Chapter 606

On the 16th, at 7:45 p.m., inter and Chelsea came out of the dressing room, but they still couldn't hide the light of Jose.

Jose is in front of the home team's stand to sign for the fans of Chelsea, the flash is almost focused on him, the visiting team coach to sign for the home team fans, in the whole world football, this should be the only one.

Seeing this scene, Gao Xiaodong is jealous. In a team, the manager is more famous and popular than the players. It is estimated that only Jose can do it.

Ancelotti's face is gloomy. He is not jealous, but worried, because it will give Inter's players greater confidence and make the home court of Chelsea lose its deterrent power to the visiting players and fans.

However, after the start of the game, Ancelotti's face was even worse.

Because inter won the first leg, inter only need a draw to qualify. Ancelotti thinks that Inter will defend and counterattack. From the starting line-up, Sneijder didn't play and Gao Xiaodong played in the middle, which makes Ancelotti think that Inter will defend. However, after the start of the game, Ancelotti found that inter didn't play They put their focus on defense and started to attack at the beginning.

Inter attack from the side, left back Zanetti and right back Maicon are not conservative at all, from the first minute on the bold forward pressure, to attack two of Chelsea.

Sky sports commentator Mazzola shocked: "what does Jose want to do? Does he really want to break the 21 home unbeaten record of Chelsea?"? Inter only need a draw to qualify

Roman Abramovich stands in the VIP box, he quietly looks at the side of the court, he is not surprised by Inter's attack, he is not surprised by what he does. If he is not different, it is not him. He is worried about whether he will beat his Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.

Emma Watson and Zhukova are chatting, but half of her attention is on Gao Xiaodong, the heart of Inter's midfield.

Only half a year ago, Gao Xiaodong has become the most popular new star in the world football world. Even in the United States, Emma Watson often hears Gao Xiaodong's name. It's unexpected for Emma Watson that this unattractive Chinese teenager is so popular.

Zanetti's left wing was pierced by Chelsea right back novanovic in the first leg, and Kalou's goal was passed by novanovic.

This round, before the game, Jose made an account, attack out, forcing Ivanovic back to defense, do not let him bold assists.

Although sanetti is the oldest of 22 people on the field, he has good self-discipline, strong physical ability and long-distance attack ability. He led the ball through the half court, Gao Xiaodong took the ball while playing, and the two played a triangle attack with Eto'o on the side. Sanetti pretended to be the bottom of the side, cheated Ivanovic and suddenly crossed the ball to the front of the restricted area.

Gao Xiaodong has now returned from the side to the middle. He is as unpredictable as a striker. He has got rid of Mikel, who is at the back of the Chelsea team. At the front of the penalty area, he received a pass from Zanetti and fired furiously.

Gao Xiaodong bullied Chelsea. The goalkeeper was young Turnbull, but the ball was blocked by centre back Alex.

Gao Xiaodong's shooting power is very strong, and the strong Alex is also squatting on the ground without breathing.

After the ball was blocked, it was snatched by Cambiasso. Cambiasso passed it to Gao Xiaodong, who passed it to Maicon under Mikel's pressure.

In the first leg, Maicon's opponent was Malouda, who played as a guest left back. This time Malouda was replaced by Zhirkov, who was the substitute left back. However, Maicon was also fearless and took the ball to overtake Zhirkov.

What is domineering? That's bullying.

As the world's first right back, Maicon has a psychological advantage in facing any full back. Today, when he and Zanetti are allowed to attack, Maicon naturally doesn't want to fall behind Zanetti.

Pandev in front of Maicon is also very cooperative. Seeing Maicon charging with the ball, he cleverly cuts to the ribs of the penalty area to help Maicon open the defense.

Zhirkov guarded the flank and thought maikong was going to go down, but he didn't think that after the old demon maikong swayed twice, he cut into the forbidden area horizontally.

Zhirkov was caught off guard and almost knocked down by maikon.

Maikong into the penalty area, not waiting for Terry to arrive, direct small angle shot.

Although the goalkeeper Turnbull is young and has no experience in the Champions League, he is not free. He moved over in time and blocked Maicon's shot out of the bottom line.

When Gao Xiaodong came to take a corner kick, he Hui, a Chinese commentator, exclaimed: "in less than five minutes, inter finished two shots and got a corner kick. One was passed by the left back and the other was shot directly by the right back. Jose is very clever in tactics today. It is estimated that Ancelotti will swear at the moment."

Chelsea head coach Carlo Ancelotti is really restless. He knows that the attack of Chelsea depends on the side. If the side is limited, Chelsea can only go through the restricted area which they are not good at, or the long pass with low efficiency which Carlo Ancelotti does not look up to.Gao Xiaodong sent a corner, Inter's centre back Lucio and Samuel came to fight for the top, Gao Xiaodong curved the ball to find Lucio, the ball was headed out of the penalty area by Terry.

Eto'o grabbed the ball with a volley, but it flew straight out of the crossbar.

At the beginning of the game, inter told the Chelsea people with a three footed shot and a corner kick that they didn't want to set off for them today. They want to make the final eight at Stamford Bridge today.

After being held down by Inter Milan for seven minutes, Chelsea finally found a chance to fight back. Inter made a mistake in passing the ball, and Lampard snatched it and then made a long pass to find Malouda.

Malouda, who returned from left back to left front, showed good form. After receiving a long pass from Lampard, he quickly cut across the penalty area of Inter Milan before Maicon came back.

Lucio see Maicon back to defend, quickly fill the edge, but Malouda deal with the ball quickly, Lucio has not been out of the penalty area, Malouda rushed in.

Lucio was not afraid. When Malouda wanted to change direction to break through him, he grabbed decisively, kicked the ball out, and then knocked Malouda to the ground.

Malouda fell to the ground and asked for a penalty, but the German referee stark ignored it.

This time Maicon didn't come back, he turned around and killed the half of Chelsea, the attack consciousness was very strong.

The fierce Maicon attracted the attention of the Chelsea people, but Pandev was ignored. When the Macedonian panda saw Gao Xiaodong get rid of Mikel with the ball, he suddenly tilted to the gap between the full back and the centre back.

Gao Xiaodong is watching his teammates' movement. Seeing the opportunity coming, he resolutely shoves the ball straight to the rib of the Chelsea penalty area to find Pandev.

"Good ball!"

"That's the vision!"

"Like a scalpel!"


The fans of inter were both surprised and happy. They couldn't help praising Gao Xiaodong's pass.

It's a beautiful movement to drive the pass. Although the defender of Chelsea found Pandev's movement, he couldn't keep up with it. Pandev entered the penalty area and faced the attacking goalkeeper Turnbull to push the far corner.

This time, the hearts of the Chelsea fans cool, feel that this is dangerous!

At the moment, it's too late for goalkeeper Turnbull to fall to the ground. He didn't touch the ball and the ball flew straight to the back corner.

As the ball was about to enter, full back Ivanovic suddenly rushed over and shoved the ball out of the goal line, avoiding the cup opening of the first round.