Chapter 206

"Hum ~" Ms. Taylor snorted coldly with disdain, and lowered her head to be busy with the affairs in her mobile phone.

In the United States, lawyer consultation is charged by the hour. Giovanna and the boss look at each other. Seeing that this distinguished guest doesn't care about this time, they are willing to earn spare money and wait for her silently.

After about ten minutes, Ms. Taylor finally put down her cell phone and prepared to serve coffee on the table.

But Giovanna stepped forward, grabbed the cup and said, "sorry, your coffee is cold. I'll make a new one for you."

Ms. Taylor leaned back on the sofa, raised her legs and said sarcastically, "no, I didn't pay for coffee here, and I don't think your coffee is worth the price."

Ms. Taylor thought that if she said this, she could see the expression of fear on her face. At least she would feel embarrassed because of the difficulties of the distinguished guests, but she was indifferent.

Qiao Fanna is still generous and decent in her smile. Her pure English pronunciation and the unique tactful voice of Chinese people have a calm temperament. It seems that she can defeat Ms. Taylor in the opposite direction with a slight lift of her fingers.

"I'll ask my colleagues to bring you a new one right away, which will waste about one minute. Plus the time I'm talking with you now, it will be counted as five minutes, which will be converted into US $99," she said. Besides, it's my fault that I let you go for nothing last night. I'll prepare a gift for you and apologize. I promise that the money and gift will be delivered to you before you leave. "

Ms. Taylor's face was so stiff that she could only move her eyes freely. She looked straight at Joanna's going out. Half a minute later, she came in again, nodded to herself and asked, "excuse me, can we start?"

Ms. Taylor can't be used to it all her life. I can't believe that she will be manipulated by a girl who seems to be half her age. Her prejudice against her is getting deeper and deeper.

Ms. Taylor deliberately looked at her with critical eyes. "How old are you?"


"What? So young, I don't know what it's like to have a husband, right? How can people who have never been married help me win this divorce case? " When Ms. Taylor finished, she immediately turned to the big boss of the law firm, "Anderson, because I trusted you, I handed over such an important matter to your law firm, but you arranged a 24-year-old ordinary lawyer for me? I'm disappointed in you

Giovanna wanted to break in and explain her situation, but the big boss around her was faster than her. He would never allow clients to question the working ability of his law firm and his subordinates.

Anderson sat down on the sofa next to Ms. Taylor and solemnly said: "although Giovanna has only been in our law firm for three months, she has been involved in many cases. She has done very well both in charge and assistant, and the failure rate is o at present."

"So what? I don't believe her! I want you to defend me in court! " Ms. Taylor's five carat jewel ring clenched her fist.

"Do you know that it's about the old man's huge fortune? I can't take risks! I don't understand why you take the risk! Won the lawsuit, you and I make money together, is not win-win cooperation? Why do you have to send her? Anyway, if you don't agree to take over personally, I'll find someone else! In Silicon Valley, I have more choices. "

At the end of the speech, Ms. Taylor mentions the bag and goes out angrily. Anderson and Giovanna chase after her. Anderson is still trying to persuade her:

"Tyler, I don't think you have a better choice. You know, your ex husband has a team of experienced lawyers. Even if he breaks his marriage obligations first, you have no chance to win! Unless you can use a new player to make the other side unable to guess what cards you play, you can catch them unprepared... "


Ms. Taylor, who is making a reckless turn, bumps into a person, and her bag falls to the ground.

“Oh! My! God!” With a low roar, she looked down at herself, her gray fur drenched, her hot coffee sticking to it, and her carpet soiled.

At this time, she was no longer luxurious. At most, she was regarded as a woolly elephant rolling in the soil, ugly and unbearable.

Witnesses around the moment quiet down, no one knows here, Ms. Taylor has more than a little. It costs a lot of money just to take care of the platinum bag stained with coffee stains on the floor, not to mention the fur. Although the lawyer's salary is high, he can't afford to pay so much!

Just when everyone was in danger, a man's understated voice came over her head: "sorry!"

Mrs. Taylor immediately stares at her, and the two who are surprised by the accident behind her also look up.

Qiao Fanna immediately burst out two coughs, she did not swallow saliva, but was choked by saliva, why?

It's not because it's my husband who's causing trouble!!!

Ji Muyu's eyes fell into her eyes at the same time. Qiao Fanna caught the expression of subtle trick in his eyes. But her husband is calm and introverted, and her temperament is fierce, which can't be seen by outsiders.

When Ms. Taylor saw Ji Muyu, a little fresh meat full of hormones, a warm and aggressive Chinese man, the volcano that was about to erupt in her heart was dead in an instant.

She held the shelf properly and said, "this gentleman! You offended me in public, just say sorry? That's all? " Ji Muyu calmly handed Kelly the empty coffee cup behind him, then took out the card holder from his coat and handed her one. After looking at his face for a long time, Ms. Taylor went to pick up the card slowly. She looked down and saw the striking J-shaped badge on his sleeve. It's ok if she doesn't know anyone else, but she won't admit the badge wrong! Ji family, he is actually a member of Ji family! When she looked at him again, there was a little more fear in Ms. Taylor's eyes. She suddenly remembered something. She turned to see Qiao Fanna. She couldn't understand it. In a short time, she met two Chinese surnamed Ji. Is this really just a coincidence? Ms. Taylor looked at the business card in her hand to confirm his name, but she did not expect that it was not a business card at all, just a blank card. "What do you mean?" Ms. Taylor said crossly Ji Mu to gently pull the corner of the mouth, two pear vortex looming, "write down the amount of compensation you want to get." Giovanna cried to herself: again! Here we go again! Ji Muyu's rich man is sick again! She wants to stop things from getting worse. She can't let him drive this big customer away! You know, the divorce case between Ms. Taylor and her ex husband has been known all over the city, and the gossip media is even more eager to catch up. If she can successfully defend Ms. Taylor in court, she will not only earn the first pot of money, but also make a big name. Giovanna turns around and runs back to her office. She takes a spare coat and comes out. Although it's not as expensive as the fur, it's also made by the Royal tailor of the Ji family. I don't have to choose the Italian craft, right? Who knows, when she went with the clothes, Ji Muyu's face was stormy. Regardless of the surprise of outsiders, he directly pulled her to his side and asked, "what are you doing?"“ Ms. Taylor must have something to do later. She needs a piece of clothing for emergency. This one is... "Giovanna, do you really know what you're doing?" Ji Muyu took up the corner of his coat and put it in front of her. "Only Ji's family can wear clothes with Ji's badge. Who allows you to borrow them?"