"Do you want me to like her?"

In the face of Min Yuchen's problem, min Yuxin thought, "if there is no sister-in-law before, I naturally hope you like her and marry the person you like. It's a very happy thing. But I know that you don't like her. You only marry her because it's suitable. But after all, we grew up. Even if sister Xiaoyuan went abroad for a long time, we all get along well. I always thought that sister Xiaoyuan is different in your heart. "

But today, the elder brother's attitude made her feel a little sad for Xiaoyuan's sister. But when she thought of the fifth thought, she felt that her behavior was a little too wrong with her sister-in-law, so she was very contradictory now.

"Xin'er, when you meet someone you like, you will understand."

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait a long time. You should take good care of yourself when you are outside. Don't ignore everything when you are busy."


When the afternoon min Yuchen came back, looking at the fifth Nian with an injured face, bruised body.

It's not hot yet, and then it's just the door.

It took him more than an hour to come back, and he was also injured.

Everyone knows that he must have gone to Han Zhihan to settle accounts, but no one dares to ask.

The fifth thought turned over and arched into a familiar embrace.

Subconsciously in my mind, I remember that my husband is very busy recently and has no time to come back.

She opened a pair of cold eyes, on the face of a piece of blue and purple min Yuchen, there are a few seconds is not back to God.

When the fifth thought arched into his arms, he woke up, "what are you looking at me for?"

"Your face..." The slender finger lightly touched min Yuchen's injured cheek, but he didn't even frown. "Did you fight with Han Zhihan?" In addition to him, no more naive people will accompany min Yuchen to the end.

"Well, I beat him."

"But you are so tired every day. You still have time to spend time with him and vent your emotions. That's good. Min Yuchen, you are really good friends."

As if he had been torn down, he coughed twice. "Han Zhihan agreed to help us find Han Xiaoyuan."

"Do you know what Han Xiaoyuan likes?"

Min Yuchen shook his head.

"Do you know where Han Xiaoyuan likes to go?"

Min Yuchen shook his head again.

The fifth thought decided not to ask, asked him can not find the answer.

Han Zhihan knows where Han Xiaoyuan will go and will never make a mistake.

He took a look at Min Yuchen, and said with a gnash of teeth, "they used to hold a wedding cruise."

At that time, Han Xiaoyuan fell into the sea before her wedding was held. This is the knot of her life, which has never been solved.

This matter should not disturb too many people, only the fifth thought, Han Zhihan, min Yuchen, don't read.

The soldiers are divided into two groups: the fifth Nian and min Yuchen, and the Han Zhihan and Wu Nian.

There are two groups who can do magic. Through their own advantages, they can find Han Xiaoyuan faster.

There are other guests on the ship. Today, there is a couple who are going to get married. Han Zhihan managed the staff on the cruise ship to get in.

Looking for a circle did not find the figure of Han Xiaoyuan, finally the fifth read proposal, "go to the place where Han Xiaoyuan fell into the sea to see."

Han Zhihan looked at Min Yuchen coldly, "I'm afraid you don't know where Xiaoyuan fell from?"

Min Yuchen doesn't make a sound, and the three follow Han Zhihan on the deck again.

At the beginning, when he learned that his sister fell from this position, he was heartache, even helpless. I still vaguely remember her little blood on it, and I don't know where it was when I was struggling. Now I think of it, he still feels uncomfortable.

"Here it is!"

Fifth Nian picked up the compass and felt the magnetic field here. She was always in disorder. "She should have been here."

"Where is Yuanyuan now? We've searched all over the hall, and we haven't seen her at all. " Han Zhihan is in a hurry. He is afraid that he will lose the clue in front of him, and she doesn't know where to go.

The fifth Nian asked, "when did Han Xiaoyuan die?"

Han Zhihan did not hesitate to say this heartbreaking time, as if portrayed in his mind, clearly told himself to forget, when others ask, he will easily know the time.

The fifth read and don't read together pinch finger twist up, both sides looked at each other, heart yelled a bad, "catch up with the overcast year overcast month overcast day overcast, Han Xiaoyuan is to replace the ghost." No wonder this night can't find her figure, clearly can feel her traces, but always can't find her.

"No, there's a wedding bride on the cruise ship." Don't think about the critical moment, the head is still more smart, suddenly locked the target.

Without thinking, they turned around and ran to the hall. Sure enough, the wedding ceremony ended. It was the bride's turn to appear, but they never saw her. They were worried about a group of people around them."She just stood next to me. How can people say that if she doesn't, it's gone?" The maid of honor was scared and cried. Just one second before, she was still talking. The next second, there was no one. Can they not be afraid?

"When did the man disappear?" Fifth, ask.

"Not a minute or so."

The fifth thought of the place before Han Xiaoyuan's death, biting his teeth in hatred, "Damn it, I used the plan to divert the tiger from the mountain."

With these words, they all know where Han Xiaoyuan went with her bride?

As soon as the four men ran, they scared the others. After only three seconds of hesitation, they chased them out.

Perhaps some people are really concerned about the bride, but the vast majority of people or in order to watch the excitement, they chased out together.

Sure enough, I saw the bride on the deck, but the fifth thought saw another soul.

She stood on the deck and moved her lips slightly, evoking a touch of irony.

The bride's parents waved, "daughter, today is your best day. What are you going to do? Come back soon. " Now the scene is so chaotic that they can't tell the good from the bad.

"Guo'er, come down quickly. Don't stand so high. It's too dangerous." At this time, even the groom is greeting his wife.

Her eyes fell on one of the bridesmaids, who had just cried that the bride had disappeared. "Tell me why, even your brother-in-law seduced you!" When she said this, she looked very excited, and there were crystal tears in her eyes.

This words a, bridesmaid and bridegroom all flustered, look to the bride fruit in a daze.

"Guo Er, have you misunderstood something?"

"Sister, I'm used to joking with my brother-in-law. If you feel uncomfortable, I won't talk about it next time. But you really misunderstood us

"Misunderstanding?" She couldn't help laughing, "there are so many misunderstandings in the world. Yang Sheng, you betrayed our feelings. " Once she believed him so much.

Han Xiaoyuan stood aside, constantly egging on, "the world has been so dirty, do you want to revenge them?"

The bride, Guo'er, nodded busily and whispered, "they betrayed me, and I don't want to live anymore. I want them to live forever in guilt and fear." Then she raised her skirt. Jump to the big blue child.

The crowd on the third floor of the interior and the third floor of the exterior surrounded the deck. In the face of this accident, they were shocked.

At this time, a faster figure rushed past and grasped the bride's hand.

There is a touch of white under the bride's shaking skirt, which is just Han Xiaoyuan.

By using the bride's weak willpower to stimulate and intensify the contradiction between them, Han Xiaoyuan can find the weak point of willpower. Only in this way can Han Xiaoyuan succeed so quickly that the bride jumps into the sea and repeats her tragedy.

As long as there is a mourning ghost to be her substitute, she will have more powerful power to stay in this world and stay with brother Chen.

Han Xiaoyuan raised a white cold face, and the bride panic Zhang face up and down opposite, jinguoer can't help screaming.

"There's a ghost!"

"Brother, why are you?" Han Xiaoyuan doesn't believe that she is about to succeed, and the last person to stop her step is her own brother.

Han Zhihan took jinguo'er's hand and said, "Damn it, don't shake it."

Jin Guo'er closed her eyes tightly, but she didn't dare to open them. "It's not me shaking, it's the ghost below."

"Yuanyuan, don't be wrong again and again."