“Mr. Gu, there is some bad news floating around on the Internet. Did you see?” Chen Chen asked worriedly.

The Internet was ubiquitous nowadays. A spark could give way fire and if people added some tinder, it could grow into an inferno.

Every day, the first thing Gu Jun did when he arrived at the office was to check the day’s economics news.

He usually didn’t bother with the entertainment pages, but when his mouse glided past one, the picture in the center caught his attention. It was a picture of him and An Xiaoyan at the clothes store. He was helping to smooth An Xiaoyan’s shirt.

The headline was: “Night Club Prostitute Gets With Rich Man, Books Entire Mall.”

Someone had purposely taken this photo. The angle focused on An Xiaoyan while only a bit of Gu Jun’s face was visible. Those who weren’t close to Gu Jun wouldn’t realize that it was him.

There were all types of comments under the article.

Prostitutes have such high status now. What can us poor people do?

Shameless prostitute! Expose him!

Everyone on the internet was talking about this and people quickly found all of An Xiaoyan’s information. He was convicted of murder four years ago, worked as a male hostess at the Night Charm, f*cked by 50-year-old men, seduced rich men, sold himself for money, and attempted suicide.

There were horrible titles that made many people curious what An Xiaoyan was like in real life.

“Hire people to comment on these articles. Do everything possible to find the one responsible for this!” Gu Jun clenched his fists when he saw this news. He tried to find a way to solve this while a sliver of fear crept into his heart.

The news was right. An Xiaoyan had indeed done these things. Reading the comments, Gu Jun knew that it wouldn’t be so easy to resolve. It seemed that someone wanted to ruin his reputation, but because of his status, they couldn’t do it directly.

Thinking of An Xiaoyan, Gu Jun felt fear. What would An Xiaoyan think if he learned of this? Would he try to kill himself again?

The only thought he had now was that he couldn’t let An Xiaoyan know about this. Thankfully, An Xiaoyan stayed in the mansion. Gu Jun told him he could use the computer in the library, but he never used it.

Without realizing, the servants in the mansion started looking at him oddly, but no one ever told him why.

Since no one talked, he had no need to ask.

The nanny observed An Xiaoyan for many days. Mr. An’s expression was always blank as if nothing had to do with him. She felt like An Xiaoyan wasn’t like how the news described him. After interacting with him for these days, she genuinely felt like Mr. An was a kind and patient man. He had no temper at all.

One day, she couldn’t take it anymore and asked, “Mr. An, did you hear the news?”

“What news?” An Xiaoyan was confused.

“The news about you.”

The nanny hesitated, but she still handed him her phone. An Xiaoyan didn’t say anything after seeing the bold headline. He returned the phone and went to the balcony alone.

He looked into the endless cars and crowds in the distance.

To be honest, the news didn’t anger him at all. He didn’t feel any ripple of emotions, because it was all true. If someone said those things to him, he would admit it directly. There was no point in hiding it. It was alright even if the entire world knew.

Gu Jun subconsciously knew that An Xiaoyan would find out one day. There was no way to completely isolate him. Even the best lies and disguises would be exposed in the light of day.

After he returned from work, he saw An Xiaoyan sitting quietly on the sofa, watching TV. The entertainment news was reporting on An Xiaoyan who’d swept the entire web by storm a few days ago. They analyzed the one picture, coming up with all types of stories. They even mentioned that his sugar daddy was a business magnate. He was apparently the heir of a big family in A City.

It was clear that only Gu Jun and Gu Jing fit these qualifications. The media didn’t go further either. It quickly moved to the next news.

“You know everything?” Gu Jun didn’t think that the news would spread so quickly. He’d hired people to dispel the rumors, but many people watched the news. They continued to spread rumors and moved beyond his control.


The indifferent tone stabbed Gu Jun’s heart. An Xiaoyan, why don’t you care? This is about your reputation. How could he go outside if so many people knew about him?

