Chapter 107 - Worth It

Chapter 107: Worth It

October third, ten o’clock a.m, Hanlin Hotel in A City

Gu Jun brought Guo Guo here. Hanlin Hotel was known for its food. Guo Guo hadn’t eaten anything good recently. Thankfully, An Xiaoyan cooked often, so Guo Guo was still chubby and cute.

When Gu Jun walked into the VIP room on the third floor, he found people sitting there already.

Old Mr. Gu was sitting the furthest in. Gao Shan, Xiu Yijian, and a few assistants were also there.

“You’re here? Sit down.”

Gu Jun walked Guo Guo to the side and sat down. He didn’t try to be polite and immediately put some food on Guo Guo’s plate.

“Eat first. We have to talk about some things. If you can’t reach a dish, let me know.”

None of the others had started eating. Gu Jun didn’t feel shy about this. After all, he who had nothing, had nothing to fear.

“Gu Jun, you probably know a bit of what we’ll say today. What thoughts do you have?”

Gu Jun peeled an emperor crab for Guo Guo. “No thoughts. I think I’m living well now. There’s no need for me to compete for that position.”

“Gu Jun, come back,” Gao Shan urged. “You’re raising a kid by yourself and you don’t have a high-paying job. How can you give Guo Guo a good life? How can our type of family let our kids live like a civilian?”

Gu Jun didn’t reply. What was the big deal about wealthy families? Wasn’t money accumulated bit by bit? He had a businessman’s mind. He might have the capital to start his own company in a few years.

“You all were the ones who forced me into this state and now you want me back. What does this mean? I don’t think it’s needed.”

“Nonsense,” Old Mr. Gu refuted. “We didn’t force you at all. You voluntarily became the chairman.”

Guo Guo had eaten a lot. He wiped his mouth and didn’t want Gu Jun to keep giving him food. He focused on the bird’s nest soup before him.

“Then what was the thing with Xiu Yijian? I refused to take wedding pictures, so you imprisoned my son. You really worked so hard for my marriage.”

Guo Guo was beside him, so he didn’t yell. The soup was almost done and he didn’t think there was any point in continuing to talk, so he picked up his son and left.

“Daddy, why were you angry at Grandpa?”

“Your grandpa did something bad and can’t be forgiven, so I was angry. Don’t mind it. Are you full now?”

“Yeah, I’m full.”

Gu Jun smiled. “That’s good. I’ll take you to the swimming pool. I didn’t teach you how to swim last year. How about I teach you this year?”

“Yay!” Guo Guo exclaimed.

Gu Jun wasn’t angry anymore. On the other hand, Old Mr. Gu was pissed. He’d already lowered himself so much, but he’d still been rejected. If Gu Jing wasn’t a failure, he wouldn’t let Gu Jun go. He’d wanted to teach Gu Jun a lesson, but it seemed that he hadn’t changed much.

“Since he won’t agree, we can only go to court. Go notify the city’s court.”

Gao Shan was a bit worried. The old man’s perspective didn’t make sense at all and rashly using the law wasn’t that good. However, she had no power. Gu Jing was resting in the hospital and she was pregnant. She needed the old man for a source of income.

Seeing this, Xiu Yijian sneered inwardly. This was Old Mr. Gu’s last struggle.

City swimming pool

“Sir, it’s 100 dollars for both of you. If you didn’t bring swimsuits, you can buy one over there,” the worker kindly reminded.

Gu Jun’s salary was around 20,000 dollars after becoming an official employee. He decided he had enough money. He’d brought a lot to A City too, so he spent a few hundred on swimwear and brought Guo Guo to the pool.

“Daddy, so many ducks.”

There were many kids in the shallow end with floaties. Many colorful balls and ducks floated on the water too.

“Yeah. When I make money in the future, I can build a swimming pool again. By then, you can swim with Daddy Yan. Isn’t that great? Son, when I get with Uncle An in the future, you can call him Daddy Yan.”

“Yay! Daddy Yan, Daddy Yan!”

After playing in the pool for an afternoon, Gu Jun swam by himself for a few laps and then brought Guo Guo back to the hotel.

As soon as he sat down in the hotel, his phone buzzed. Chen Chen texted him that An Xiaoyan had come back.

Gu Jun stared at the words for a long time. After confirming that it was right, he fell onto the bed and started laughing. He was sure that An Xiaoyan cared about him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t return to that place time and time again.

As he laughed, tears suddenly flowing down his face. The man lay on the big bed in the hotel room and started crying while covering his eyes.

“Daddy, why are you crying?”

Wiping his eyes, Gu Jun said, “Daddy’s happy. Daddy’s really happy. Your Daddy Yan is coming.”

The day he’d waited for so long was finally here. Gu Jun thought that everything that happened before was worth it.

During his trial period, he’d passed out flyers under the August sun. He’d sat on so many buses to meet clients, running around in low quality clothes. He’d raised Guo Guo, six cats, and a dog all by himself. No matter how busy he was, he’d always walk the dog outside. He had to pretend to be strong in front of his son. This way, when his son grew up, he could tell Guo Guo that he’d survived the hard times.

An Xiaoyan called Chen Chen as soon as he got off the plane. The delivery slip before had his number on it.

Chen Chen answered quickly. After An Xiaoyan explained himself, Chen Chen quickly went to pick him up. It seemed that everything would soon be over.

