Chapter 13 - The Phone Call (3)

Name:SSS-Class Summoner Author:Qingming
The Phone Call (3)


Il-hyun, struck by the air, rolled on the floor again.

When he ran away, Ghost ignored all the obstacles on the wall and followed him.

Seok Pil-jun and Lee Soo-yeon were staring at him.

“But it’s never going to work.”

Il-hyun was dragged to his original position, and he wondered how it happened.

In the meantime, he had been caught by Ghost three times.

When Ghost disappeared, he couldn’t influence Il-hyun, and conversely, Il-hyun also couldn’t affect him.

If he wanted to attack or stop someone, he had to materialize.

Moreover, if it wasn’t during the moment that Ghost was materialized, he could not touch other people.

Of course, even if he knew his weakness, the situation did not change.

Il-hyun realized that he couldn’t escape from the situation if he continued to hide his ability.

If he was caught and passed over to the police, it would all be useless anyway.

Il-hyun made a sword.

“Isn’t that an ether sword?”

Lee Soo-yeon stared at the sight.

She didn’t know what the principle was, but Il-hyun pulled out a strange sword and assembled it.

“I think it’s past the stage to convince you.”

Seok Pil-jun pulled a sword and went forward.

Then Il-hyun looked around.

Of course, there was nobody there, and there was no trouble with visibility due to the wide control radius. However, the problem was that there were countless surveillance cameras in downtown Seoul.

“Are you hiding anything? When we are active, all CCTVs are turned off, so show your skills with confidence.”

Seok Pil-jun said in a blunt tone.

Il-hyun provocatively rolled his foot.

Around him, ten golems made of concrete appeared with the floor shaking.

The ground was dug by the volume of the golems, which were quite large.

It was a summons conjured by Il-hyun previously.



The awakened were taken aback by the sudden golem.

They have been active all over the world for many years but have never seen such a thing happen. It was the first time in their lives.

Meanwhile, Il-hyun had summoned a hawk and soared into the sky.

As soon as he tried to escape the building forest, Seok Pil-jun jumped several times using the air as his foothold and continued to chase him.

Seok Pil-jun, who had C-rank [Leap], split the hawk’s neck, and Il-hyun crashed onto the ground.

“Ugh! Damn it!”

Il-hyun hit the ground ungracefully and spat out a curse.

It was already his fifth time rolling on the floor today.

“What are you doing?”

Seok Pil-jun, who immediately followed, looked at him with a slightly surprised expression.

Il-hyun replied with a throbbing waist and extended his sword.

“You bastard!”


Two swords hit each other with a sharp sound.

His opponent’s tremendous power had struck with just the first blow.

Seok Pil-jun gently shed the sword off of Il-hyun, who was stabbed at the chest right under his shoulder.

Seok Pil-jun tried to reach him again quickly.

But it couldn’t be done.

“What is this…!”

A vine with a deformed bottom came out and grabbed his ankle.

Seok Pil-jun lifted his foot and smashed the vine, then attacked again.

And the moment he tried to counterattack one side, Seok Pil-jun felt something strange at his feet and flew to the sky with his jump ability.

Thorns came up from the floor to where he was previously.

Seok Pil-jun did not know what the opponent’s ability was. However, he had reacted instinctively and continued the fight.

In the midst of Seok Pil-jun’s twisting blade, Il-hyun bounced back.

He barely avoided the sword, and he immediately settled down.

However, Seok Pil-jun has been attacking dynamically by using his ability to make a foothold in the air, and Il-hyun was in a hurry.


Il-hyun was hit and flew back into the building.


As Il-hyun looked up, Lee Soo-yeon and Ghost were walking slowly towards him.

All the golems that were used to buy time had already been shattered.

Il-hyun was forced to admit the difference.

They weren’t opponents he could take on at his current level.

They weren’t even breaking a sweat.

They consistently dealt with him in a relaxed manner and were dominating him with ease.

It was just two weeks after his awakening; he was still a novice and couldn’t beat a member of an elite team.

When Il-hyun was about to give up, he discovered a body that appeared to be a B-ranked monster lying next to him.

He thought of collecting the core from the body of a monster that just died.

“That’s it!”

Il-hyun rushed to it and searched the body to take out the core inside it.

Lee Soo-yeon stared with a puzzled expression.

After all, the opponent had suddenly aimed for the ether of a B rank monster.

When Il-hyun tried to run away with the core, Lee Soo-yeon only watched him calmly because she believed that Il-hyun had no way of escaping the situation.

“Now, what do you want to do with the core?”

Seok Pil-jun asked.

“It’s all useful to me.”

Il-hyun replied briefly, holding the core in his right hand.

The core in his hand had a superior quality from the E-rank cores he’d absorbed so far.

He concentrated power and pressed his right hand as firmly as possible.

And, then, the core collapsed.

“What…? Nonsense! The core…”

The three awakened were astonished when they saw the ether core shattered in front of them.

Research teams couldn’t dismember the core even after adopting all kinds of methods. But now, the core was shattered by the grip of a single person.

The ether of the B-ranked core entered the body of Il-hyun, and momentarily the power flushed all over his body.

However, the force was not fully absorbed.

Rather than accepting it into his body, the power was left intact for immediate use.

“It might be possible now.”

Il-hyun envisioned what to do with this power.