But soon, Gu Jun started mocking himself. He’d already destroyed An Xiaoyan’s dignity and reputation. He didn’t let An Xiaoyan outside either.

“I want to go outside.”

He chose to go out while he was in the spotlight. Gu Jun was incredulous.

“I want to end my lease on the apartment. If I don’t, I’ll keep wasting money. Mr. Gu, you probably won’t let me live there, so I’ll just stop renting it. In the future…”

An Xiaoyan was cut off. Gu Jun hugged him tightly, embracing his weak body. His thin frame supported the entire world.

“In the future, when you get annoyed of me and don’t want to take care of a failure like me, just kick me out. I won’t stay here. If you tell me to leave, I’ll leave.” Gu Jun must have already known about the news and was waiting to see him get humiliated.

I won’t kick you out. I’m more than happy that you’re living here. I’m willing to keep you by my side for my entire life.

Gu Jun wanted to tell An Xiaoyan that he didn’t hate him anymore, but he knew that An Xiaoyan wouldn’t believe him. An Xiaoyan might just kneel down or take off his clothes like before.

“After a while, alright? Go after a while.” After a while, when people forgot about An Xiaoyan, forgot what he looked like, he could go outside safely.

“I’ll have Chen Chen go with you at that time.”

“Thank you.” The two words carried many meanings. An Xiaoyan knew that the man just didn’t want him to embarrass Gu Jun. After all, he was with Gu Jun. His appearance must have tainted his name.

After lying there for a long time, An Xiaoyan’s shoulder grew sore. A child’s voice streamed from upstairs and Gu Jun finally let go.

“Daddy… Daddy…”

Gu Jun used to dislike this child. He always thought that An Xiaoyan’s mistake caused him to have this idiot son. Now, he subconsciously started liking Guo Guo.

Children were so innocent and cute. They weren’t calculating like adults.

He’d never interacted with this child seriously. Because of An Xiaoyan, Gu Jun also started getting to know Guo Guo. He actually had no flaws other than not being able to talk. He could understand everything that the adults said.

“Uncle…” Guo Guo ran to An Xiaoyan and clutched his leg to ask for a hug. He still wasn’t over the last time An Xiaoyan had hugged him. That feeling had been great. He’d been so tall and could see so much.

“Yaya, yaya…”

He couldn’t form words, but An Xiaoyan knew what he wanted. He wanted a hug and get lifted up again. However, Gu Jun was beside him and he couldn’t do it. He could do it naturally when Gu Jun wasn’t here, but now, Gu Jun was staring at him. He was worried that Gu Jun would think he was trying to win over Guo Guo.

“Let Daddy hug you.”

“Ngg…” Guo Guo shook his head unwillingly. Uncle smelled nice but Daddy had a bad smell. He didn’t want it.

An Xiaoyan pulled Guo Guo to face Gu Jun. Finally, Guo Guo opened his arms to ask for a hug.

“It’s okay. You hug him.”

There wasn’t any discomfort or resentment. Gu Jun wanted Guo Guo to get closer to An Xiaoyan. His son was truly different from before. Ever since he started living with An Xiaoyan, Guo Guo had become much livelier and smarter. In one month, he’d learned the words that he couldn’t learn in three years.

“No, no. It’s better if he’s closer to you. I’m a criminal. Children shouldn’t be with someone like me.”

“It’s okay.”

Since Gu Jun said so, An Xiaoyan didn’t fight him anymore. He picked Guo Guo up and raised him over his head. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting An Xiaoyan and Guo Guo’s shadows on the carpet. Gu Jun was dazed. An Xiaoyan was now bathed in sunlight like an angel.

He walked over to the sunlight and took Guo Guo away from An Xiaoyan. He still hadn’t recovered fully. Doing this must be tiring.

“Look after the kid from now on. Think of it as…redemption.”

“Okay.” As expected, Gu Jun was just giving him another way to redeem himself. He was still a sinner. Even if he attempted suicide, he would still be in debt as long as he was alive.