“These are the best kindergartens in the city. Their students are all members of the nobility. Lessons will start in the morning and end in the afternoon. The teachers in the kindergartens are all graduates from famous universities, including many foreigners. They pay great attention to the children’s education, and are quality-oriented. If young master goes to one of these kindergartens, he will develop well.”

“Hmm, I will take them back and take a look first.”

Before, Guo Guo could barely speak, but now Gu Jun had to consider putting him in a school. Chen Chen knew that Gu Jun had not gotten used to the idea yet.

Gu Jun carefully looked at the profile of several kindergartens and the information looked very similar. Thus, he decided to let An Xiaoyan make the choice instead.

When these school profiles were placed in front of An Xiaoyan, An Xiaoyan was in disbelief that Gu Jun was actually considering a school for Guo Guo. Gu Jun had taken a brief look at the profiles of all the schools and felt that they were generally quite good. In the past, the kindergarten that he went to had only one TV, and the teachers did not teach the students seriously. His teachers would let the students sit around the TV in a circle and watch TV. It can be said that he had learned nothing at that time.

“Which do you think is best?”

With regards to Guo Guo’s education, An Xiaoyan naturally dare not be negligent and looked at the profiles of several schools carefully. Finally, he chose one named “Xuesi International Kindergarten”.

This kindergarten had a distinguishing feature. It paid great attention to the children’s weaknesses, trained the children’s weaknesses, and developed them in a balanced way. Although other parents may pay more attention to the development of their children’s strengths, Guo Guo was different from the other children. At his age, Guo Guo was still unable to express himself well and needed to communicate more with people.

“In the following days, I will be communicating with the school to let Guo Guo try it out for a few days this semester. Once he completes his trial lessons and has adapted to the school, he can start attending classes formally next semester.”

Hearing this, An Xiaoyan felt as if all the blood in his body was surging within him. Finally, Guo Guo would be normal one day, or may even be smarter than those normal children.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Gu.”

“But you will be responsible for bringing him to school and fetching him home from school every single day.”

An Xiaoyan’s smile gradually stiffened. The school was at least ten kilometers away from the villa. How could he bring Guo Guo to school or pick him up?

“Mr. Gu, I really can’t. Walking on foot to school will take too long, and a child will not be able to withstand the long journey.”

The next sentence from Gu Jun surprised An Xiaoyan even more. “In a few days, you can go and learn how to drive, and you’ll be responsible for Guo Guo’s transportation to school.”

“What about the fees for the driving lessons?”

An Xiaoyan had only less than 3000 dollars in total. “Um, if you do not mind, Sir, you can find another person to be the driver. I really do not know anything.”

It was precisely because An Xiaoyan did not know many things that Gu Jun told An Xiaoyan to learn how to drive. Gu Jun wanted to let An Xiaoyan learn many more things gradually.

If hating a person was to make him degenerate, then liking a person would be to make him improve.

“I will pay for your driving lessons at the driving school. You will have to get your driver’s license within a month so that you can bring Guo Guo to school next year.”

“Okay, I will try my best.” If he could make up for his sin as a driver, it would be better than doing nothing at all.

After settling the matters of the school, An Xiaoyan became more enthusiastic in teaching Guo Guo how to speak. Every single day, he would draw many pictures on paper and teach Guo Guo how to recognize the drawn objects and practice speaking. He wanted Guo Guo not to be ostracized by other children at the school.

Time flew by, and the time for Guo Guo to go to school had finally come. Chen Chen came to pick them up to go to the kindergarten. After dropping Guo Guo off at the kindergarten, Chen Chen drove An Xiaoyan to the driving school.

Arriving at the gate of the kindergarten, An Xiaoyan carried Guo Guo out of the car, arranged his small school bag, and reminded Guo Guo again, “If you do not know how to say it, just shake your head. But if you know how, try your best to say it. Remember not to have any conflicts with the other children.”

After watching Guo Guo enter the kindergarten, An Xiaoyan returned to the car.

As it was inconvenient to speak in the presence of a child, after Guo Guo left the car, Chen Chen said, “Mr. An, Mr. Gu personally arranged for you to learn how to drive. He is really good to you.” He did not complete the second half of the sentence. Gu Jun’s offences to An Xiaoyan were too heavy. Even if time could erase the pain, there would still be traces of the pain left behind.

“Well, he wants me to be a driver.”

“That is pretty good.”

An Xiaoyan did not reply and looked at the scenery outside. It had been a long time since he had stepped out of the empty villa. He had been staying in the villa daily.

The festive atmosphere of the New Year on the street was very strong, and it would be New Year’s Day in over a month’s time.

During every festive season, An Xiaoyan would miss his family twice as much as usual and would think of his parents. He had not celebrated the New Year with his parents for four years already, and this year would be the fifth consecutive year. Inexplicable sadness poured into his heart, his eyes felt wet and something seemed to be flowing out of his eyes.

He turned away and wiped his tears with his sleeve. He continued to look out, not wanting Chen Chen to see his embarrassment.

When they arrived at the driving school, Chen Chen led him straight to a room.

“This is Instructor Li. He will be your personal driving instructor until you get your driver’s license.”


