Under the bright moonlight, Fang Yun gently pushed Yang Yuhuan away, reached out to dry the tears on her face, kissed her forehead, then leaned over and touched the little fox, finally looked at Ao Huang, nodded and walked to the door.

The breeze rises, the clothes swing gently, and Fang Yun's steps are still steady.

Yang Yuhuan looked at Fang Yun's back and gently wiped his tears.

Fang Yun opened the door with his eyes like a sword, showing his sharp edge and scanning the front.

Outside the door of Fang's house, there were many swordsmen and bare armor. A brigade of 200 people stood outside the door, fully armed.

In front of the soldiers was a wooden prison car, like a large square cage.

In front of the prison car are the people of the Ministry of punishment and the hall of punishment.

In addition to Yuan Su, the chief minister of the Ministry of punishment, the rest, whether ordinary factotum or Jinshi officials, even the personnel and soldiers of the temple of punishment, instinctively stepped back and narrowed their eyes for fear of being stabbed by Fang Yun's eyes.

Yuan Su was nearly 50 years old and Cheng Hanlin had been there for many years. But when he looked at Fang Yun, his eyes still narrowed and then opened.

Yuan Su smiled and arched his hand and said, "Marquis Fang Wenhou, I've heard a lot about it. It's just that there are state laws and family rules. Since you violate the law of the holy courtyard and see that Lei Jiu, a virtual Saint family, is facing death and doesn't save, we can only enforce the law impartially."

Fang Yun looked at the prison car, looked directly at Yuan Su, and said, "I'm the former Jinshi, the third grade Wenhou and the cabinet. Unless I commit a great crime against the kind, I can't get on shackles, shackles and the prison car!"

Yuan Su said casually, still smiling and said, "Fang Wenhou doesn't know. Just now, there was a document issued by the punishment Hall of the holy court. You didn't become a virtual saint, but you were listed as the enemy of the family by the Mongolian family. The Mongolian family owner additionally accused you of killing the fierce king and robbing the Mongolian family. All your privileges have been cancelled!"

Fang Yun was silent.

In the Ten Kingdoms, the aristocratic family is heaven.

Yuan Su smiled and said, "you and I are from Jingguo. I don't want to be severely punished, but the situation is forced. I hope Fang Zhenguo will forgive me."

As soon as the voice fell, Yuan Su suddenly changed his face, looked ferocious, waved and shouted: "take Fang Yun, the felon in the holy yard! This man is extremely vicious and murderous. You can't be careless. If anyone colludes with him, cut him and make a decision!"

The servants came up with a bitter face and carefully carried shackles and shackles for Fang.

Suddenly, a Jinshi wearing seven grade official clothes rushed out and kicked the head of the guard who was carefully shackled for Fang Yun.

"Ah..." the officer screamed and knocked his head on the ground with blood pouring.

"Bastard! Are you shackled or embroidered? Do you treat Fang Yun as a golden branch and jade leaf or a lady of the family? Come here, this man colluded with the serious criminals in the holy yard, dragged out to beat 40 boards and exiled thousands of miles!" the Jinshi shouted angrily.

"Presumptuous!" Fang Yun shouted, and the breath he vomited seemed to turn into a sharp sword. He saw that the Jinshi's clothes suddenly broke into pieces and flew away, becoming naked.

"You..." the Jinshi hurried back with his crotch covered, then picked his clothes from the servant behind him, and looked at Fang Yun in embarrassment and anger.

"Mr. Yuan, look at Fang Yun! Obviously, he has become a prisoner and wants to kill me! Please decide and avenge the students!"

Yuan Su smiled coldly and said, "I just managed to blow air into a sword. Fang Zhenguo is worthy of Fang Zhenguo. However, what crime should you commit if you intend to hurt the officials of the Ministry of punishment!"

"Well, I hurt you, and then?" Fang Yun smiled coldly. He knew that these people were deliberately provoking themselves, but there was no need to worry about the punishment of the moon tree god hanging overhead.

Death is everywhere. It's better to be vigorous than trembling.

Yuan Su was about to make trouble when he heard someone shouting in the distance: "who dares to imprison Fang Zhenguo!"

Fang Yun turned around and saw that it was Qiao juze who hurried here with a group of Jingguo students, and some students in the distance found that the situation here was bad and hurried here.

Yuan Su said in a stern voice: "the punishment Hall of the holy court and the punishment Department of Jingguo jointly handle the case. Irrelevant people should retreat quickly!"

Qiao juze sneered and said, "Fang Yun is the enemy of the aristocratic family and has no privileges, but we are students of Jingguo. How can you humiliate your classmates like this!"

Yuan Su was stunned. Fang Yun had no privileges, but he was still a student of Jingguo school palace. It was natural for Qiao juze and others to stand out for him.

"Qiao juze, you are the son-in-law of Chen Sheng family. As a member of the family, you can't protect the enemies of the family!" Yuan Su said.

Qiao juze smiled calmly and said, "you can invite the holy courtyard to catch me!"

Yuan Su felt a headache. The holy courtyard didn't care much about this kind of thing. He didn't know that Ma Yue sent someone to investigate. Even if the investigation was over, he didn't know that Ma Yue made the final judgment. Even if the judgment is made, it may only be a punishment that does not hurt or itch, such as confiscation of some silver and foot ban for a month.

Qiao juze disobeyed the enemies of the aristocratic family to help Fang Yun. The real problem is that he may be hated by other aristocratic families, but now Fang Yun has not aroused the public anger of the aristocratic family. For the holy aristocratic families, Fang Yun is more worthy of friendship than the fierce king and the Mongolian family. Qiao juze has no worries about doing so.

