Without the demon race chasing, they returned smoothly and went out of the mountain forest.

At the moment, the sun is shining in the afternoon. There are grass and rivers ahead. The whole world has become extremely open. The suffocation accumulated by people in the narrow space of the forest has been completely released.

"It's better to be outside. It's comfortable to see."

"The forest is only suitable for playing. If you live long, you will die."

"Let's go back to Lujia Town, then back to Mi County for one night, and back to Dayuan mansion tomorrow."


Everyone was in high spirits and walked a lot faster.

Those soldiers were secretly relieved. In the past, demons often came suddenly when killing demons. It was always the soldiers who were killed and injured first, and then it was the scholar's turn. Therefore, although they were loyal to their duties all the way, even if there were slaves, they still had some resistance in their hearts, but now everything is over.

Not long after, the people looked at Lujia town from a distance, and the three people with the best eyesight sank.

Outside Lujia town are full of fish demon bodies.

Lujia town is dilapidated. The low walls outside the town collapsed everywhere. Many houses were razed to the ground, as if they had experienced a major flood. Some houses in the distance seem to have been lit. The fire has been extinguished and light smoke is emitted. It can be seen that many people are busy.

"Slow down and get ready to kill the demon."

Everyone hurried to prepare for the war, drawing knives, holding guns and taking arrows. The scholars also put down their board clothes and dipped their pens in ink.

Nu Nu stood upright on Fang Yun's shoulder and looked at it, and then said in a normal voice, "whining, whining."

Fang Yun asked, "you said there was no demon clan?"

"Whining!" Nu nodded.

Before they gave orders, they were relieved. Now they unconditionally believe in Fang Yun and nu.

"Go, go and see what's going on! Don't be happy too early. If there is a demon attack, we can't leave, otherwise we'll be deserters."

Everyone was nervous again. No one complained, but the atmosphere of the team was bad.

These people have been tired of killing demons.

The three gentlemen met and frowned. If the demon clan suddenly appeared, the morale of the team would collapse immediately.

Mr. Wang said: "No one likes to risk his life to kill demons. You don't like it, and I don't like it. Even Lord Yuanjun once told us that if he could choose, he would rather read sages' books every day, drink tea and enjoy the moon, but he can't! We can't! The demon family tries to feed humans as food, and the barbarian family wants to occupy my great rivers and mountains. If we are romantic, we will eventually become slaves of the demon and barbarian Li! "

"In those days, it was difficult for the demons and barbarians to leave the demon world, so our family had a chance to breathe. Later, the battle in the pastures outside Chaoge city was not a battle between the Shang and Zhou dynasties, but a battle between the human race and the demons and barbarians! King Wen knew that it was impossible for human and the demons and barbarians to coexist. It was an eternal enemy, and only when one party was completely extinct could he give up!"

"Our generation of scholars is the last defense line of the holy yuan continent and hundreds of millions of Terrans. Our will and strength are the last fortress of the Terran. If we dare not fight, the Terran will perish!"

"Would you like to be kept in captivity, slaughtered and served like that pig?"

"No!" several students whispered.

"Would you like to see your relatives, friends, wives and daughters become the playthings of demons?" Mr. Wang asked again.

"No!" more people said this time.

"Are you willing to hand over the Terran land paved by the bones of your predecessors?"

"No!" many people said.

"Then, use the power given to us by Wenqu star and the saints to kill these demons and barbarians, so that our family and future generations can live safely! Even if we become withered bones! This land belongs to our Terran, and no one can take it away! The Terran will not die, and the righteousness will last forever!"

Everyone was inspired by Mr. Wang's words. This is not the encouragement of war poetry, but the power to attack the heart!

"The human race will never die, and the righteousness will last forever!"

The crowd roared, and the original weariness of war disappeared completely. They wanted to catch those demon families who destroyed the town.

When the people came to the town, the mayor greeted them with some people.

"What's going on?" Mr. Wang asked.

The mayor's eyes were red, and he said with great grief: "I don't know why, a large number of demon families rushed over an hour ago, led by a turtle demon as big as a house. Then a big snake came out, and then the two sides fought. The demon turtle knew magic and spewed out big water to flood half of the village. Other demon families also knew magic, some poisoned and some set fire. We just finished counting, more than 40 people died in the town, and three others died More than a dozen people who live and die should have been taken away and eaten by the demon family. "

"How did they leave?"

"The tortoise demon was very powerful. The snake demon couldn't fight at all. On the contrary, it was hurt by the tortoise demon and other demon families. Finally, the snake demon had to escape. Those demon families seemed to value the snake demon very much and didn't care about us. They chased the snake demon and killed it."

"Can you ask the magistrate of Mi County for help?"

"I tore two red seals in a row. The nearby government army should be arriving soon."

"Are those demons handsome?"

"I don't understand demon language. Chengcai, you can speak demon language and answer the master's words."

An Chengcai, a boy he had met before, came over. He was much thinner than a few days ago. His eyes were a little gloomy. He didn't look like a newly married young man at all.

The mayor sighed and said, "his beautiful daughter-in-law can't be found. It seems that he was caught by the demon family, but he may also be hiding somewhere. Chengcai, tell me what's going on."

