability.

In addition, he has no interest in being an emperor. In this world with supernatural power, it is a matter of one sentence to be an emperor as long as he becomes one of the most powerful in the world.

Different from other people's imagination, Li Changsheng has enough confidence to believe that with his special ability and efforts, he has the opportunity to become the strongest in the future.

Therefore, different from other people, Li Changsheng has stronger resistance to these unique temptations. His pace has never stopped and he has unswervingly continued to move forward.

So, in the eyes of the tutors, Li Changsheng's pace is faster than before. After a few minutes, he can step up a step and easily catch up with others.

You know, the difficulty of the test in the next few decades is far more difficult than before. Many talented demon masters are either stuck there or struggling. At least the progress is slower than before. There are few cases like Li Changsheng.

The last one, even decades ago.

"Well, it's only half an hour before we reach the end of the line." Looking at the figure of Li Changsheng, a female tutor can not help feeling, the words are full of appreciation.

"This son has an excellent disposition. As long as his quality in other aspects is not bad, he may become a strong man in the future. However, I wonder what he has gone through so that he can easily get rid of these temptations At this time, a middle-aged teacher with elegant appearance sighed.

Other mentors, more or less, have this idea.

Soon, Li Changsheng was the first to arrive at the finish line by absolute advantage.

After Li Changsheng crossed the finish line, the examiner in charge of registration took Li Changsheng's token and engraved two words on the back of the token with special techniques - best!

Each assessment, according to the results, is divided into five grades: best, excellent, good, pass and fail!

The assessment results are very important. When the tutor selects students in the future, the better the assessment results are, the more likely they are to stand out and be favored by more and better tutors. If you can only pass the exam, I'm afraid no tutor will accept it.After finishing the first examination, Li Changsheng stood behind several tutors and looked curiously at the candidates on the way to train their hearts.

Li Changsheng focuses on those candidates who have stepped into the pink fog stage.

Unfortunately, he was doomed to be disappointed, although some candidates deeply fell into the illusion, but did not appear to wear out the scene.

However, the living spring palace did not see, but their confusion is full of doubt.

After watching their ugliness, Li Changsheng began to focus on the other three of Li's four heroes.

Among the three, Li Runfeng is the closest to the finish line. It seems that he is not addicted to fantasy. Although he is struggling, he has always been steadfast in marching forward. It is likely that he will arrive at the destination soon.

Not far behind Li Runfeng, Li Tianyu began to step into the steps full of pink mist. As long as he did not indulge in his desire, he had great hope of success.

The most worrying thing is Li Jingyi, who is the farthest away from the finish line. If she doesn't speed up her progress, the assessment will probably fail.

In the process of waiting, someone soon passed the heart training Road, but his examination result is not the best, but a grade down, only got excellent.

Li Changsheng was puzzled about the examination results. He did not know whether there was a limit on the number of students, or whether it was divided according to the time, or both.

After the second candidate passed, more and more candidates completed the examination, including Li Runfeng. He was the fifth to complete the examination and also got excellent results.

"Hoo, Changsheng, you are faster than me. By the way, how many places did you win?" Li Runfeng is relieved. His parents died when he was a child. He has achieved his present achievements only after the family's small talk and hardships. His mind is naturally firm. It is not difficult for him to train his mind.


"Well, when I didn't say it!"

Li Runfeng shrugged, showing a gloomy look.

At this time, some people arrived at the end of the line, but unlike Li Runfeng, he only got good examination results, and there was only a half minute difference between him and Li Runfeng.

With half a quarter of an hour to go, Li Tianyu, who had gone through the ordeal, finally arrived at the end of the line. He only got qualified grades.

As for Li Jingyi, she has just stepped on the stage of pink mist. In terms of the remaining time, she is unlikely to pass the examination. , the fastest update of the webnovel!