This time, Li Ling hit hard.

Before, Li Ling had never thought to frustrate anyone. It was his first time to treat Ding Shijun.

Li Ling doesn't believe that Ding Shijun can survive after being frustrated.

After Li Ling made Ding Shijun into powder very ferociously, Wang Xianhe and Pang Zishan were a little scared.

They have to be afraid.

Li Ling was in a hurry at this juncture. How could the consequences not be serious.

Pang Zishan frowned: "if you can't threaten Li Zailin with a woman, I'm afraid you have to fight."

At the moment, Pang Zishan still felt he could play a dozen.

However, there is no chance for him to play.

At this critical moment, Li Ling had flown to Pang Zishan's side and stabbed him with a sword according to his back heart.

That Pang Zishan didn't even react, so he died suddenly.

Perhaps the Pang family never believed that such an excellent eldest son of their family could die so quickly.

Pangzishan is excellent in every way.

It was cultivated by Pang Wendong, the owner of the Pang family, as the future heir.

But it's useless.

Li Ling said kill.

Didn't the pangs say that Li Ling owed their family a blood debt? Let's make it bigger!

Anyway, things have developed to this point. No one can be alone.

Wang Xianhe knew he deserved to die, so his decision after seeing this scene was to run away.

At least this guy is Renyao's No. 2 man. How can he run?

But there is no way. He is not a fool. He has seen the gap between himself and Li Ling. If he doesn't run again, he will die next.

But what's the use of running.

There is no way.

Li Ling directly turned and caught up with him, and even jumped in front of Wang Xianhe.


Just when Wang Xianhe was not ready, his head was directly cut off by Li Ling.

It's that simple.

Li Ling didn't need much action to kill, let alone kill Wang Xianhe.

After killing Pang Zishan and Wang Xianhe, Li Ling should stop.


That's not over.

Soon, Li Ling's eyes saw the surrounding army.

At the moment, there are still more than 200000 troops left. Li Ling is directly preparing to rush.

Luo Feihan shouted loudly, "Your Highness, don't. these armies are the living forces of Renyao. If you kill them, Renyao will have no one to guard."

Although they were all under Wang Xianhe before.

However, Luo Feihan felt that since Wang Xianhe was dead, as long as these soldiers washed their brains, they could always use them well.

However, Li Ling didn't want to leave them a way to live.

At this moment, Li Ling is not a reasonable person. The devil in his heart reappears!


With Li Ling's loud cry, the sky was filled with blood mist.

Li Ling killed 200000 troops one after another, leaving no survivors.

This is Li Ling's work style!

Luo Feihan did not dare to have any dissatisfied opinions. He just suddenly understood the position of dumb in Li Ling's mind.

All the enemies have been killed, and Renyao's sun light has become red through the blood mist.

Now the whole Renyao is shrouded in this red and looks extremely frightened.

But it doesn't matter, after all, what to do or what to do.

Li Linggen couldn't care what would happen to Renyao. He just wanted to know what happened to the dumb side.

Although mute was tortured by lightning several times, she was just slightly injured.

At the moment, dumb and surprised shouted, "Bai Xier may be dying!"

Yes, the most seriously injured person is Bai Xier.

In order to let the mute run out of the cage, Bai Xier collided at the cost of her own longevity and cultivation.

If she hadn't been practicing weapon refining since she was a child, and if she hadn't secretly followed Renyao, I'm afraid today's war would not be like this.

After all, Li Ling at that time was ready to give up self-cultivation in exchange for dumb life.

Bethel was dying now.

Her mouth was playing back and forth, and she said a few words: "Li, Li Zailin, it's okay to be dumb. You, don't waste your accomplishments. There are so many people who need you..."

Before the words were finished, Bai Xier fainted.

Luo Feihan said in surprise, "no, the spirit power and Cultivation in the girl's body are losing. I'm afraid she hurt Dantian and meridians just now!"

No one thought Bethel was hopeless.

It may be possible to repair the damaged meridians, but if Dantian is damaged, the problem will be serious.

What's more, Bai Xier still lost her life aura. When these life auras were lost, it was her death time.

Seeing that time is running out, I'm afraid her last life has only two hours.

Dumb was crying and said, "Ling, please save sister Xi'er. Good people don't deserve to die."

Yes, of course good people don't deserve to die.

What's more, Li Ling owes her a favor.

Li Ling turned and asked Luo Feihan, "where is the most prosperous place of Renyao's aura?"

"This... The place with the most aura is, of course, the Huangyuan spectacle, but the Huangyuan spectacle is sealed by the array, and no one can enter it."

Just because others have no way to enter doesn't mean Li Ling has no way.

Soon Li Ling flew up with Bai Xier in her arms and headed for the waterfall of Huangyuan wonders.

"Your Highness, be careful. Those arrays will be hurt if they are touched a little."

For a moment, lightning and thunder.

Many thunder and lightning hit Li Ling, but Li Ling endured the pain and continued to impact.

He won't be afraid. He will rush in even if he pays a heavy price.

"Break it for me!"

Li Ling turned Tianzhu sword into a long gun. It seemed that the long gun was surrounded by a golden dragon, and all the power was concentrated on the blade of the gun.

"Your Highness, what are you doing? Are you breaking the array with your own strength?"

As Luo Feihan guessed, Li Ling will break the array with his own strength.

Once this way of breaking the array fails, it will be swallowed by powerful forces. At that time, Li Ling will not only fail to save adults, but also take himself in.

But how could Li Ling think so much at the moment.

He just wanted to save Bethel.

As for the consequences, Li lingcai didn't care.


With Li Ling's best stab, the gun blade finally drilled a small hole in the array.

Then the small hole grew bigger and bigger until it broke.

Luo Feihan, who witnessed this scene, was stunned. He could only marvel.

"The array of Huangyuan wonder... Was broken..."