Fang Yun sat in the carriage and closed his eyes. After reciting "butterflies love flowers in spring", he felt that his talent and energy had been lost and needed a break to make up for it

He Yuyu, who was in the same car, became more and more excited and said, "I'll bring this word back to ethnology right away. Mr. and students will be happy. I didn't expect that you not only wrote a good poem, but also the conjunctions are so amazing. This word is really wonderful. There are no fragrant grass anywhere in the world. A good sentence must be immortal."

Fang Yun didn't answer and nodded.

"With the pillow in mind and the butterfly in love with flowers, your holy way next month is a double text. Work harder and write two more poems, which means the four texts share the same brilliance!"

Fang Yun didn't answer, he Yuxuan continued: "Nine days later, the heads of the nine counties and the first five children in Fucheng will study in the Fuwen academy, and you are one of them. Although Lishan society can help you, it is ultimately the world of the British society, and Liu Zicheng studies in the Fuwen Academy. Based on my understanding of him, he will certainly bully you on the first day of admission and make you a laughing stock of the Fuyuan."

"How dare he act wildly in the mansion?"

"Don't you know? The king of the literary academy of the prefecture is Zuo Xiang, and the magistrate is Wen Xiang. The ten countries have similar rules. The head of the civil service of the prefecture and the head of the literary academy can never be the same faction, which is out of balance. It would be much better if you joined the literary academy of the prefecture. Although Li Wenying is not a member of the literary academy, he is a member of the military and hates Zuo Xiang very much. Can you want to do it How can I enter the State Academy of Arts? "

"Children enter the State Academy of Arts? Those big countries have appeared before, but Jingguo is unprecedented. Do I have enough qualifications?" Fang Yun asked.

He Yuzhu thought for a moment and said, "your literary name is enough, but you haven't studied in the county literary academy, and you're not a holy family. It's too difficult for a child to enter the state literary academy directly. Generally speaking, only the whole family and the scholars of each government can enter the state literary academy."


Fang Yun closed his eyes and rested for a moment. His mind entered the Wen palace.

There is one more star in Wengong, and one more star to nourish talent, but it is still very thin.

That silky talent has increased again, reaching seven and a half inches, and there are still two and a half inches to become a scholar.

Fang Yun kept thinking in his heart.

"The government test is only around June 15, and there are still more than two months to go. This is the best time for Liu Zicheng to attack me. Even if I bear it, I may not be able to spend it. Therefore, I must become a former scholar before the government test and master the talk on paper. Otherwise, even if Liu Zicheng doesn't kill me, with the scholar's physique and talk on paper, there are countless ways to humiliate me."

"However, talent grows too fast and cannot be honed enough. If he cannot condense his literary courage or his literary courage is congenitally deficient in the future, it will be completely abandoned, and no amount of poetry and prose can make up for it. According to the collection of Chen Shengwen, Tao Yuanming is too obsessed with the countryside and has no intention of refining his literary courage. He can't be canonized from the beginning to the end. He repents in the year of his death and writes the origin of peach blossoms." We will never blindly avoid the world, but open up a paradise. We will eventually become a semi saint and prolong our life by 80 years. "

"From today on, I will shorten my sleep to four hours. With my talent, I can keep my spirit vigorous for two months. It's not too late to rest when I become a scholar."

"Virtue is the bone of the text, nature is the heart of the text, ambition is the root of the text, and words are the body of the text. Words should be practiced all the time, and sages should study harder, which is the best way to stabilize their talent. However, the course of Ethnology should not be delayed, because teaching them is equivalent to explaining the holy way in the simplest words, which is also of great benefit to my cultivation."

When his mind retreated from the Wen palace, Fang Yun asked, "brother he, what does your Wen palace look like?"

He Yuyu smiled: "Your literary palace has its own advantages. Naturally, you can't publicize it more. Mine is no different from ordinary scholars. It's nothing to say. My name is literary palace. It's a little boastful. In fact, it's a broken hut. There's nothing in it, just my statue. There's nothing about the legendary literary palace, the starry sky and the murals of saints. I'm poor. The better one is the pavilion, The better one is the stone house. As for you talented people who are expected to become great Confucianism or even canonization, there is either a literary palace like the Jinluan palace of the imperial court or a literary palace like the holy temple of the literary academy. Of course, there are big and small. "

"I see." Fang Yun said.

"Your literary palace is at least a palace of kings, isn't it? You are so talented that you must have the starry sky of the literary palace, but there may not be many holy murals. It is said that you can only be recognized as the top four talents or the head of the country."

Fang Yun thought and didn't speak. When he visited the holy temple, he had many holy murals.

He Yuyu was excited and talked endlessly: "It is rumored that there are other strange cultural palaces besides the Cultural Palace of the holy temple. According to a few words left by Kong Sheng, the man must jump out of the Shengyuan continent and look at the stars. He must have special insight. For example, all saints say that the place where the Shengyuan continent is located is not a flat ground, but a big ball. They say that the sun is a million times larger than the Shengyuan continent, but even Shengyuan The mainland is round. I can't figure out what the stars are. "

Fang Yun wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh. His heart said that he knew these were really not brilliant insights. Then he remembered his own Wen palace.

