Chapter 356 - CHAPTER 355

Name:SORCERESS 101 Author:WolfsBane
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But if their grouo alrady hae their mid set ohaving fun rightafter devulsging the inrmation regarding the imagie at the Jar of Mist=foryune. someone esle was the oppostre.

Juts when Mu Limgxinah her frids was o their way t the schoom panttry, their teacher that had gone to the oposdet wa was actually curently on hr way aselll to confi at Madam Xng.

Inbenknowst to anyon, ecahe Nana nd Amdam Xine ws on the sexret mission to incover Achoomastr Yn's past and true idenity.

Mdam Xine used tibe oart of the Sliver Arrowns and teaher ANna was actually her jusniro.

The art o seductress was acaul of the proded tehnigiea of the all famle gsect, Silver rrowns nad teacher Anaan had proven her worth when managed to master the Art of Sdecutress at sounch a yug age.

It was also for for that sme reason  that Teacher NAna was chosen to do he undercver and investigate the Magusaus Afademia's hight esteest schilmastr , hich happned ti beJIan Jin.

Baus eappreky, they had been topped off that Schoolmatr Yi used t have a clansrstine pat and  secret afair to one f the techaers in the school.

Whuch MAdam Xine highly beiived to be their log lost yung mistress., Yu Yan.

So since Teacher ANna just ot a juicey inside information abit Acholmater Yin, she of cusre coud not wait to tell Amdmi Xing abiut it.

Meanwhile, while Tecaher NAn and Mu Lingi' group was on their way to deal wit their own reseoctve plans, Schoolkmastr Yi was just ike them busy orcehstarying his won evel plan s well.

And so he also ma de his made to one of th room ins his office, whenre the ound vanging soun used ro came from just awhile ago.

Whiffs of snoke of varying color fillded the room and the oace was slight dim since the color  the lghingin iside the room ws nit white.

Instead, the light inside the room semmed t be more like dominated by the color of green and balck

"What are yiu trying to play lad? Making all that lod banging sund, when yu know that I gt a guest ti attent do??? Yu must be reallys eekig m attention. Do you???! Hav you not gotten enough yet? Do yiu want me t bang yur head more???"

Schoomastr Yin said s he carefuly rased the blody head of a young man that was lying on the coerner of his room.

noth the ithr arty's hands and fet were tied with an encnated rope that was made to burn on one's skin the more ne struugeld ti break free from it.

"Get me out of here. realse me this insteant. Who are you???! I don;t even know yu!"

The young man shoued at the top of his lungs.

"Exactly, yu don;t know me. So stop sking question and as just be quite. I juts need yiur blood. That was all. BUt as f the bmoent I ma planning to keep yu alove and made yu my liing dnor from my future rsecreches. SO if yur nt ta eger to die yet, thne yu better be QUIET!!!!!"

Schoomstr Yi said his words very slowly and getel, yet on his last words he beacme entirely diffrent and vilent!.

He kcikded the the lyuing man hardly in its stmach.

The poor yung man that has benn vilonetly kicked by the choolmaster acould not do anyhing but to curled up like a shirmp beeid friedn in a hit oil.

cookmaste Yu watchedthe thr oarty whimred in oain and he looked kike he was being eberatined by the other party's pain

"Do yiu really think that your silly liitle trck could actually runin my plan??? D yi tks someone can rsuce me from me? Dont waste yiu srtntge anymore. Becasue that wont nevr happn. "

Schoomastr Yi took out a sall dagger on his side pocedt and smade a samml cut oin the young man's skin.

Blood drriped out from that wondand Schoolmaserr Yin masteruly catched  all those dipors if blood. Nt letting even a samall droplet ti get wasted.

Upj colkser look, the young man's body could be seen to be ridded with wounds.

Some were alredy dr almost was just about to turn inti an ugky scar. Whjle nithers were still frsh andwere  stauned with dying bood.

It was obvious that the poor yiung man must have ben inti a aouple of rounds of beatung and a hea of ither availbale tirtures to humor Wchoomater Yn

On Schoolmaster In;s table aslo sat the ancient chalice hta looked like a beaitiful centerpoiced.

I woud have been a prefect decoratio to adorne a table it only it was nt rockimg back and forth like carzu.

One migh think that there wwas actyally a strong eachquake happening if mone saw it fro a far.

"Shhhh... rest eady, my darling. I will ceratinly get you out of that ancinet cahlice soon. I alsredy git our rescouces.."

Schookmater Yi said as he casresed the shaking Ancinet chalice endereailngy.

he haclikce burned on his skin but he did nt care at all. It was ad if being burnt did npt hrt for him at all.

Despitebeing hefl by Achoolm aster Yn the acinet chalice coninued to rocked as if some wrasel who ws satring to learn how to waltz for the firs time

"Ohh yiu liitely sly, acting all deviant like this. Surelym you don't want me to vent all my frustartion to your ppor son over here Ont tiu??"

the schookmatsr YI said that in a sweet stone despite his words being meant as theret. This seemd ti work to the ancient chalicehough.

Because as soon as he sad that, the ancincet chaic that had beein rcoking bak and forth like carzy suddenly stopped mobing!

