Blue Zephyr ate the pain and immediately covered his left eye and screamed, “Sure enough, it’s a small pepper, if I had known this, I wouldn’t have come to feed the medicine.”

“What did you say?” Immediately, Shadow flew in front of Lan Ze with her arms crossed and glared at him.

“I say, after this punch we’re even, previous grudges are canceled and we get along.”

Blue Zephyr rubbed his glazed eyes and looked depressed.

This woman hits hard.

“Hmph, who wants to spend time with you.” Little Shadow raised her head arrogantly.

If her master hadn’t indentured him, she would have kicked him out by now.

Master …

Shadow snapped her head, damn, she almost forgot about her master.

“How long did I sleep on that one?”

Looking at Little Shadow’s big, dark eyes, Lan Ze bristled.

“About seven or eight years, can’t remember.”

Seven or eight years? It’s okay. It’s okay.

Little Shadow secretly patted her small chest, originally she thought that she would have to sleep for seventy to eighty years, but she didn’t expect to be awakened this quickly.

Counting the days, seven or eight years, wouldn’t that owner be exactly seventeen, eight years old, the same age as he was before he crossed over.

Master, I’m coming!

Little Shadow immediately rushed out of the mental space in excitement.

Blazer had no choice but to follow him out.


Looking at the small shadow in mid-air, Duanmu Shi suddenly had a sour nose.

It’s been eight years, and her little shadow has finally woken up.

Little Shadow lunged into Duanmu Shi’s arms, rubbing lightly in one arch.

It’s still the master’s embrace that’s the warmest.

“Master, have you repaired your tendons and re-cultivated the power of the Xuan Spirit.”

Feeling the powerful spiritual energy within Duanmu Shi, Little Shadow raised her eyes with a look of surprise.

Duanmu Shi nodded, “It was Lan Ze who helped me repair my tendons.”

“Blue Zephyr?” Shadow frowned.

“It’s the Water Unicorn.” Duanmu Shi looked to the side at Lan Ze.

She was actually trying to put in a good word for Lan Ze, otherwise with Little Shadow’s unforgiving nature, he would have to suffer in the future.

“Him?” Shade bristled dismissively.

He was his master’s contracted beast, shouldn’t he help his master restore his tendons and veins, if his master couldn’t cultivate spiritual power, then wouldn’t he himself be a waste of time, so don’t expect her to thank him.

Looking at Little Shadow’s disdainful expression, all the divine beasts all looked at Lan Ze with an ambiguous expression, and when they saw that he kept his head lowered, their eyes lightly turned.

“Blue Zephyr?”


Blazer subconsciously looked up.

“Hahahahaha …”

There was a burst of laughter.

Looking at Lan Ze’s panda eyes, Duanmu Shi froze slightly.

“Blazer, your eyes …”

“Nothing, just hit the wall.”

Immediately chagrined, Blazer covered his eyes and hung his head.

“Hahahahaha … hit the wall, it’s a fist bump, right?”

The crowd laughed again.

Lan Ze’s face was ironic, damn it, what’s so funny, isn’t it just that his eyes are a little swollen, his eyes are a little green, and his two eyes are a little asymmetrical.

Knowing that it was the work of Little Shadow, Tuanmushi glanced toward her.

Little Shadow didn’t feel the slightest bit out of place, her big eyes looking at Qingfeng and the others with considerable interest.

“Master, are they all your contracted beasts?”

Duanmu Shi nodded his head and walked over to the Divine Beasts to explain for Little Shadow, “This is the Green Wind, the archetypal Green Dragon, and this is the Red Spirit, the archetypal Vermilion Bird …”

The divine beasts nodded with Little Shadow one by one, and Little Shadow returned the salute one by one.

Great, not only did the master repair his tendons and veins, he was even still the same as in his previous life, he was an all-system spirit root, and he also contracted so many divine beasts, so she didn’t have to regret bringing her to the Han Tian Continent after all.

“Mother, is she your elf?”

