However, Ning Tiantian's grandfather didn't stop because of this. He called Tiantian's parents that night and told them to have a second child!

He was so angry.

Are they afraid to join the army and defend the country just because they have sacrificed one person!

So later, Ning Tiantian's younger brother was honored to be a soldier

Of course, these are afterwords.


after Li Yanmo's military training, Ning Tiantian also started school.

There were no classes in fifth grade. Tiantian, cookie and Loba were still in the same class, and even the position of the class did not change.

After the first half of the fifth grade semester, not only ushered in the winter vacation, but also to Tiantian's 10th birthday!

Just after the holiday, Ning Tiantian can't wait to tell cookie and Luobai.

"I have my birthday in winter vacation. You must come!"

"Don't worry, I will prepare a surprise gift for you." Cookie's face was obscene with a smile.

At least in the eyes of Ning Tiantian, it's so obscene, it's really obscene!

"What surprise gift?" She couldn't help asking, always feeling that this guy was not kind.

"It's said that it's a surprise. What's the surprise if you say it?" Cookies are dead.

Ning Tiantian:.... "

She had a deep premonition. It must be a fright!

"Sweetie, what do you want?" When it was lobar's turn, he decided to go along with it.

"Whatever you want." Tian Tian's reply was perfunctory. In fact, she was worried about the vinegar jar of brother ink. She knew that she received gifts from boys.

"Are you sure you can do whatever you like?" Luo Bai not only did not feel that he was perfunctory, but also happily patted his chest, "then I will change my name to" casual ", I will give myself to you



Can she take back the invitation she just invited them to the birthday party?

The day before Ning Tiantian's birthday.

Li Yanmo leans on the door frame, inserts the pocket with one hand, and looks at Ning Tiantian gently.

The little girl is sorting out the 10-year-old photos that Li's mother took for her before, and took them down with her mobile phone and sent a circle of friends.

"What would you like for your birthday?" Li Yanmo waited for her to finish.

On hearing the gift, Ning Tiantian immediately threw away her mobile phone, ran to him eagerly, raised her small head and looked at him, "want lipstick!"

"Lipstick?" Li Yanmo couldn't help wringing his eyebrows. Does lipstick really have any magic?

Up to his grandmother's age, down to Tiantian, how many years old dolls have a special love for red lips?

"Yes, lipstick, I only want lipstick!" Ning Tiantian nodded her head again, her black and white eyes blinked, and her voice was soft and soft, "because I want to give ink brother a little more every day..."

Also, how? Of course, it's mouth to mouth kiss!

So, is that why you want lipstick?

"Rather sweet, you really can take advantage of me in a different way!" Li Yanmo didn't have a good look at her.

"Do you want to send it or not?" She did not agree to embrace his long legs, big eyes look at him, as if once rejected so lovely her, it is sinful!

Li Yanmo couldn't help but reach out and rub her face, "for the sake of your 10th birthday, I can't help but give it to you."

Now, brother, I want to kiss ink Ning Tiantian's small mouth has beeped up.


"No, I didn't ask for your permission!"

Rather sweet just don't care so much, small foot step on his big foot, head a lift, toward him bar Ji.

After the bar was finished, she got a bargain and sold well. "Think about what I said just now. I'm just notifying you!"

Whether you agree or not, I'm engaged!


Li Yanmo was deeply defeated.