He wanted to try something new. It was dangerous, but it was pointless to worry about the risks in his current situation.

The ether that flowed through his body merged with his enthusiasm for the battle.

He felt like his head was spinning.

Il-hyun noticed that there was a large eight-story shopping mall behind his back.

He put his hand on the wall of the building.

Il-hyun poured all the power he had and used this ability.


The surrounding land rang, the debris of the building drooped, and the appearance was changed totally.

The eight-story mall twisted around and displayed the shape of a giant snake.

The eyes of the giant snake shook.


The giant monster raised its head high and ran toward the other awakened.

“I just need one big summon.”

* * *

It was a giant snake.

The monster rushed at a terrifying speed and came to swallow the road.

An enormous amount of dirt accompanied it, and the surrounding buildings were lightly pushed away.

Seok Pil-jun and Ghost faltered at the tremendous shockwave from the devastated streets.

A high-ranking giant monster had appeared without explanation.


A black attack thwarted the tremendous snake.

The center of the serpent disappeared, forcing it to lose its balance, and slipped to the ground.


The giant snake, which had split into two branches, swept through the streets.

A boom followed the huge blast.

Only one person could do this.

Lee Soo-yeon, who held the sword, had black energy in her arm.

When she released her posture, the black energy soon disappeared.

“Ha… this is too much.”

She hit Il-hyun, and he was knocked out.

With a sense of weariness, he became relaxed, fell across the floor, and fainted.

After Il-hyun passed out, the silence settled for a while.

“What is that child’s identity?”

“Wow, that was really cool.”

Unlike Seok Pil-jun, whose fish-eyes were dull, Ghost admired it purely.

His tone was a little excited.

“When I heard it before, I thought it was definitely an unusual case, but it was much more than I expected.”

Lee Soo-yeon also laughed at the unexpected situation.

They were surprised that Il-hyun’s bare hands broke the indestructible ether, and it seemed that he still had more abilities reserved.

In particular, the last attack went far beyond the general awakened category.

She approached Il-hyun, who had past-out, and looked over his condition.

He was breathing fine, and there were no visible wounds.

“I don’t think he was injured or seriously hurt. Was there an overload due to excessive use of this ability?”

“He doesn’t look like a regular scavenger. He may be part of the IRC.”

“It sounds stupid. If there were a prospect with such an ability in an organization like that, he would have grown more. What would you have done for a scavenger?”

She couldn’t tell the level of his ability by just looking at him. Even if he looked great at the moment, there were usually limitations and weaknesses in unforeseen places.

However, it was clear that the ability that the man showed was, at the very least, completely different from the ones she had seen so far.

And, these instincts have increased infinitely, especially in criminal organizations.

If a criminal organization had such a talent, it would have been carefully nurtured, avoiding the eyes of all governments and corporations; it would not have been a scavenger.

It also didn’t make sense to leave him here in Korea.

“Anyway, it’s just a quick turn. I have to tell the government and keep him out of Yeong Young’s prison.”

“Only with theft… Why are you so aggressive now?”

Lee Soo-yeon’s mind changed.

“But isn’t it a waste? I want him to join our team.”


As if something was wrong, Seok Pil-jun looked at her with a strong sense of rejection.

But Lee Soo-yeon didn’t even care about thinking differently.

“I don’t know where to come in since this was our first meeting.”

“Haha, I’m in favor. This is the first time I’ve seen this ability. I thought the gate was open.”

Ghost laughed pleasantly.

If someone would be recruited anyway, the man in front of him was the most interesting choice.

However, Seok Pil-jun objected by shaking his head.

“Aren’t we Aegis? We already have a few unique abilities.”

“It’s not just the abilities. You can see the buds.”

Lee Soo-yeon was admiring the two of them fight.

The body specs were still insufficient in her standards, but the outstanding combat sense and elaborate performance of the opponent were more than enough.

Of course, even the body specs were not comparable to ordinary awakenings.

They were under the assumption that Il-hyun was awakened for only two weeks.

“Do you really believe that he had only been awakened just two weeks ago?”

“It’s only been that long since he appeared as a scavenger, and there’s something irregular about him.”

“Even if the offender has such a talent, I think he should be locked up before he gets stronger. He already has a criminal record, and he would raise it properly if he went into a criminal organization.”

“We don’t worry about that.”

Lee Soo-yeon said firmly.

As if she was sure it wouldn’t happen.

She knew the details of Il-hyun’s actions from police acquaintances.

Facts that didn’t appear in the media.

Of course, nothing was certain yet, but the puzzle was already unwinding in her head.

“Even if he does, there is nothing wrong with it. If you put him back, then it’s enough.”

“After joining the team anyway.”

“Then, we are going to acknowledge the majority.”

“You’re really.”

Seok Pil-jun stared at Ghost that slipped in.

Ghost just made a gesture by raising his arms and groaned.

“Well, it’s not final because we have to listen to Jung. Above all, it’s his decision whether to join or not.”

Lee Soo-yeon, who had collapsed, put her arm around her shoulder and raised her back.

“I won’t give him to the police anyway. The street was broken during the battle. I’m in charge, so cover this quietly.”

Seok Pil-jun still looked dissatisfied, but he was forced to follow the words of the team leader.

Ghost whispered confidently between his masked face.

In the meantime, the helicopter he had contacted was on its way.