Looking at the three little heads emerging from the door, Duanmu Shi’s lips slightly hooked and gently beckoned.

“Ser, xiao, chord, come on in.”

Mother …

Little Shadow looked at the flurry of three little ones and stared in shock, “Master you, you, you’re married?”

“En.” Duanmu Shi nodded and walked over to Xuanyuan Mo, gently holding his hand.

Xiao Ying looked at Xuanyuan Mo and was once again dumbfounded.

The master is only eighteen years old, but he is married, but the man is good-looking, just …

“Haven’t we met before?”

The corner of Xuanyuan Mo’s lips slightly hooked, “We’ve met.”

Really seen …

Xiao Ying frowned, thinking about the people she had seen when she arrived at the Han Tian Continent, and suddenly, her eyes lit up.

“You’re the snow wolf.”

Xuanyuan Mo raised his eyebrows noncommittally, “Good memory.”

Little Shadow instantly blacked out, good memory? She had never even seen a human in the Han Tian Continent, not to mention that his eyes were so obvious.

However, it was too much for the master to find a snow wolf as her husband. What had happened in the eight years of her absence?

“Mother, do pixies transform?”

Nuan Xie’s pair of deep purple eyes stared intently at the small shadow in mid-air with a curious look.

Little Shadow instantly returned to her senses, looking at the little tyke underneath who looked exactly like her own master, her heart instantly softened into a puddle.

“Little master, Little Shadow can transform.”

The little shadow said spinning in mid-air for a few seconds before transforming into a wonderful young girl, standing playfully in front of Nuan Xie.

Wenzel looked at the transformed Shadow with big eyes.

“Sister Shade, you’re so cute.”

The corners of Little Shadow’s lips hooked slightly, winking playfully as she lowered her head and whispered into Warmth’s ear, “Little master, you can’t say cute, you have to say pretty.”

Nonsense nodded curtly, “Little Sister Shadow is pretty.”

Lan Ze’s eyes flickered lightly as he looked at Little Shadow’s playful and adorable appearance.

The youngest owner was actually right, she was just adorable, although she was also beautiful to look at, she was more on the cute side.

Shadow joyfully picked up Warmth and gave her a kiss on her fleshy little face.

“Master, this is too awesome of you, to have given birth to three such adorable munchkins at once.”

“Not three, four, and Junior.”

Wenzel corrected with a beak, never forgetting her youngest sister.

Four …

Little Shadow was once again winded, master this efficiency, simply.

“And where is Little Four’s young master?” Little Shadow raised her eyes curiously to the door, but didn’t see the little figure she wanted to see.

Hearing Xiao Ying mention “Xiao Si”, the crowd instantly fell silent.

Seeing that no one answered, Shadow frowned, instantly getting a bad feeling.

After a moment of silence, Duanmu Shi looked at Little Shadow and said, “Do you know how to get to the Lanchuan Continent?”

“The Lanchuan Continent?”

Xiao Ying raised his eyebrows, not understanding why Duanmu Shi suddenly asked about the Lanchuan Continent.

“En.” Duanmu Shi lowered her eyes and said with a sad face, “Xiao Si, she, was captured in the Lanchuan Continent.”

Little Shadow’s expression instantly became grave as she pondered for a moment, “As far as I know, the Lanchuan Continent and the Han Tian Continent belong to the same space, so there should be a teleportation array, or a space-time gate or something.”

“There is indeed a space-time gate, but that space-time gate was sealed hundreds of millions of years ago, and there is no way to break it.” Duanmu Shi frowned with a heavy face.


Shadow raised an eyebrow, “Then we’ll just have to use the crystal ball.”

“Crystal ball.” Duanmu Shi’s heart rejoiced, and she immediately said excitedly, “Can a crystal ball really travel through time and space?”

A flash of excitement also flashed across Xuanyuan Mo’s eyes.

The three little ones also looked at Little Shadow brightly with a look of anticipation.

Looking at the crowd’s expectant gazes, Little Shadow nodded, “Yes, the crystal ball can take one through time and space.”

