Chapter 541

Finally, Lao Zhang didn't really ask the marketing manager to use his legs as a pillow.

As for the money, she took part of it and left wisely.

This made Lin Feng a little surprised at Lao Zhang for the second time.

The first time was Wolong villa. An old driver who took some of his own money struggled in the suspense of loyalty. Obviously, he could go away, but sensibility finally defeated rationality.

The second time is now humiliated by the marketing younger sister with silent eyes. According to the characters in some shuangwen novels, Lao Zhang will most likely lie arrogantly on the marketing younger sister, say some vulgar words in his mouth, and even show an obscene smile. If he goes too far, he will directly take the marketing manager out and go straight to the hotel.

But he didn't.

After the marketing sister left, Lao Zhang sat down on the sofa, holding a cocktail that could make his flesh ache for a long time.

"Brother Lin, do you think you can really do whatever you want with money?" Lao Zhang suddenly said.

Lin Feng was stunned and said, "brother, did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, I know you're breathing for me, and I'm grateful to you from the bottom of my heart, but... Just thinking of something, I'm not happy."

Lao Zhang waved his hand and said with a bitter smile.

Lin Feng took a sip of wine and waited for Lao Zhang to follow.

"Twelve years ago, I will never forget that day. I remember that it was raining and the whole YJ city was dark... At more than 4 p.m., I drove to pick up passengers. At that time, my wife was in a hurry to go to my son's school for a parents' meeting. I just passed the road I passed, so I let her get on the bus and took her along..."

"Hehe, in retrospect, if time could go back, or if there were regret medicine to take, I would not let her in my car..."

"When the car drove to the street of hangbin Avenue, my wife decided to walk there by herself in order not to let me detour and keep the passengers waiting..."

"But just as she was walking towards the path, two sports cars suddenly sped across the road."

"One is a Porsche, the other I will never forget. It's a black Bentley. The two cars are driving at a speed of at least more than 100 yards, ignoring the passers-by and vehicles around. It looks like racing!"

"Porsche wants to be more than 50 meters ahead and drive quickly, while Bentley owners seem to be a little angry. The car accelerates wildly for a while, and then..."

Lao Zhang took a sip of wine, but his trembling lips still looked so dry. He could hardly see a look in his muddy eyes.

"Then the Bentley hit my wife, and then I drove crazy and stopped Bentley..."

"I dialed 120 and cried on my wife. That was the first time I had cried since we were married for more than 20 years."

"When the ambulance arrived, she had stopped breathing. I only remember that she left a sentence in my ear," take care of your son ", and then this sentence was farewell..."

Lao Zhang raised his head, wiped away his tears and said with a tragic smile: "you can never imagine the rampant appearance of the young man in his early twenties driving a Bentley when he hit my wife. Instead of regretting, he also yelled at me that I caused him to lose the race. I must look good at that time!"

"Until the police came and took him away, he still scolded me and kept talking hard, as if the crime was not him, but me."

"After my wife left, I quit my job as a driver and used all my energy and time to file a lawsuit."

"Unfortunately, I can't fight him at all. He is the eldest son of an aristocratic family. The lawyers he hired are world-class. The most ironic thing is that even my defense lawyers were bought by him."

"In the end, the judge sentenced the childe to five years' probation without going to jail because he suffered from mental illness and had a problem with the car engine."

"I don't accept it. My wife can't die in vain, so I continue to appeal. I look for people everywhere to borrow money to file a lawsuit, and I'm ready to sell the house..."

"Soon after, my son was interrupted by a mysterious man at school. The mysterious man asked his son to bring me a message. If I want to continue my pursuit, let my son and his wife reunite..."

"I admit that I was really afraid at that time, but I was more cold and desperate. It turned out that money could really do whatever I wanted, and it turned out that money could really tilt the balance of justice completely..."

"I gave up the lawsuit and moved home with my son. As for my wife, she really died in vain. From beginning to end, I didn't receive an apology from the other party, but ruthless ridicule and threat."

Before he knew it, Lao Zhang had drunk all the wine on the table.

Drink wine when you are in a good mood. The more expensive the wine, the more reluctant it is to drink.

When you feel sad, even the golden wine is consumed in one gulp.

Lin Feng listened to Lao Zhang's story in silence, or vented. Until the end, he didn't express any views and remarks.

In fact, when he got the black gold card, he also thought, can he use the black gold card to do something he dare not do?

But later, he met muziqiu and understood that no amount of money could buy back a pure heart. Then Tang Wei, a girl born with a golden spoon, could always come out of the mud without dyeing, even if she was born with luxury. Even if there were some negative aspects around, such as Tang Ruohan, she never forgot her original heart.

Therefore, he was very grateful to them and didn't let himself become a hated existence because he got a fortune.

"In my opinion, the rich are like wolves. The poor are the sheep in the sheepfold. Wolves can do almost anything they want. If they can't, they can start the wolves, which is commonly known as the circle. We can trample us to death with one foot." Lao Zhang shook his head and said dryly, "So ah, I feel sorry for the girl who is willing to do anything for money. Who knows if she has any difficulties? If so, would it be too animal for me to step on someone else's family?"

After saying these words, Lao Zhang looked at Lin Feng with some uneasiness and said, "is there something wrong with my practice?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "no, it makes me ashamed."

Lao Zhang scratched his head and was about to say something. Suddenly, his drunken eyes suddenly widened. An old face suddenly changed from the color red by alcohol to iron blue!


The glass in my hand fell to the ground and smashed!

Lao Zhang clenched his teeth and his eyes sent out a sad and angry anger. He looked at a young man wearing a cap and dancing on the dance floor not far away.

In fact, the young man is not young. He is in his thirties and sixties. But in Lao Zhang's eyes, his cold and mean face is still the same as it was more than ten years ago.

What I have to say is to become more indifferent and more indifferent to life.

"Is that him?"

Lin Feng frowned.

Lao Zhang didn't say a word. The muscles on his cheeks twitched constantly. His five fingers buckled on the table and made shocking red marks.

The answer is already obvious.


One hand gently rested on Lao Zhang's shoulder.

"Lao Zhang, the example of wolf and sheep you just gave is very vivid, but you said less."

"Not all wolves are bad, and not all sheep are good. Some sheep may be wolves in sheep's clothing, while some wolves just want to protect themselves and the people around them, but have to wear wolf's clothing."