Chapter 54 - Staggered (3)

Name:SSS-Class Summoner Author:Qingming
Staggered (3)

The shelter was located in the basement of the city center. The entrance to it was closed, and it was blocked by thick iron gates.

Citizens let out sighs of relief, but the uneasiness of the enclosed space lingered over at the same time.

“What can we do?” cried a child. Then, people began crying, too.

They were in a bigger panic because they never could’ve imagined that this would happen to themselves.

And mixed among them were Il-Hyun’s parents.

“I am telling you we are safe here, Il-Hyun is coming to save us too you know?”

“Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.”

Anxious gazes were exchanged between the two people who were muttering.

“Damn! Aren’t we gathered together to be killed? What’s the use of this shelter?” A nervous man complained.

Obviously, this was just a shelter built for low-ranking monsters.

No matter how thick and sturdy the door was, it was useful against monsters that were only at a certain level.

Houses were evacuated. In this situation, there was nothing to do other than to hide.

It’s only a little better than putting your neck before a monster.


At that time, loud gunfire was heard over the wall, as if it was a horse stampede.

People shook with pale faces, their expressions were of horror, and when the gunshots stopped, silence followed.

Everyone looked at the door quietly, and nobody could even think of opening it right now.


The thick door was crushed at once.

Suddenly, the arm of a monster stuck in that was like a blade.


The screams rang out, while the door fell with a bang.

People headed in the opposite direction to try to go out another way, but there was no other entrance.

The pale white monster, revealing its body at the broken entrance, looked at the numerous people in it.

The monster looked as if It had found a hidden gift.

People were stuck together and gathered to one side like a bunch of fish, the monster slowly approached them.


But something big came from behind and bit the monster’s neck.

The hawk summoned by Il-Hyun grabbed the monster’s neck and hit it with its big wings.

Then, the rat that rode behind it jumped and clung to its back.


Sharp teeth stuck on it, and blood spewed out.

It dug into the monster’s body with the power of his jaw, which the monster could not escape from.

The monster struggled to get the mouse off, but the hawk was already hitting it, and it was trying to interrupt the monster’s movement as much as possible.


The mouse ate the core located near its chest, and the monster lost power and fell to the floor.

“Thank God… You’re safe,” Il-Hyun released a sigh of relief as he confirmed his parents’ location with the eyes of the mice.

He was worried as his parents’ house was already broken, but fortunately, it was not as terrible as he could’ve imagined.

Il-Hyun had the two sent to protect the people in the shelter, and then he looked back.


The last monster on the street tumbled on the floor.

Wolf was pulverizing the monsters that rushed at it.

Among the bodies of monsters scattered around, there was one big B-rank monster.

“Three monsters are finished. How about that?”

— This is almost over.

Lee Tae-hee’s voice came from the communicator.

As they have accumulated experience and know-how, they have succeeded in organizing all B-ranked monsters quickly after the situation began.

Chaser and the other guys still remained.

“I still can’t get in touch with the outside.”

— I think we should solve it ourselves.

Unlike the first time, the force field’s interference effect intensified after a particular amount of time, so he couldn’t communicate with the outside.

Besides, it was difficult to get in contact with Lee Tae-hee from the inside, and it seemed unreasonable to look for help from the outside, as he still couldn’t see any way of breaking through the barrier.

— You may encounter the Ace monster anytime, but what can you do?

Lee Tae-hee said the two who had gone first were going to deal with the Chaser.

They went to fight an A rank monster alone, so Tae-hee had no choice but to worry about them.

Even more so if the lives of the people of this place were at risk.

“Hoo……” Il-Hyun was also worried.

It was difficult to sympathize with the two of them who tried to take risks despite so many people’s lives being dependent on them.

Of course, even then, it was true that the danger toward the citizens was reduced because at least Il-Hyun and Lee Tae-hee remained and killed other monsters.

It was the best scenario possible if only two of them could succeed in subduing the Chaser.

Of course, the moment they failed, it will become the worst.

“I hope they do well.”

* * *

A rank monster, Chaser.

With its long arms and three red eyes, the white monster was staring at the dying man in its arms that were like blades.

“Let him go, you little bitch.”

Chaser turned towards Park’s cry.

Two Awakened men stood proudly in front of him.

Then, the guy threw the body to the side and tilted its head slightly, and its red eyes flashed.

Park Sang-min touched the handle of his sword, holding the eyes of a man who had been living an intense life.

“We’re alive.”

“We’re alive every day.”

As Park Sang-ho laughed, he smiled and drew his sword and stepped forward.


Two blades met in an instant with the sound of the blowing wind.

Park Sang-ho’s black sword retracted half-way, and the monster’s left arm also got hit. Park Sang-min, who was slightly behind, rushed in.

He quickly approached and stabbed his sword, aiming at the empty flank on the monster’s left side.

But the Chaser that rose up at once twisted its body and shook its long arm again.