“That’s great.” The crowd was all pleasantly surprised.

Duanmu Shi’s face instantly raised a delighted smile, she could finally go to Lanchuan to save Xiao Si.

Xuanyuan Mo’s fists were clenched and his eyes were resolute.

Lanchon, I’m coming. Are you ready for me?

Lanchuan Continent, Divine Emperor Palace.

Meng Xi lowered his eyes and looked at the little Liangsheng beside him.

“This is the God Emperor Palace, Little Grandpa carries you in.”

Liangsheng secretly skimmed his lips, then raised his eyes and smiled, “No, I can run by myself.”

With that, Liangsheng took his short little legs and entered the Divine Emperor Palace.

Meng Xi slightly inclined his head to glance behind him, then the corner of his lips hooked up a cold smile, a wave of his sleeve, the palace door “snap” closed.

Outside the palace gates, Hei Yan’s clenched fists kept tightening and tightening again.

Vermilion Bird Palace.

“Father and Mother, we’re going to save Little Four, too.”

The three little ones surrounded Xuanyuan Mo and Duanmu Shi and kept pampering and selling their cute.

“No, Lanchuan is too dangerous, you stay here and wait for Mother and Father, and Little Four.”

Unable to bear to look at the three little ones’ begging gazes, Duanmu Shi directly averted his eyes.

“Mother, we can protect ourselves, just let us go.”

Nuoser pulled on Duanmushi’s sleeve and begged.

Little Shadow looked at the pleading little faces of the three little ones and was a bit unable to bear it.

“It’s either that or …”

“No, they can’t go.”

Duanmu Shi once again firmly refused and directly took Nuan Se’s hand and sent it to Duanmu Xue.

“Father and mother, Thayer and the others are in your hands.”

“Good, don’t worry about it.” Duanmu Xue nodded her head and directly picked up Nuan Xie.

Over here, Jun Wu Xie was also pulling Ye Bing Ning fondly.

“When I’m gone, you’ll go back to the Elves.”

A flash of worry flashed through Jun Wu Xie’s peach blossom eyes, the human realm was still too dangerous for the elves, not to mention she was so stupid.

Ye Bingning frowned with a look of dismay.

“I …”

Suddenly thinking of something, Jun Wu Xie added, “After returning, you are not allowed to have more contact with Bai He.”

Although that Baekhyuk guy didn’t seem to be interested in her, there was no guarantee that the woman would be stupid enough to move on.

In response to Jun Wu Xie’s order, Ye Bing Ning skimmed her mouth in disdain.

“I …”

Jun Wu Xie fiercely hugged Ye Bing Ning and murmured softly in her ear.

“I’ll be back, wait for me.”

Ye Bingning looked at Jun Wu Xie’s back and stomped her foot hatefully.

Duanmu Shi took out a crystal ball and gently threw it upwards, and the crystal ball’s light instantly blazed.

Xuanyuan Mo, Jun Wu Xie, and the white-clothed elders immediately stood under the crystal ball.

“All set?”

Shadow looked at the four men at the bottom with a solemn expression.

The four nodded together.

Seeing the four nodding, Little Shadow immediately closed her eyes and started casting spells.

Under Little Shadow’s elf secret technique, the crystal ball spun faster and faster, and just the moment the four disappeared, Ye Bingning and Little Han Xiao rushed up together.

By the time Duanmu Xue and the others reacted, those six people and an elf had already disappeared.

Winstring stomped his foot with a chagrined expression, the second was so cunning.

Time Tunnel.

Xuanyuan Mo and Duanmu Shi frowned straight away as they looked at the little cold xiao that suddenly appeared.

“I can smell Junior, and I can help Father and Mother find Junior.”

Being looked at by the two men, Little Chill Cock immediately reported his use.

Jun Wu Xie glared at Ye Bing Ning, “You …”

Woody, Ye Bingning sealed Jun Wu Xie’s lips as if in retaliation.

Damn the guy, she was going to give him a taste of what it was like to say no too.