His literary palace is not a palace temple, nor is it an ordinary stone house, but a grand but simple hall built of huge stones. It is thousands of feet long and wide, larger than ordinary small villages and towns, and has been expanding with the growth of talent.

He continued: "It is said that the bigger and stronger the Wenqu palace is, the more likely the Wenqu star will move. No one knows what the Wenqu star is. It is only a semi saint's guess that the vitality of the Shengyuan continent comes from itself, but it comes from the Wenqu star. However, since the fall of Confucius, there have been two more sources of talent between heaven and earth, one is the holy courtyard and the other is the Terran itself. As long as someone is reading If you can read, you will continue to create talent. However, if you want to get the purest talent, you must accept the star movement of Wenqu. As for the star light body of Wenqu, no one can get it except Kong Sheng and King Wen of Zhou. Oh, by the way, it is possible for Yi to know the world. "

Fang Yun heard Yi Zhishi's name again. This man is also a genius in the world. He is only a little familiar with poetry, but he is the first person under the semi saint to study the classics of saints. It is said that he can linger before becoming a great Confucian.

Fang Daniu outside couldn't help shouting, "my young master can do it! What clothes know the world and two know the world. Is he a former child student of Shuangjia saint?"

Fang Yun smiled and he Yuyu smiled and said, "OK, your young master can certainly be a semi saint, all right?"

"At least I should be a saint of Asia! I'll drive a car for saint of Asia in the future. It's so magnificent." Fang Daniu said.

He Yuyu smiled at each other and said, "your cousin is really silly. Yasheng doesn't have a carriage. If he wants to take a carriage, he will take a Wenbao carriage. There's no need for anyone to drive."

Fang Daniu whispered outside, "that's what he said. I'd better watch the door in the future."

Fang Yun became interested in Wen Bao and asked, "do you sell Wen Bao?"

"Yes, but it's very rare. After all, a person can only make one lowest level cultural treasure in his life. There are up to 40 or 50 people in Jiangzhou a year. Excluding those who die in war or accident, how many cultural treasures can Jiangzhou have in a year? Most cultural treasures are obtained by the imperial court and holy courtyard, and few can be traded. It is said that 70% of the cultural treasures traded privately are those who die at the hands of demons and barbarians Those demons can't use them. Naturally, they sell them to traders in the Terran for what they need. "

"What does the demon clan need?" Fang Yun asked.

He Yuyu changed his face and said helplessly, "most businessmen only sell cattle and sheep to demon barbarians, but a few unscrupulous businessmen sell not only living people, but also the bodies of people with literary positions."

"Is this true? I thought it was all rumors."

"Of course, it is true! The demon blood of the demon race can be made into blood ink and demon bone hair. It is also a material for making holy pages, and the body of people who pass the talent irrigation is also the most loved one, the best living and the dead. It is said that they can grow and repair them and help them absorb the essence of the sun and moon. After all, the spirit comes from Wen Qu Xing.

"There's something else." Fang Yun looked serious.

He Yuyu also said: "It is because the demon clan wants to eat people that all countries distribute their cultural treasures to the county, and each government has stationed its troops. Our Jiangzhou is unlucky. The Yangtze River water demon is in the south, the sea demon is in the East, and one of the five demon mountains is in the Southwest. Fortunately, the demon mountain in our territory is a branch, which is full of small demons. The Yangtze River water demon has been eliminated by the water army, otherwise it would have been chaotic. The sea demon dragon clan We usually do sea trade with us, but we practice with Terrans every year. "

"Do you mean Ping demon poetry club?"

"Yes, the sea demon takes us to practice, and we also take them to practice. Generally speaking, no one will suffer a loss. I'm most afraid of meeting those dragon sons and grandchildren who want to make contributions, so we need to fight a big war. We have to die a few scholars."

"I'd like to see it," Fang Yun said.

Ho Yu Chuen Road: "I've seen it. It's really spectacular. In that year, it was led by a demon king, long sun. What's his mount? A ten mile long demon turtle. The demon turtle and long sun appeared on the sea without urging the demon force, which led to a violent storm. If the demon turtle moved a little, it was a big wave three feet high. If it weren't for the joint protection of many Jinshi of our side, the seawall would be washed down. Long Although sun was powerful, he was no more fierce than Jianmei Gong. Jianmei Gong's original famous work was the wind and rain sword poem. That dragon and sun had to control the wind and rain, but he was killed by thousands of wind and rain swords and fled into the deep sea. The strength of the demon king was slightly higher than that of a bachelor, so the war made Jianmei Gong famous and famous in ten countries, and then he took the seat of king of the State Academy of Arts. "

Fang Yun nodded and said, "they all say that the reason why the sea demon is honest these years is mainly due to Lord Li Wenying."

"Nature is the credit of Jianmei Gong."

"Is there a lot of dragon blood ink in the hands of bachelor Li?" Fang Yun asked curiously.

"Yes! Even if 70% is turned over to the imperial court, 10% to the military and 10% to the state literary academy, he still has 10% in his hand. Few people have made an idea of his dragon blood ink in recent years, so he will appear in some literary conferences every year and set his head color as a dragon blood ink ingot."

"Then I'll pay attention."

At this time, Daniel Fang said outside, "young master, we are going to enter the city. The carriages behind us seem to be following us all the time."