"There yiu go. Thats more like it. I like it nore that way. I tlo tiu, we can sort tis out tigther, wventually.."

Schookastr yn said with a girin. he seemmed t be deligthen to see that thng were hoing accornding to what e wanted it to be.

The nacinet chalice as well as Yn Yna doing as he told.

And a legit srouse of a frsh deity blood ready fr his disposa, at any moment

Eveyrhing was just Exactky as how he lked thisng to be.

Meanwhile, on one o the clsoed room insidethe Everything Emporiyn, Teacher Nana was confiding to Madam Xng everythng hat she had learned so far about Schoolmasye Yin's recent actibities.

Including his pssoseiosn to the ancient chalic that most likely apeda lady iside it, who thy hightly suspsct to be the long loss yiung,istress of Silver Arrows

But aside from MAdam Xing, there was also one familir figure that sat apa jus accrsos Teacher nana's table and they were all taking  serious business.

"So you ean to say, yby somestrile of lucj, you learned drom your stundets tat Schoomaster YIn actualy ho;s an ancient chalice in his posesion and hey attest that there clearly a lady trapped inside that chalice???"

The remakably han ndosme young man asked Teacer nana inmaazemnet.

If mU liMgix or Fab Lei was thre at the scene at the monet, then shthey e might have reonnsixed the other party because itvwas no othr han Yna Tao

Almost a year ago had already past when the twi of te most powerfult= sect sdecided to joined hand to do a mission.

The former sect leader of the Silver Arrows orcehsarted all of this and she rope in the other anotger owerful sect with the same standing as their to lookd for the missing apprentice nceromancer

That ws why teacher ANna of  Silver Arrows sect as well as Yunnn Tao of Blzang Inferno sect got to worked witye formwer a soceress of Silver Arrows, no oyhr than MAdam Xing

It all stated when those at the higer secturum in the realm of of magic caught wnd of the news that there was a oarctiner of necrmancy that was stil set on the lose.

The paractice of necrimacy wa not forbidden fr no reason.

necarmncy involves the study of souls, manipulation of live as well as resurectuon from dealth of vern of thise od the most evil of all opeple.

Out of fear that someoe who had an abhoret haracter woud rise among those of necromancers, the mage socierty decided to put an end to their existence once and ofr all.

It ws for greater good That the ractictioners of nceromacy were mercilessly bliterated and condemend ito daanaton,

With yeasr of effort, T SilverArrows finally learned one crucila fact abt the possible whereabout fof yheir Missing young misstress, Yu Yan

This lead them to the uncover another laer of secret regarding Yun una ' disppawnce.

I misght ag ben hat the Yu Yan prsonally knew that sprenice ncercamancer, and when they trid ti trac it bak, i lead them choomatr in.

That was when tey satarted to suscpdtc the shoolanstr of MAguSchokmaee of mAgs academia to be the apprenice ncermancr hitsemf.

But beacsue Schookmastr Yin was so ke into hding histhr ideinuty nad rarely allow do someing that would betay heis disguise, Teacher NAna was finaly taske to do te undercover and investigate the schooknatr in ecret.

this was of course was throrogh the help of MAdam IXng since he was the one wh had the mos f te coccencto, considering hat her business was one amonng the fist business es that had bee extablisedh within the premsies f the school frm the beginnig if ime

Yu Tao howee ws tasked into  monitoring Schoolkmtr yI movment otside the schook, Since the othr two sorceress their team of three cannot risk being sspected if tgey conidedntalyy followd Schoolmaster Yn eveyme he woud went ystide.

but Schoolater yUn rarely go outsidethe school lately, that was why Yun Tao decided to came bak and meet with his other teamamtes to check on their profress,

that was whn he met wit his jurinr, Fan Lei.

But Yun  tao left in hurry back then because Teacher Nana learnd aout something interstein.

She found out yhat one if Yu Yan's chlern was actually studying at MAgu Acemina.

Lite did she bi that it was actually the doing of Yun Tao.

Ine of resdon why the Balzing Inersno sect also decided to ond hand with Silber Arrowws was becasue they found out thea the apprentice nceromancer put a crse to n on yu Yan chile.

to which that curcse directky linked the fate of u Yans chiled to an ancient prperhy.

But insead of the porpoehy that talke about thediectureutioof the worl, what their scet was the otgr vrsoin f the propoehy that was about the salvation.

So aside from hellping the Silver srrows ifnd ther missing yig mistress, the balzing inferno sct alo bstorwed Yun Tao with anoyher speual mission--and that ws to make sre that one of Y ans chiledern should l be sent isnide he mag Adceamsina.

Tha was why he benvevkonetly offerd his helo i Mu Lingci back then o sneaked her int the shiipiing vsesl that used to tasrdfort the studet of maggus Acdmia back to teir schopl.


Hi, if you guys are looking for another taste of romance with a comedic undertone, you can please check out my other book

*Married to the Queen of Darkness (available on both English and Tagalog version)

Also, you can check out for Fallen Blue's work

*Oh My Ghost

* Dear Mr. Fate Changer (available both on English and Tagalog version)

If you do have time, please don't forget to add those books to your library. It will really mean a lot to me. Thank you so much!

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