Chapter 530 - New Names

Name:Rise Of The Worm Sovereign Author:
Lin Wu watched the disciples fail and fail thousands of times as they went through the trials. He ended up skipping a lot of the parts but finally reached the point where they had completed the final trial.

Doing all this had taken them ten years, and it was not an easy task for them. 

"The Sky Bright Daoist certainly designed these to test the trial contenders in the most sadistic way possible." Lin Wu understood.

From all the trials, the one thing Lin Wu had learned was the fact that the trials were random and the aim of the trial was not given. The disciples had to figure it out all on their own through the mistakes they made.

Many times they struggled for months on end, only to learn that what they thought was the solution was not that all. 

For example, in the sixth trial, the disciples had thought that they needed to protect a certain person that they come across in the trial. They did thousands of attempts and died many times.

Only after a year of this did they learn the right method. And even that was only because one of the disciples got frustrated and killed the person who they were protecting all the time.

While the others were nervous that they had failed the trial again, they actually found themselves succeeding. 

The main theme behind that trial was learning who was one's true enemy and who was holding you back. The person they thought they were supposed to protect them was the very person who had been holding them back and causing them problems during the entire trial.

It was the same as when playing an RPG game, one got a quest to escort and protect an NPC. The quest was tough and hard, but then one would discover that if one killed the NPC beforehand, the quest would be completed automatically.

At least that was what Lin Wu thought it was like. 

"The Sky Bright Daoist would certainly make one fucked up quest designer…" Lin Wu muttered.

Finally, with the ten trials completed, only ten disciples had actually passed them successfully. There were still five that half not passed the final trial. The tenth trial was rather different from others and focused on the individual person rather than the group itself.

It was the only trial where they had to complete it individually and the group didn't work. Each trial was also different for each person and thus the others could not help them either.

Of the ten people that passed, each of them had done differently. There was actually one of them that passed it on their very first try. This was none other than the small female disciple, Xiaoge. 

The others that managed to pass the tenth trial early on were the leading disciple Jun, and Cao Du as well. Of course, the remaining five were still trying, but it was uncertain when they would pass it.

"That was definitely a lot tougher than I had expected it to be. Wonder if the Taiji Celestial's original trials were like this too." Lin Wu muttered.

He had modified the trials so that he could shorten the time required for Wang Xiong to pass it. But the main difference was that the trials of the Taiji Celestial were not as random as that of the Sky Bright Daoist's.

There was a certain goal to each trial, and it was specifically said to the trial takes as well. Then there was also the fact that the trial was adjusted according to each contender's capabilities.

This way, they were properly tested. 

In the case of the Sky Bright Daoist's trials though, it seemed to not focus on cultivation at all. Rather, it was mostly focused on mentality and willpower instead. Lin Wu was sure that if he had to do so many attempts, he would have long since given up.


"That is enough system. End this." Lin Wu ordered.


The area turned dark and Lin Wu felt his mind shifting. He could feel his body again and realized that he was back in the hall. His servants were all standing around and were looking at him.

'How much time passed system?' Lin Wu questioned in his mind.



ANSWER: It has been 62 minutes and 12 seconds since the Host entered the memory playback.


'Hmm… just over an hour to watch ten years' worth of memories. That is rather efficient. Though I did skip through most of it.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

"Are you done, master?" The 'Monk'ey beast spoke.

"Yeah. I'm done. Those were… quite 'complex' trials there." Lin Wu replied.

"They were indeed. I doubt I would have been able to complete them myself. Thankfully, I was picked to be the tester by the Sky Bright Daoist instead." The 'Monk'ey beast said.

"Oh? I see. Though now that I think of it, you've changed in the most different manner compared to the others." Lin Wu stated.

"I have?" The 'Monk'ey beast asked.

"Indeed. I can tell you now have an affinity to the light element and can also feel the light attribute spirit Qi in your body. I'm guessing you got a part of the Sky Bright Daoist's inheritance as well?" Lin Wu replied.

Hearing this, the 'Monk'ey beast was surprised. 

"Master is indeed wise." The 'Monk'ey beast said.

Lin Wu simply nodded his head, finding it funny that the same monkeys once fought to see who had the most lice on their body.

"I think you all need a new name now." Lin Wu spoke.

"We do?" Lin Mu's servants said in unison, some looking more excited than the others.

"Mmhmm… it is time we have a unified name for ourselves. Since all of you have been mutated by me and have features similar to me, I have decided on a name." Lin Wu said.

"And what is it, master?" The beasts questioned.

"You all shall be named as Emeraldine Beasts and the bloodline you have is the Emeraldine Legion Bloodline!" Lin Wu declared.


All of the beasts felt their bodies shudder upon hearing Lin Wu's words and the crystals on their body all glowed.

They felt a ltronger link with Lin Wu and felt like they needed to devote themselves to him even more.

"Now for the names…" Lin Wu said and pointed at the beasts one by one.

"You shall be the Deep Earth Emeraldine Mole."

"You shall be the Emeraldine Horn Beetle."

"You Shall be the Emeraldine Wing Swan."

"You Shall be the High Wind Emeraldine Sparrow."

"You Shall be the Emeraldine Monkeys." Lin Wu said their names one by one, before finally coming to the 'Monk'ey beast.

"Am I not an Emeraldine Monkey?" The 'Monk'ey beast asked.

"No… you are different from them. You mutated in a different manner, that too twice. It won't do you justice." Lin Wu answered.

The 'Monk'ey beast now greatly anticipated what kind of a name he would get.

"You shall be 'Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape.'" Lin Wu stated.

As soon as Lin Wu completed naming all of the beasts, several notification sounds were heard and then windows started to appear.





1. Deep Earth Emeraldine Mole

STATUS: Vitals Stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


2. Emeraldine Horn Beetle

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


3. Emeraldine Wing Swan

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


4. High Wind Emeraldine Sparrow

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


5.  Emeraldine Monkey 

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


6. Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


7.  Emeraldine Monkeys. (8)

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Peak Stage of the Core Condensation realm


LOCATION: Available on map


With all the information updated, Lin Wu felt a rush of memories in his head. But now he had become a bit used to it and was able to handle it rather easily. All of the servant beasts felt their links with Lin Wu increase in strength.

"Huh… what's this feeling?" The Mole beast said and turned to look at his fellow servant beasts.

They too looked at each other and felt a familiarity with each other.

"We can… sense each other?" The beetle beast said.

"No… not just each other… I can sense more beasts in the forest." The 'Monk'ey beast said.

"Mmhmm… that should be your new innate skill. It is called as Bloodline Tracer and will allow you to sense others that have the same bloodline as you." Lin Wu explained.

"Oh! That's a rather helpful ability. Now we will know where each other is and will be able to function even more efficiently." The Mole Beast said.

"If someone is in danger, we will be able to learn of it too and provide help quicker." The Sparrow beast added.

"Yes. The ability is a proof that you all are part of one bloodline and are all my subjects.." Lin Wu stated, his voice resonating in the hall.