The instructor looked affable. He said nothing and took An Xiaoyan to a car and let him have a feel for it.

A month later, An Xiaoyan successfully got his driver’s license. When he saw his photo printed on the driver’s license, it felt incredible.

When he was still in college, he had no extra money to learn how to drive due to his family’s financial background. Thinking of this, An Xiaoyan grinned bitterly. He could not have imagined that he got his driver’s license because his enemy paid for it. This would be considered a strange news if reported.

Guo Guo also successfully completed his trial lessons at the kindergarten. Both Guo Guo and An Xiaoyan had very little interaction time between each other during this month. Once Guo Guo reached home, he ran straight into the arms of An Xiaoyan and greeted him loudly, “Uncle An!”

“Guo Guo is such a good boy. Did you learn a lot of things in school?”

“Uncle, the teacher is very good. He teaches me a lot of things in school.”

Guo Guo had made great progress in his speech development. He was able to express himself much better than before and was able to speak in complete sentences. Before, he had taught for a long time but could only speak simple words.

Nearing the end of the year, everyone in the company was busier with work and Gu Jun did not return to the villa at all. Without Gu Jun, the atmosphere in the villa was not as stifling. The servants would be having their day off on the 28th of December because Gu Jun would always return to the old house every year on that day.

Although Gu Jun had become independent, as long as he was still a member of the Gu Family, he had to go back to the old house on this day. It was an old Gu family house rule.

It was Zhang Zilan’s last check-up for the year and he also brought along an instrument to check the EEG of Guo Guo.

An Xiaoyan stood beside him. His body had been recovering well as Gu Jun had not been home for so long. Every day, he was fed with delicious and nutritious food and drink, thus his body naturally recovered quickly.

Zhang Zilan noticed that An Xiaoyan looked at the EEG instrument from time to time and asked curiously, “No one has ever been curious about this thing, but you are quite interested in it.”

An Xiaoyan nodded, but did not speak.

Usually, after saying this, the other party would naturally not look at it anymore, but An Xiaoyan’s eyes were still fixated on it.

Zhang Zilan turned his head and saw An Xiaoyan looking at the instrument attentively.

It was an eager look, as if to see through the whole screen.

“Can you understand it?”

An Xiaoyan hesitated and nodded.

Although he had not touched these things for several years, when he saw the instrument again, something in his brain seemed to be thriving. The English symbols and wave images felt so familiar to him.

Zhang Zilan was a little curious about this person. The first time he saw An Xiaoyan, he was covered in blood. Subsequently, he saw An Xiaoyan was injured in the rear. And now, this same person was proficient in medical knowledge.

This person gave him a strange feeling. Although he did not know much about the relationship between An Xiaoyan and Gu Jun, from the appearance of An Xiaoyan, he knew that An Xiaoyan was someone who would not act against Gu Jun.

“Did you study medicine before?”

An Xiaoyan replied with a “Hmm” and shook his head again. He added, “I only know a little, and I have no certification or experience to speak of.”

“Hmm.” Zhang Zilan was a little sad to hear this answer. As a family doctor, the saddest thing was that he had no one to discuss his medical skills and share ideas with, unlike those doctors working in big hospitals.

“Young master’s brain waves are generally recovering well, much better than the check-up that I did for him in the beginning of the year. According to this development trend, it will not take more than six months for him to be the same as a normal child. This is considered a medical anecdote. Before, I had done much research but could not find a solution. Now, young master has unexpectedly made such good progress.”

“Maybe it is related to the environment.” There were similar cases in medical history. Many people, who had been diagnosed with incurable diseases in hospitals, had gradually returned to normal due to optimism or other unknowable factors. An Xiaoyan had learned about such cases from his teachers during his internship in the hospital.

“It is possible. I will check on him again next year.” After that, Zhang Zilan packed all the medical equipment and put it in a box. Finally before he left, he wished An Xiaoyan a happy New Year.

“Happy New Year.”

After getting on the car, Zhang Zilan still wondered about the relationship between An Xiaoyan and Gu Jun. He felt that their relationship had changed somewhat. He used to see An Xiaoyan looking half dead, but looking at An Xiaoyan now, he could tell that Gu Jun seemed to cherish An Xiaoyan more than before.

The festive atmosphere of New Year’s Day was really getting stronger.

Gu Jun felt like he was set free after his last meeting of the year as he had been tired out recently. Everyone else had been working hard before going on their annual leave, as they wanted to finish their work on hand and go home comfortably to have a good celebration with their family.

Seeing that it was still early, Gu Jun drove to a 4S shop.

He did not have a great desire for cars. Very often, he would buy luxury cars just for the sake of a status symbol. After all, when discussing about business deals, people would usually drive their Rolls Royce and Lamborghini. It would not appear good on him if he were to drive an ordinary car.

But today was different. He wanted to choose a gift, a unique gift.

Looking at Gu Jun’s dressing, the salesman knew that he was an eligible bachelor, thus did not dare to be negligent and hurried over to enquire on his interest.

“Sir, what kind of car do you want to see? Here are the latest series. There is a showroom that displays the cars. You can try it out.”

Gu Jun took a casual look and had a brief impression of the cars. This time, he did not need a luxury car, but a practical one.