In a quick and threatening attack, the two brothers hit the blade of the monster together.


Along with a sharp sound, friction was produced.

Soon, after the attack that was difficult to prevent from the right came, the two escaped by taking their blades.

Instead of falling behind Park Sang-min, Park Sang-ho rushed forward, stabbing the sword in the middle of the monster’s chest where its core would have been located.

However, the attack was blocked midway, and several clashes happened after that.

The two wielded the swords with all their might, but most of the attacks were blocked by the monster’s arm.

“You should avoid the arm part as much as possible!”

“Damn, I know!”

It was the Chaser’s arms.

It was a sharp primary weapon of the monster, a particular part that absorbed all the shocks and never broke.

Of course, even if you hit it with the sword forcefully, it’s only natural that you can’t do any damage.

But it was also too fast.

They were always pushed to the limit while defending from the attack that was always coming at an enormous speed.

“Yes, that’s it!”


With static electricity, Park Sang-ho’s eyes lit up.

Powerful electricity splattered with dazzling flashes.

Park Sang-min, who had exchanged a knowing gaze in advance, fell without any damage, but the Chaser was exposed as it was, and it was forced to take a step back with a slight shudder.

As if they were waiting, the two stuck together and pressed on him again.

At that moment, the monster’s movement slowed due to the paralysis effect, while the speed of the hitting sword increased gradually.

Both Park Sang-ho and Park Sang-min were holders of two exceptional skills.

The twin brothers were famous for a rare case with their collective ability.

The name of the collective ability is acceleration.

As the name suggests, the more they fight, the faster they move.

Awakeners who can face the two with the accelerated movement reaching their maximum level haven’t been found among the same B ranks.


Chaser stepped back in response to the frightening movement of the two.

The momentum continued to be pressuring, and the two’s excellent breath didn’t give it the chance to counter-attack.

Like this, the two brothers had the upper hand against the A-rank monster, but it couldn’t be easily hurt.

And it stayed the same as time passed.


Thought Park Sang-min.

It seemed to be getting hurt, but it wasn’t.

He thought he could kill it after some time, but in the end, the situation just continued.

They weren’t sure of their thoughts for the moment, but the longer the fight, the more they could guess.

Smart Monster!

Park Sang-min was astonished.

On the surface, they seemed to prevail, but in reality, it was the opposite.

The monster in front of them was gradually speeding around them as if it were playing with them.

As if to proved it, the brothers’ speed no longer accelerated, and the situation began to turn over in a bad way.

“No, brother! Let’s step back. This is dangerous.”

“Just a little bit more!”

Park Sang-ho gnashed his teeth and rushed like mad.

Again, the sword was stopped by its arm and made a sharp sound.

Park Sang-min inevitably followed him and supported him as much as possible.

However, Park Sang-ho’s defense was broken entirely when Park Sang-min’s two blades were thrown out from both of his arms, which had reached an unbearable speed.

He got up right away and attacked again, but he felt frustrated and didn’t make the right counter-attack.


Park Sang-ho, who was hit by the monster, rolled on the floor, and even his defense coat was utterly broken.

Park Sang-min shouted hurriedly to stop Chaser from trying to end him.


“Yes, let’s run away.”

In response to Park Sang-ho’s answer, Sang-min Park nodded. He ran and grabbed his twin brother’s arms.

It was just their poor pride that made them curious about gambling even though they knew that it was dangerous.

There was no assurance in their pride.


The brothers’ figure disappeared from the streets where the intense fighting was happening.

The scene before their eyes shifted completely.

“Are you okay?”

Lee Tae-hee was frightened by the appearance of the two who were wounded.

She was protecting the citizens evacuating from the remaining monsters.

Many citizens, including soldiers, were watching with amazement behind her.

“Damn it! We almost got it!”

“Call your teammate, too. If we take a break, we can fight again without a problem,” the two said with rough breathing.

Even though they ran away in the middle, it was enough that they had time to save the citizens.

But the guy’s name wasn’t Chaser for nothing—that meant they were chasers themselves.

White monsters appeared through the gaps in the streets.


Lee Tae-hee shouted from their sudden appearance, but it was too late.


The monster’s arms pierced the body of the twins.

“Impossible…This was far away…”

Park Sang-min stared at his chest—that was pierced while in the air and blood spilled from his mouth.

There was information received in advance about the monster, and he analyzed it in his own stupid way.

The tricky tracking ability was already known, and it was impossible for the monster to chase from this distance.

But the guy had been chasing them longer than they had thought.


His body was slashed and thrown away by the Chaser.

The eyes of this monster that had just killed two high-ranking Awakeners quickly reached Lee Tae-hee.

The Chasers’s three eyes pierced at her.

Lee Tae-hee took a deep breath and firmly held her sword.

She tried to erase the thoughts about what she had just seen, but she couldn’t do it.

It might be really dangerous this time.