Among the options of ZuLong and Zhulong, Li Changsheng naturally prefers Zhulong. It's not that ZuLong is inferior to Zhulong. The main reason is that during this period, Li Changsheng collected a lot of ZuLong's blood essence. In particular, the reward of huonu king is a whole carcass of a captive cow, which may make Zhulong complete its evolution.

On the contrary, it was the candle dragon. Li Changsheng also collected goblins with the essence and blood of the candle dragon, but there were only two, and the blood concentration was not very high.

They are all dragon people. I feel that the candlelight dragon is quite different in this aspect. It is not like the ancestor dragon like a stallion. It wants to grass everything and cultivate all kinds of strange offspring.

Another purpose of choosing Qiu long is to wait until Qiu Long's candle dragon blood is further developed, which means that the ability of time class has been greatly improved. Maybe Li Changsheng can have a longer cultivation time.

Li Changsheng summoned Qiu long and directly handed over the five elements exquisite pearl and Yin Yang exquisite pearl to him for absorption.

The candle dragon held them directly in his mouth, dish them on the ground, and tried to digest them. The surface of his body began to show wisps of brilliance.

Li Changsheng didn't worry. He began to look at it. After he opened Jin Zhang Yu Lu, he saw a lot of twisted and mysterious Jin Zhuanwen.

Li Changsheng did not expect that this time he got Tiangang chapter again. According to common sense, the probability of getting Disha chapter is twice that of Tiangang chapter. As a result, Li Changsheng has got Tiangang chapter several times in a row.

In terms of value alone, Disha is not inferior to Tiangang. Even if you have the mother of Disha, it's a sharp tool to make money.

"We must mediate and make fortune this time!"

Mediating fortune is becoming Li Changsheng's obsession.

The next moment, Li Changsheng began to absorb, a large number of Jin Zhuanwen have poured into his mind, he quickly received.

When the feeling was over, Li Changsheng felt a little pity, because this time it was not good luck, but he was not disappointed. The main reason was that it was also of great use to him.

This book of Jin Zhang Yu Lu records another great magic power, which is called the moment of flower blooming.

Instant flower: make flowers bloom or wither instantly, and even make all plants or grains grow and bear fruit quickly. Note: for the same plant, use it every three days, otherwise it will damage the origin of the plant.

It's obvious that the moment flowers bloom is an auxiliary magic power, but it has to be said that this kind of magic power can quickly improve the cultivation speed of spiritual plants, which is in line with Li Changsheng's requirements.

At the current rate of cultivation, Li Changsheng would have to spend three years to become an emperor. But now that he has the magic power of instant blooming, he feels that he has a chance to shorten the process.

Li Changsheng's idea is very simple, that is to give Dazhou Xingchen fruit tree a moment of blossom. As long as Dazhou Xingchen fruit can mature quickly, he can quickly improve his mental strength and open more star orifices.

The specific effect will not be known until after the test.

Li Changsheng didn't immediately realize the magic power of flower blooming, because Qiu long had reached the critical moment.

At this time, the rich white light of evolution has permeated Qiu Long's whole body.

In this process, Qiulong's body size soared rapidly, and there were two more bulges on his head, which looked like a sarcoma, and became larger and larger.

Poop - poop

Soon, the sound of tearing rags sounded, the sarcoma on Qiu Long's head broke, and two dragon horns shaped like antlers were drilled out.

At the same time, the four claws under Qiu Long's abdomen also changed from the original three toes to four toes (it can be understood that three fingers became four).

Unexpectedly, the dragon scale of Qiu long turns to silver. Li Changsheng has never seen or heard of a dragon with this color.

The colors of the common dragon people are basically composed of gold, black, red, green, yellow and blue. There are other colors, but they are rare, but almost no silver.

If there is no accident, this should be the particularity of candlelight's blood.

Four clawed silver dragon!

After the evolution, the four clawed Silver Dragon did not wake up and lay on the ground to try to break through the demon Saint level.

As a four clawed silver dragon, there is no difficulty in breaking through the demon Saint level. Li Changsheng is not worried at all. It's like eating and drinking water for human beings.

No accident, the four clawed Silver Dragon successfully broke through the demon Saint level.

In this way, Li Changsheng no longer has the main demon pet of demon king level.

[goblin name]: four clawed Silver Dragon (growing up, condensing the origin of the mystery, greatly enhancing the power of skills; Upanistic origin guard: saves part of the damage, depending on the opponent's level.)《 Absorb xuanqiong five color glazed fruit, greatly strengthen the foundation of the five elements demon pet, and comprehensively improve the physical quality of the demon pet. Absorb sunflower water elites, enhance the power of water system skills, weaken the speed of enemies hit by water system skills, and understand sunflower water mine

[demon realm]: Demon Saint level 1

[goblin race]: the middle god beast

Goblin quality: half step legend

Goblin blood: candle Dragon (Dacheng)

[goblin attribute]: water + time

[goblin state]: Health

[goblin weakness]: no xuanyushen eliminates attribute weakness , the fastest update of the webnovel!