An Chengcai bowed to the crowd and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, the words of the demon clan are very chaotic. I can't repeat them one by one, but I can guess the general of the matter. The snake demon seems to have stolen something. The people of the Jiaolong palace of the Yangtze River sent a turtle demon to kill the snake demon. The snake demon called the turtle demon a demon general, but the turtle demon is much more powerful than an ordinary demon general. The snake demon simply killed three ordinary demon generals, but it can't beat them at all Pass the tortoise demon. "

Three people and a few scholars changed their looks.

"Is there a protuberance on the turtle demon's head, like a horn about to grow?"

"Yes! Is that a dragon turtle?"

"It can't be a dragon turtle. The Dragon turtle is also a kind of dragon. It is juxtaposed with the Jiaolong. The demon turtle is likely to have dragon blood and belong to the pseudo dragon family, otherwise it can't be so powerful. What about the snake demon?"

"I don't know that." an Chengcai bowed his head and thought hard, as if trying to recall something.

Mr. Wang asked, "does the snake demon have a red crown on his head and black and red patterns on his body?"

The mayor immediately shook his head and said, "no! The big snake demon has nothing on its head and its body is blue. It's a big green snake. It's very scary, especially when I open my mouth. However, the big green snake seems to be good and didn't deliberately hurt people. The demon turtle is not a thing and killed many of us. Even Mr. Yang doesn't know whether he was caught by the demon clan."

An Chengcai suddenly clenched his fist and lowered his head.

The slave looked at an Chengcai suspiciously and sniffed gently. His eyes fell on an Chengcai's chest. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"How many demon soldiers are there except those demon generals?"

"At least five or six hundred, most of them are fish demons, but they were killed by the snake demon for more than two hundred. The body is outside. You can count."

Mr. Wang sighed and said, "let's stay here for the time being until the government army comes. Whether to go or stay or fight, wait until the people of the government army come. Don't be idle and help the people in the town."

So they began to help the people in the town clean up the destroyed place.

Not long ago, more than 30 armored cattle carts came from a distance, forming billowing smoke and dust.

The first is a armored cattle chariot, which is also pulled by two armored cattle. However, the two armored cattle are dressed in iron armor, and the car pulled behind is also very small. There are only three people standing on it, one driving, one general in armor, and one he magistrate of Mi County.

The crowd immediately met up, and the armour ox chariot gradually slowed down. The general jumped down from the armour ox chariot. His face was not blocked by his helmet. Fang Yun didn't know it, but many people around recognized it.

"General Chen!" the crowd saluted.

Fang Yun immediately guessed that this should be the general of Dayuan mansion, Chen Xibi, an official from the fifth grade.

Both He county magistrate and Chen Xibi are Jinshi, but one is elegant and the other is rough.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xi asked, glancing at the crowd.

Mr. Wang immediately reported what had happened.

"Who is Fang Yun?"

"The student is right." Fang Yun stepped forward.

Chen Xibi looked at Fang Yun, nodded his head, and then said to the crowd, "since they are two demon generals, you don't have to disturb the Lord yuan. All the great scholars in the kingdom of Jing are in the holy yard and haven't come back yet. The Lord yuan must sit in Yuhai city to prevent the sea people from sneaking attacks. I will leave Liangshi army to guard here, and everyone else will follow me to hunt down those demon families to prevent them from killing more people."

Chen Xibi paused, glanced at the people in the state literary academy and said, "you were temporarily recruited as the government army! Follow me to destroy the demon!"

Mr. Wang took a look at Fang Yun and said to Chen Xi, "Sir, we have just killed a demon general, and our talent has not recovered. Especially Fang Yun, who has just become a former scholar, can't be used. Why don't you let Fang Yun go back to the state literary academy and let us kill the demon with you."

The people nearby were surprised. This pre Saint scholar is more rare than the pre Saint child, and there can be no one in a hundred years. Moreover, the pre Saint scholar is the current limit. No one can become a pre Saint except Confucius' own disciples.

The status of the former scholar is higher than that of the ordinary people, almost close to the Jinshi.

An Chengcai stared at Fang Yun with shock in his eyes.

Nu Nu still stared at an Chengcai.

A flash of surprise flashed in Chen Xi's eyes, and then asked Fang Yun, "are you seriously injured?"


"You can't draw a bow and hold a sword?"


"Then come with me! What a good man if you don't experience the battlefield of life and death! I have a 'mountain inkstone' to lend to you first. If you encounter danger, inject your talent into it and trigger the power of mountain Fu to protect yourself! You won't die in battle before I die!" Chen Xibi said and threw the mountain inkstone to Fang Yun.

Fang Yun hurriedly picked it up and said, "thank you, General Chen."

Chen Xibi smiled and said, "the future of Jingguo depends on you, but you should listen to me now!"

The crowd laughed.

"Let's go!" Chen Xi wrote very simply.

The boy, an Chengcai, suddenly said in a loud voice, "general, my wife may have been kidnapped and killed by the demon clan. As a scholar, I have to repay this revenge! I am proficient in shooting, often hunt, and have killed the demon clan together with the villagers. Please allow me to join the army."

"OK! Get in the car!"