“It’s so soon, that An Xiaoyan is on the news again. He’s really the leading character in the entertainment headlines.”

“Exactly, exactly… But it is a skill to be able to hook up with the big boss, why don’t you try?”

“Gosh, I don’t want to. It’s better to keep a stagnant wage than to sell one’s ass.”


This time, it could either be that there is someone behind this, or it’s simply the work of the paparazzi. Photographs of An Xiaoyan and Gu Jun at the amusement park were shot and appeared on the news headlines once again.

The An Xiaoyan saga became the object of people’s gossip once again.

This time, the other party apparently had no scruples and even photographed Gu Jun’s face. Now, the whole Sheng Kong Group knew that their big boss had been hooking up with a man and even brought along his child.

But Gu Jun was not the first to get angry.

“Ask the unfilial son to come back now!” Old Mr. Gu was so angry that he wanted to throw his crutches out. His son had always made him worry. The last time they met, he had already warned Gu Jun not to go overboard when he went out to have fun. Now, the whole business circle was aware that Gu Jun had brought along a man.

Although it was not uncommon to play with men, the older shareholders simply could not accept two men together. If the person was a family man with children, and he would occasionally play with men for entertainment purposes, it was still acceptable. However, Gu Jun was unmarried and had a retard son. He would become a laughing stock once the news spread.

Gu Jun returned to Gu family’s old house. Old Mr. Gu could not be angrier. Once he saw Gu Jun, he used his crutches to hit him on his body.

“Why do I have a good-for-nothing son like you?! Don’t you know that this is a critical time? This time, there will be many shareholders who will sway their votes to the other side!”

“It’s no big deal! Why don’t you just let Gu Jing be the successor? I don’t care about that position.”

Old Mr. Gu hit Gu Jun another time with his crutches. Gu Jun did not shy away, but stared hard at old Mr. Gu. Regarding this matter, Gu Jun need not do anything as old Mr. Gu would handle it. Afterall, unlike the previous news, it must be dealt with as soon as possible. Otherwise, Gu Jun would lose his chance as the successor once the news was cemented in everyone’s heart.

Obviously, this was not the outcome that old Mr. Gu wanted. Even if Gu Jun failed to be the successor in the end, old Mr. Gu would still want to send him to the board of directors.

Both father and son looked at each other for a while, then old Mr. Gu sighed and said slowly, “The media has been notified, and someone will be cleaning this mess up. Now, let me ask you. What exactly is the relationship between you and that An Xiaoyan?”

“You don’t know your relationship with him?”

“Even if he accidentally killed Mu Nan and your unborn child, you two should just be enemies. Yet you took him and Guo Guo to the amusement park. What does that mean?”

“He is taking care of Guo Guo now. I took Guo Guo out to play and I can’t take care of Guo Guo on my own, so I brought him along. What’s wrong with that?” Gu Jun answered so casually as if he were talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

“Don’t you have enough servants at home? Must you bring along an enemy? Since he is your enemy, why do you have to place him by your side to take care of your child? What if he mistreats your child?”

Old Mr. Gu Jun’s questioning tone made Gu Jun a little uncomfortable, but it was not the right time for him to explain his feelings. This matter had been made a big deal. Once old Mr. Gu knew Gu Jun’s thoughts about An Xiaoyan, old Mr. Gu would definitely use his means to stop Gu Jun from seeing An Xiaoyan again.

“Isn’t it a better choice to put him next to my child for redemption of his sin? I want him to pay for his sin. You don’t need to bother about this. I know what I’m doing and when to stop.”

“From now on, you’ll stay at home. I’ll arrange a blind date for you. If there’s a suitable match, get married right away.”

Undoubtedly, marriage was the best way to dispel those older shareholders’ doubts. Once Gu Jun was married, those rumors would naturally come to an end.

“You don’t have to mind my matters!”

When Gu Jun was about to leave, he turned around and was blocked by a group of bodyguards. It seemed that old Mr. Gu was serious about keeping Gu Jun at home!

“As long as you go on the blind date, I will not pursue your relationship with An Xiaoyan, nor will I do anything to him. Since you let him take care of Guo Guo, let it be.”

As the saying goes: “The older, the wiser.” Old Mr. Gu had already sensed that his son had an unusual relationship with An Xiaoyan. In fact, he did not wish to be involved with the younger generation. As someone who was capable of breaking or making his son’s future, he chose to find ways to help him out.

Gu Jun was not that stubborn. Now that his father had given him a choice, if he were to resist further, the one who ended up suffering would absolutely be An Xiaoyan. He had no doubt that his father was capable of making An Xiaoyan disappear from this world to stop the rumors.

Xiaoyan, if you knew my good intentions, you would forgive me.

“Jing, your move was so brilliant. You simply let the news out to the paparazzi and the outcome is amazing,” Gao Shan said happily while lying on Gu Jing’s chest.

“I’m just playing the same old trick. Those older shareholders must be worried now.”

He had never thought of slandering Gu Jun to tarnish his reputation in this way. In fact, he only wanted to play a little trick on Gu Jun. You only have yourself to blame, Gu Jun.