Yuan Su is a scholar in the Imperial Academy and the second person in the Ministry of punishment. If ordinary scholars dare to obstruct him, he will scold him bloody. But now Qiao juze is not only a scholar in Shangshe, but also the son-in-law of the aristocratic family. In the future, he will also be a scholar in the holy Academy. It is not a scholar at all.

What's more, Qiao juze is followed by a large number of students, including the children of aristocratic families.

Yuan Su glanced coldly at the officer who stopped beside Fang Yun and said, "what are you looking at? Continue to be shackled!"

Qiao juze was about to stop, Fang Yun said, "brother Qiao, don't worry, they don't dare to embarrass me. I have a tongue sword in my mouth!"

A crisp sword sound came from Fang Yun's literary palace, forming an invisible threat. Those ordinary officers and students didn't feel it, but those who had words and swords were all stunned.

Everyone's lips and tongues were pressed to move by this sword chant. It took a finger flicking time to return to normal, but such a short time is enough to distinguish the victory and defeat.

Yuan Su finally retreated half a step away from Fang Yun.

Yuan Su is an Imperial Academy. If he fights with Fang Yun at a distance, he may win with his divine pen. However, now that they are so close, Fang Yun's courage is far stronger than him. As long as he attacks with his courage first, and then use his words and swords, Yuan Su will die.

"That's good." Joe juze sighed. He didn't know how to do it. The whole thing was too complicated and involved the struggle of the holy way.

The students in the distance kept coming around and silently looked at Fang Yun.

No one scolded the officers. They all knew that they were ordered to act, but the eyes looking at Yuan Su, the left waiter of the Ministry of punishment, were full of contempt.

Yuan Su stood motionless as if he hadn't seen it.

After putting on the shackles and anklets, Fang Yun was sent to the prison car with his head exposed above the prison car.

"Pa..." the groom whipped.

"Xi Yuyu..." the two horses shouted together and walked forward with their hoofs and the bones of the prison cart.

Yuan Su, the left attendant of the Ministry of punishment, rode on a tall horse and walked in the middle.

In front of Yuan Su, there are many guards holding honor badges with black characters on a red background. Some of them say "avoid", some say "Silence", and there are nine honor badges, including "Hanlin", "Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of punishment", "Jinshi", "xianbo" and "Jieyuan".

The more honor guard cards, the greater a person's status and influence.

Behind yuan Su was Fang Yun's prison car, which was slowly moved forward by a large number of officers and soldiers and government servants.

On the prison car, Fang Yun looked calm and calm. He had neither hair nor ragged clothes. He didn't look like a prisoner at all. The soldiers around him were careful, but he looked like a prisoner.

Fang Yun on the prison car bumped gently with the ups and downs of the prison car. He looked up at the night sky and asked his lips to move. He was actually reciting the book of rites.

Don't pay attention to the criminal department at all!

Qiao juze led a large number of students to follow more than ten feet away from the prison car.

Out of Jingguo school palace, thousands of students still didn't disperse.

Yuan Su turned his head and looked behind him. He stretched out his hand to stop the team, turned his horse and came to the students.

"This is no longer a school palace. Why do you have to go with us? As a student of the school palace, I don't know how to study wholeheartedly and only know how to form a party for personal gain. Do you want to gather people to rebel!" Yuan Su scolded.

Fang Yun frowned. From the beginning of the meeting, Yuan Su deliberately put on a bureaucratic style. He obviously wanted to annoy everyone and make things big. If something happened, it would be very bad for him.

Qiao juze smiled and said, "the original waiter is worried. We just make friends with our classmates and send Fang Yun. Don't people walk behind the punishment team?"

Yuan Su glared at the people fiercely. He found that these people were not easy to anger, so he had to order them to move on.

Not long after, the team of the Ministry of punishment came to the crowded neighborhood.

Some people immediately recognized Fang Yun.

"How did Fang Wenhou get caught?"

"Ah? Is that Marquis Fang Wenhou? Yes, yes, it's really Marquis Fang Wenhou. He looked like him on the light curtain of the school Palace during the national day of the Ten Kingdoms!"

"Who dares to catch Fang Zhenguo? It's too much!"

People in the street talked one after another. Many people followed the brigade of the Ministry of punishment and shouted Fang Yun's name.

Yuan Su smiled coldly. It was a great humiliation for a dignified former Jinshi to be paraded in the street. In addition, he was questioned by the people. If he was careless, he might be afraid of his bravery and leave a shadow in his heart, which would be very detrimental to the holy way in the future. What's more, Fang Yun is very young. Even if he is a genius, he may not be very determined. This humiliating method is most effective for young people.

Yuan Su turned his head and looked at Fang Yun. He found that Fang Yun was calm as usual and snorted. He thought that now was just the beginning. If there were many people, Fang Yun would be flustered and shaken.

A quarter of an hour later, a large number of people from Beijing gathered behind the team on both sides of the Ministry of punishment. Some were just curious, but most were very angry and wanted to know what big mistake Fang Yun had made.

At that time, only people near the temple square knew that the Lei family sued Fang Yun for not saving his life, but people in the distance didn't know.

With more and more people, things become more and more different, and multiple versions have been formed, but all versions have something in common, that is, Zuo Xiang colludes with the enemy to kill Fang Yun. The original waiter is a running dog.

"Unexpectedly, there were animals in Jingguo!"

"Riding a horse like a dog is like a beast in clothes!"

"It's better to put chains on Fangzhen country than pigs and dogs!"

Yuan Su was stunned. The situation seemed to deviate from the imagination.
