Chapter 598

After Gao Xiaodong's goal, the Chelsea man also got a kick-off, but they failed to complete an attack. The referee, Gonzalez, sounded the sound of the end of the game.

The whistle sounded, and there was a tsunami of applause in the stands.

"High! High! High! "

tens of thousands of fans chanted the name of Gao Xiaodong together, and they gathered all their excitement and admiration on this name.

The old players of Inter Milan are even more excited than the fans. After 45 years of humiliation, everyone is very happy. They take off their shirts, punch, roar, clap and vent their emotions in different ways.

However, there is also disharmony at this time, because inter goalkeeper Toldo was sent off, in this world shaking war, Balotelli was not able to play, which made Balotelli very unhappy. When the players and fans celebrated, he took off his shirt and fell to the ground.

Although the team-mates did not pay attention to this scene, but the reporters are shooting a positive, after the game, Balotelli's behavior also caused an uproar.

Another problem is Sneijder. Gao Xiaodong went to play as a goalkeeper. Sneijder took on the important task of attacking the core. However, Sneijder failed to score goals for Inter. Finally, Gao Xiaodong made a long-range shot to finish the final for Inter.

After this game, Sneijder wants to win the core position from Gao Xiaodong's hand is almost impossible.

The reporters gave Inter's players time to celebrate and then began to interview the players.

Milito, Eto'o, Lucio, Cambiasso and others are all interviewed by the reporters. Now they are all convinced of Gao Xiaodong.

"It was a very difficult game, but we won and we are all happy because we have to win," said Milito. The goal of our team today is to win and we did it. You always worry about losing goals at home, but we are not scared by our opponents. After sending off Toldo, we still don't give up. Gao Xiaodong's goal is the best reward for us. Xiaodong is today's savior, he decided the game

Eto'o told reporters: "although the score is not ideal, but in this difficult situation to win the game, it is absolutely a miracle, now we will go to London to lock qualification. I'm sure it'll be another great game because we'll have a good team then. You ask me what position is suitable for Gao Xiaodong? I don't know. He's a player I've never seen before

Lucio has been praising Gao Xiaodong in the interview. "When Toldo was sent off, I felt that we were finished and there was no hope, but Gao Xiaodong saved the team. He was absolutely omnipotent. With him in the back, I was very relieved. He even let me relax than Cesar He is a fantastic player. He can score in any position. You don't want him to score unless you send him off

Of course, Gao Xiaodong is the focus of reporters' pursuit. After the victory over Chelsea, Gao Xiaodong is very excited and willing to answer reporters' questions.

Reporter: "why do you keep the goal? At that time, you obviously had the third goalkeeper Orlando in, what did you say to mussio at that time? "

Xiao Dong:" I told Jos é, let me keep the goal, it's not that Orlando is bad or disrespectful to him, but that he is too old for such a fierce game, we need to win, we can't lead to failure because of humility and humility. "

Reporter: "why does Jose allow you to keep the goal?"

"Because when I was training in the team, I showed my goal keeping skills. Jose believes I can finish the task."

Reporter: "is the last ball a coincidence?"

Xiao Dong: "if you think it's a coincidence, I can't help it. It's a miracle."

Reporter: "now you have scored five goals in the Champions League, second only to Ronaldo's six. Do you think you can still get the best shooter in the Champions League?"

Xiaodong: "that is not important, the important thing is whether the team can win the championship."

Journalist: do you think Inter can win the championship

Xiao Dong: "I think so. The curse of defeating Premier League teams in 45 years' knockout has been broken, and the history of not winning the championship in 45 years should come to an end."

The reporter said unkindly: "do you hear what the fans are shouting? God, how do you feel? "

Small winter tactful way: "I think the fans are shouting God, God's goal."

The reporter said: "well, now how far do you think Inter are from promotion?"

Xiaodong: "there are 90 minutes left."

Reporter: "will you win at Stamford Bridge?"

Xiao Dong: "we all won if we are one less. Do you think we will win the next game? Let's go back to take a bath."

While Gao Xiaodong was interviewed, inter president Moratti was also interviewed on the inter channel.

Moratti said: "we played very well and it was not an easy game. Our opponents are in good condition. They are physically strong and fast. They run all over the game and always run well. But Inter hit back perfectly"Gao Xiaodong's performance is fantastic. He scored that goal. I think he can even score another one if necessary. Milito's goal is a typical Milito style goal, a dream goal. It's very important to win tonight, not just for the Champions League, but for everything

"I have no doubt about my team. I know my players and, more importantly, I know Jose. They have made a good preparation for this game. Let Gao Xiaodong to guard, this is the typical style of Jose, except for him, no one dares to take such a risk. He knows how to adjust his team with different tactical systems and how to adjust according to the situation of the game

"Gao Xiaodong's performance is undoubtedly decisive. From this game alone, I think he can win the golden ball award. Besides Xiao Dong, Lucio's performance is incredible and he is full of courage. He didn't make any mistakes tonight. "

Ancelotti was annoyed that he lost the game after playing one more man. He said in a press conference after the game that he was most disappointed in the Champions League final against Liverpool in Istanbul.

"We should have won 3-1, but we lost 1-2. It's really frustrating. It's a fantastic game. I didn't know how to describe my mood

"But we haven't been eliminated. It's just that the game has become more difficult. There are still 90 minutes left. At Stamford Bridge, we have the ability to beat Inter. In the history of Chelsea's Champions League, we have lost 2-1 on the road five times. We have two turnovers. So, the hope is still great. We have confidence in ourselves."

"Cech's injury is sad, he is of great significance to Chelsea, but Hilario is also trustworthy. He didn't make too many mistakes in the game, but he didn't cooperate well enough. After two weeks, I believe he will become the most reliable goalkeeper."

However, he stressed the significance of the game.

"Only I and the players of inter know the significance of this victory. Before that, we haven't won in the knockout for three years. We haven't won in the Premier League in the knockout for 45 years. It's a shameful record. It's a heavy mountain, but Xiaodong kicked the mountain down with his last kick. He made us believe that we can win To defeat any opponent

"We don't want to go away now. We just need to celebrate. If you have to ask me what the next game will be like at Stamford Bridge, I'll tell you that I don't know anyone from Chelsea in the 90 minutes of the game. If we win at Stamford Bridge, I won't celebrate."