In a pink room, Gu Jun looked coldly at the woman sitting on the opposite side, dressed glamorously and wearing a strong perfume.

This lady was the first blind date that old Mr. Gu had arranged for him, said to be the only daughter of an electric tycoon.

“Are you Gu Jun?” The woman took a good look at Gu Jun with an arrogant face. Her clothes were branded. Though her physical appearance was decent, her gaze looked a little scary.


“I heard that you are the heir apparent of the Gu family?”

“You’re not wrong if you understand it that way.”

“How confident are you that you’ll become the successor?”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t wish to become the successor.”

With a loud bang, the woman slammed the cup on the table and said, “No aspiration and you think of marrying me, who do you think you are? You must be after my family’s money!” After that, she took her bag and left angrily.

Gu Jun was not angry at all. He slowly picked up the red wine on the table and drank it. It was a rare and precious wine, thus it would be a waste not to drink.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with this kind of brainless, arrogant and rich woman.

But there would always be non-defective products.

“Hello, I’m Xiu Yijian.”

“Gu Jun.”

Xiu Yijian extended her right hand, and Gu Jun also extended his hand to hold half of her right hand in return.

“It is rare to be able to come close to such a young boss.”

Though it sounded like praise, Gun Jun felt that this woman was different from the others. At least she could maintain her composure and her temperament seemed good too.

“Unexpectedly, I am old enough to be eligible for blind dates.”

“Miss Xiu, you’re still very young, there’s no need to hurry.”

Xiu Yijian covered her mouth and smiled. “Mr. Gu is really humorous. I’m already 28 years old, considered to be an old spinster.”

“As long as you look young.”

This was Gu Jun’s longest conversation so far. It was because Xiu Yijian did not behave like the other women who asked about the finances or drone on about their families. She only chatted about their personal likes and dislikes, and this made Gu Jun feel comfortable chatting with her.

This was the first time Gu Jun did not feel disgusted during an entire meal.

“Mr. Gu, may I ask a bold question?”

“Miss Xiu, please.”

“What is the relationship between you and An Xiaoyan?”

This simple question made Gu Jun hesitate for a moment. Xiu Yijian did not interrupt him after seeing that he hesitated. Instead, she waited quietly.

What is the relationship between them?

Gu Jun did not have any suitable words to describe how he felt, as it was too complex to describe in just a few words. Though Xiu Yijian looked kind on the surface, she might have a hidden agenda.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Jun answered, “Miss Xiu, I’m sorry I can’t answer this question.”

“It doesn’t matter. Everyone has their own difficulties. You didn’t answer the question for the sake of answering. I have a good impression of you.”

Xiu Yijian was telling the truth, and she had no intention of asking anything more. She was well aware that Gu Jun had a child with Mu Nan as she had investigated him in secret.

“Thank you, Miss Xiu.”

After the meal, Gu Jun had a feeling that Xiu Yijian was not as simple as she seemed.

“Help me check on someone, called Xiu Yijian.”

There was nothing special about the information found. Xiu Yijian was the only daughter of an ordinary businessman’s family. Her father had some connections with Mr. Gu, thus she was listed as one of the matchmaking candidates. She furthered her studies in the United States and studied design. Currently, she worked as a director of a design company. Her way of dealing with things and people had received praise from people around her.

Such a simple background made Gu Jun a little worried. For such a young lady to achieve the position of a director, she must be capable in her ways. It was only a temporary measure to promise old Mr. Gu to go on a blind date and he could not bring himself to be engaged if told.

For so many days, he had been living in the old house. Without the orders of old Mr. Gu, those bodyguards would not retreat.

Lying on a big luxury bed, Gu Jun looked at the pendulum clock on the wall and wondered what An Xiaoyan was doing. It is so late now, he must have gone to bed. Or maybe he is still awake, sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

By his impression, the most common things that An Xiaoyan did were playing with Guo Guo and watching TV on the sofa.

An Xiaoyan’s melancholy eyes and thin body frame flashed in his mind. The more he thought of it, the more he could not fall asleep. He turned on his mobile phone and scrolled through his photo album, then opened up two of the photos to view.

They were photos of An Xiaoyan. One of the photos a side shot of An Xiaoyan looking afar. There was light shining on his face and his eyes seemed to reflect the beautiful colors. It gave people a sense of peace with some amazing feeling mixed in.

In the other photo, An Xiaoyan had both hands on a chair and looking afar too. However, An Xiaoyan looked more joyful in this photo.

Looking back and forth at the two photos, Gu Jun felt that he could look at them enough. Why did I not see the good in An Xiaoyan before?

He was reluctant to look back on the past. At that time, he seemed a bit of a jerk. Now, he is still a jerk.

If there were Casanovas in the world, Gu Jun would certainly pay a lot of money to consult him on how to redeem himself after hurting a person so deeply.

“One day apart seemed like three years” was how Gu Jun felt at the moment.

He had to find a way to end this. Only by keeping An Xiaoyan by his side could he feel at ease.