To avoid suspicion, Chen Chen purposely took An Xiaoyan to another hotel. After arranging everything, they ordered two beers to drink from the hotel’s bar.

“Do you know what happened to Gu Jun?”

“I know.” An Xiaoyan drank some beer to calm himself. “Can you tell me everything?”

The bar was very peaceful. Slow music played while the bartender made drinks at the bar.

An Xiaoyan listened to Chen Chen start with Gu Jun planning to sell his properties. Finally, he said that Gu Jun had sold all his private property, even his houses, so he could only rent an apartment.

An Xiaoyan listened quietly. It was so long ago, but it sounded so recent.

“Do you remember the Honda you drove before?”

An Xiaoyan grunted. Gu Jun had told him to drive, but he unfortunately didn’t use it much.

“He bought it just for you. It’s under your name. He sold all his cars except that one. He said it’s because it’s for you.”

Chen Chen patted An Xiaoyan’s shoulder before leaving. An Xiaoyan got a cup of soda and sat at the bar alone.

Gu Jun would rather become poor than marry. He just wishes you can forgive him. It’s hard for him to raise the kid alone. He knows you hate him. He wouldn’t want you to know how many hardships he’s experienced.

Chen Chen’s words rang in his mind. When Da Zhou had told him how different Gu Jun was, he didn’t really believe it. He realized that Gu Jun had already given everything up at that time.

In the end, Chen Chen told him that there would a trial at the city’s court tomorrow. He could decide to go or not. Chen Chen just wished he could face his feelings.

The trial started at ten o’clock in the morning. Both representatives arrived on time. Old Mr. Gu had hired a lawyer just for this. Gu Jun only brought Guo Guo with and told the kid to listen in the back.

The presiding judge read Old Mr. Gu’s appeal. As expected, it wrote that Gu Jun was now the only living heir of the Gu Group and he must take the position of chairman. Otherwise, he would go against his father and damage the family’s interests.

The Gu Group was so powerful in A City that even the mayor had to respect it. Since inheritances were a family matter, the judge had to listen to both sides before deciding.

“As the sole heir of the Gu Group,” Old Mr. Gu’s lawyer said, “Gu Jun must take up the responsibility of the family’s fate. He had been the chairman of the Gu Group before, but he’d violated the contract. If he comes back, he can be forgiven.”

The lawyer was completely lying. Gu Jun produced his contract. The stamp that terminated the contract had gone into effect. After the judge looked at it, he said that Gu Jun hadn’t broken the contract. It was a normal termination.

“Judge, you understand the Gu family’s situation. We can’t not have an heir. If our fortune goes to an outsider, it’ll be troublesome to A City’s economic growth too.”

The profit that the Gu Group brought to A City was hard to ignore. It had also attracted many talents, improving A City’s innovation and economy. If the Gu Group fell, it would be disastrous for A City.

The judge and the officers discussed the matter for a while. The judge then said, “Let’s adjourn for 30 minutes and continue afterward.”

Old Mr. Gu’s people relaxed. Threatening the future of A City put pressure on the court. Old Mr. Gu would do everything to reach his goal.

Gu Jun walked to the jury. Only Chen Chen and Guo Guo sat on his side. The other side was a big group. There was a stark contrast. As soon as he sat down, Guo Guo handed him a bottle, cutely telling his dad to drink.

“An Xiaoyan learned of everything yesterday,” Chen Chen said. “I told him about today’s trial too. If he’s forgiven you, he should be here today.”

Gu Jun looked to the door. No one walked in or out. He was already happy that An Xiaoyan came to A City. He didn’t dream about An Xiaoyan coming to court.

“I won’t give in no matter what.” Gu Jun opened the bottle and sat on the bench, looking up at the brown ceiling. Old Mr. Gu’s side was chattering. Gu Jun was at an advantage now, so Old Mr. Gu couldn’t do anything to him.

An Xiaoyan had debated in the hotel until ten o’clock. Then, gritting his teeth, he got a taxi to the courthouse. After arriving, he looked at the national symbol hanging on the building and the somber aura. He sat on the steps.

What was Gu Jun doing now? They were probably debating intensely. Gu Jun didn’t have money now. What if he couldn’t afford a lawyer? In An Xiaoyan’s opinion, returning to the Gu Group was good. At least his life would be good, but Gu Jun had already given it up once.

While he was sitting there, a group passed by him. They were all in a hurry with a serious expression. Looking at the mass’ backs, he thought that the tall steps led to a sacred place.

No matter how many times you succeeded or failed, your supporters would always stand behind you, supporting you quietly. He wondered if Gu Jun had that many people behind him.

Another small group passed by An Xiaoyan. Looking at them enter, he stood up, dusted himself off, and started climbing the steps.

This was his last decision. Whether it was right or wrong, it was the path he had chosen.

The steps were made of smooth stone. Walking on it was comfortable. After An Xiaoyan asked for the courtroom, he stood outside the door.

He couldn’t hear anything through the closed door. Pushing it forcefully, he saw a mass of people. Thankfully, he’d worn a shirt with a hood today. Covering his face with the hood, he crept in and sat in the back row on Gu Jun’s side.

“Mr. Gu Jun, you know how important this inheritance is. You are also better at running the Gu Group, but you keep rejecting it. You even quit once. Can you tell me why?”