53 1:47:38

Name:Rich Sex Author:MyLadyQueen



[It's so dark, where am I going?]

[I can't see where I'm going, how long have I been running?]

[Why me?]

[I should've just stayed home.]



[How much longer do I have to keep running?]

[When will I reach the end of the tunnel, I'm tired but I can't stop running.]

1 hour 47 minutes and 38 seconds later.

(clatter, clatter)

(glass breaks)

Light starts shining at the end of a tunnel and a tired Jin Ha exits the tunnel and turns around to find himself in a house, he looked around and spun in a circle, 3 guns were in his face.

Three big dangerously looking men pointed their guns at Jin Ha. Jin Ha was out of breath and frightened, [What is it now? What did I get myself into?]

A man with a scar across his left cheek grabbed Jin Ha by his backpack and tugged very roughly, "Boy who are you and why are you here?" he questioned in a rough and deep voice.

Hearing the mans question Jin Ha's body tensed and he started trembling, he took a deep breath in and answered, "You have to leave, their coming for us, I'll take the blame and I'll meet you when I get out, look after my daughter and make sure the boy gets home safe, leave the goods with him and skip countries."

The guns were lowered after Jin Ha said these words and an angry expression appeared on the faces of the men, a shiver ran down Jin Ha's spin and he exhaled.

Soon the three men started scrambling around the room and got their things. One of the men grabbed Jin Ha by the arm and pulled him, they went up a wooden staircase that led to the inside of a house, inside the house was a small girl playing with her toys, she was picked up by the man with a scar and they packed her clothes and some toys.

Jin Ha along with the three men and the girl got into a car and they made their way to another house, guns, knives and money were brought out of the house and more clothes for the girl.

They drove off and the man with a scar started questioning JIn Ha, "What's your name boy?"

"Kang Jin Ha"

"Where do you stay?"

"#### #### ####"

"How old are you?"

"I'm 14 years old."

"I need you to look after that small girl for a few days, will you be able to do that?"


Jin Ha looked at the girl and thought for a moment before nodding his head, the man turned to the girl and said, "Tae-Tae, your father won't be able to come home for a while and uncles will be going to China, will you be a good girl and stay with this Oppa and be a good girl?"

The little girl looked at the man and tears started to fall from her eyes, even though she was crying no sound came from her mouth and she nodded her head.

They stopped in front of Jin Hee's house and the man with a scar handed Jin Ha a bag and told him to keep it safe.

The three men gave the little girl a hug each and they told her she should listen to Jin Ha and made Jin Ha promise to treat her well.


It was just Jin Ha and the little girls at home and it was past 4 pm on a Saturday, when evening came Jin Hee returned with her son and Se Jung, they saw the little girl sitting on a couch in the lounge and watching tv.

Jin Hee cross-questioned Jin Ha on who the girl was but gave her all false answers, he told her she was sitting by the gate when he found her and that she was a mute, he didn't know her name and she didn't want to speak, he invited her into the house, let her bath and fed her.

Jin Hee proposed to take the little girl to the police station but Jin Ha refused and said that they should wait a week maybe something will show up.

Jin Hee grew suspicious but waited it out after she told Seung Joon about the little girl.

The next day Seung Joon came over in the afternoon and asked Jin Ha questions about the girl and tried speaking to her but it was all to no avail.

The girl stayed with Jin Ha and stuck to him, she cried when he went to school because she didn't want to be left alone, at night she would fall asleep in his arms and if he wasn't with her during the night she'd wake up and start screaming.

Jin Ha stayed home for three days and on the Thursday of that week a courier company came over and delivered a package to Jin Hee's house addressed to Jin Ha, they opened it and found money along with a note and a birth certificate.


Identity number: ##########

Date Of Birth: #### ## ## (She's 5)

Gender: Female

Name: Tae-Ra

Surname: Kang

Mother's ID: ##########

Mother's Name: Kang Jin Hee

Father's ID: ##########

Father's Name: Park Se Jung


Jin Ha's jaw dropped and his body froze, [What in the hell did I get myself into? How will I explain this.]

He handed the birth certificate over to Jin Hee and said he doesn't know what's happening, Seung Joon was later informed and he searched for clues. He came over after three days and he told Jin Hee that it is recorded in documents that she is the little girl's mother and there are witnesses at the hospital that said they saw Jin Hee give birth to her.

They all knew this was lies fabricated by someone but who had the connections to do this?