Chapter 302 Sign The Divorce Agreement

Name:Remedy For Love Author:Gu Xiaoshi
Ding Ding

The bell in the distance rang twelve times. In the tower of the Cottage of Malcolm and Poppi, Malcolm and Poppi were half leaning on the bed, intimate.

Malcolm was naked upper body, breathing steadily, but there was still a little sweat on his chest. He held Poppi's shoulders, grabbed her hands and gave her a gentle kiss. Then, he touched her belly. His face was slightly red and he asked with his ears turning red, "um, is the baby all right?"

Poppi shook her head slightly and could not say a word because of shyness.

"Are you sleepy?" Malcolm asked again.

"Are you sleepy?" Seeing that Malcolm had changed the topic, Poppi began talking.

"I'm not sleepy." Malcolm curled his lips and stared at the merry go round, his eyes full of tenderness. How could he be sleepy? Holding Poppi like this, he wouldn't be sleepy even if he didn't sleep for the whole night.

"I'm not sleepy, either." Poppi moved her body and pressed her face against Malcolm. She was afraid that if she fell asleep again, she would not see him.

"Now that you're in a special situation, it's past twelve o'clock. You should go to bed." Malcolm raised his hand and rubbed the hair of Poppi.

Poppi smiled and did not answer but asked, "did you buy that merry go round?"

"I bought and put them together myself. I am awesome, right?" Malcolm raised his eyebrows, waiting for her praise.

"Well done!" "Can I take it with me?" Poppi smiled back and asked

"Take it away? No way. " Malcolm shook his head and said, "you don't have to take it with you right now. When it is needed, you'll come back. It's useless to take it with you now."

"All right." Poppi shrugged and said.

"What do you think Is it a boy or a girl? " Malcolm became more interested in it. He looked straight at Poppi with his sparkling eyes and said, "how about giving our baby a name now?"

Poppi said, "Are we just imagining without any basis? You should at least have a good dictionary, "

"Yes, I have a dictionary!" Malcolm nodded heavily, moved his body and said: "wait a moment, I'll go to the study to get it! It will be quick! "

"But..." Poppi opened her mouth but didn't say anything. Instead, she nodded in agreement when she saw Malcolm's happy face. "Okay, come back soon."

"Okay." Malcolm stood up, fetched a bath towel to wrap his lower part of the body, and ran out excitedly.

"What?" After Malcolm left, Poppi couldn't help yawning. Although she was really sleepy, she couldn't let Malcolm down.

Before long, Malcolm came back with a thick notebook and a pen. "Let's choose some good words together, okay?"

"Okay." Poppi nodded her head and sat next to Malcolm, together with Malcolm.

"Right, the letter is ina. Remember it first. It can be used in the name of a girl..."

"The men's words... I like them very much..."

"Both a man and a woman can be named 'an' softly '"

As time went by, Poppi and Malcolm looked for a dozen words, which covered a piece of paper. Malcolm handed it to Poppi in an arrogant manner and said, "let's

did not expect that they really divorced. Instead, she felt a little depressed.

"No buts. It's my choice." Poppi smiled. "Well, then I'll go to work now. I still have a lot of things to do."

No one spoke and just watched Poppi leave dully.

The smile on Poppi's face faded with each step she took out. From now on, she decided to keep her heart at bay, and only when she met him again, she would be able to turn herself into a better person.

Two months later, Benson was discharged from the hospital, and Emily's verdict came down.

"The defendant, Emily Pei, a woman, from Ye city, and the former general manager of Pei group, is detained by the Public Security Department of Ye city for being suspected of fraud and manipulating stock market. The people's Procuratorate of Ye city declared that the defendant, Emily Pei, was involved in the crimes of fraud and controlling the stock market. The people's Procuratorate charged the case to the police on May 10, 2016. The court shall be organized according to law and conducted a public trial. Now the case is over. "

"The court think that the defendant, Emily Pei, has embezzled public funds and illegally raised funds, drove up Pei group's stock price. According to law, Emily Pei's action composed guilty of fraud and control of stock market. The first branch of people's Procuratorate of Ye city issued a case against the case of attempted fraud and the accusation of manipulating stock market. The evidence was indeed sufficient, and the case was convicted. Given that the defendant has the tendency of turning herself in, we will give her a light punishment. "

"According to the article of the criminal law, Emily Pei is sentenced to five years imprisonment, a sentence of one year' probation for fraud and controlling the stock market, and 20 thousand dollars of punishment."

Emily had accepted the reality. When she received the verdict, she just touched her stomach and said to the little guy inside, "it's okay. Mom can accompany you until you are born."