The invisible power came, and the sea water within ten miles was immediately drained away. Then the world was dark and the dark clouds were billowing over.


The strong wind is loud and weeping, and the yellow sand is coming all over the sky, forming a strong dust storm.


In the yellow sand, flying stones are like arrows.

"Run!" Mo Yao and Tang Jianqiu tried their best to escape. They were covered with protective war poems. The flying sand fell on the protective cover and made the sound of arrows falling on the shield.

Suddenly, a flying stone the size of a thumb belly came, silently penetrated the defensive war poetry, and hit Mo Yao's left shoulder with a slap.


Mo Yao was unprepared and screamed. He stumbled back. When he looked down, the small stone broke through his shoulder. Yu Guang saw that the bloody stone was still flying back.

Mo Yao is in a cold sweat. Although the human body is not as strong as the demon, the great scholar's body is nourished by talent and far more than ordinary people, not to mention the Dragon grain rice, which makes the great scholar's body far more than the demon soldier and close to the demon general.

However, Mo Yao was puzzled, because the flying stone was not fast enough to penetrate his body, unless the stone had strange characteristics of war poetry.

Mo Yao immediately thought of the two armies of "yellow sand wears gold armor in a hundred battles, and will not return until Loulan is broken". He realized that the words "wear" and "break" may be the essence of the whole poem.

"The three realms of Hanlin is equivalent to the war poetry of great Confucianism. We are so terrible here. The three ancient demon kings are in the center, which is hundreds of times more difficult than us. This place is no longer where we can stay!" Mo Yao sped out his poems and fled, but as soon as he got on the war horse, there were clear cracks in the protection war poetry around him.

"Well... My talent keeps on providing strength for the protection display. How did it break? It's strange, and it's no ordinary war poem." Mo Yao looked at the yellow sand in front of him in fear and accelerated his escape.

The bear demon kings are hesitating, but a flying stone always flies out of the sand. As long as they can't hide, the stone can easily their bodies!

The bear demon kings were all terrified. Everyone knew that the war poems at the level of great Confucianism were very different from those of great scholars, but a stone completely ignored their protection. It was terrible.

"Let's hide first!" Xiong Kong and Xiong Sha turned and ran away, and the other bear demon kings hurried to follow.

Xiong Tu shouted, "what are you doing? The ancient demon king will kill Fang Yun and we will win!"

Xiongsha sneered, "don't dream. The ancient demon king is the mud demon king. It's hard to cross the river. Ouch... Fang Yun is too cruel. He must run away as far as he sees him next time!" xiongsha's left hind leg was pierced by a stone and limped away.

Xiong Tu saw the gray sandstorm in front of him and had to start to retreat.

At the center of the sandstorm, the three ancient demon kings roared wildly.

The yellow sand in the sky constantly hit their body surface, causing their blood to dissipate crazily. Now they consume a hundred times more blood per breath than when attacking the bachelor before.

There seemed to be a big hole in their sky, pouring yellow sand downward.

The terrible thing is that the yellow sand attacks every part of their body surface, which makes their life consumption reach the limit.

This is the power of "wear", wear through every part!

Where the three ancient demon kings are located, there are not only the yellow sand, but also stones flying from all directions.

Those stones completely ignored their blood protection and easily penetrated their hard skin. The body of the ancient demon king is too strong after all. These stones can penetrate the body of the bear demon king and the bachelor, but they can't penetrate the body of the three ancient demon kings and will stay in the body.

These stones contain different vitality of heaven and earth. Staying in the body will prevent flesh and blood from healing. The three ancient demon kings had to consume extra blood to force the stones out.

Stones are constantly shot into their bodies, and stones are continuously excluded. The whole process is continuous. The blood holes in their bodies can not be healed and consume their blood.

"My treasure!" the ancient ape King roared loudly. The sharp thorn Arm Armor on his arms was worn through by yellow sand in a short time and became waste!

"My armor has been scrapped!"

"I only have half of my claws. What should I do? This damn Fang Yun, ordinary Confucian war poems can't wait for us at all, but this first war poem seems to be specially aimed at us with rough skin and thick flesh. It also contains the positive Qi accumulated by the positive Qi pen. We can't stand it!"

"Do you want to retreat? How can the ancient demons be forced back by the mere imperial forest! Never!"

"In that case, sacrifice your life!"

"OK! As long as the sacrifice is limited, our body will be promoted to a temporary King demon body, which is enough to resist this war poem!"


When the three ancient demon kings roared together, they saw that their eyes became dim, but their bodies suddenly expanded, all the stones in their bodies were discharged, and the wounds of their whole bodies healed in the blink of an eye.

On the surface of their bodies, there is a layer of yellow light. The light is as round and smooth as after being quenched by divine fire and polished for thousands of years, containing an indestructible breath.

"The influence of yellow sand on us has become smaller, and the stone can't penetrate the light of the king!" the ancient ape king was very happy.

"Although the light of the king is only an embryonic form and has not really taken shape, it is enough to make them helpless! Go and kill them by surprise."

However, the voice of Fang Yun came from the gray dust in front of them.

"Blowing sand and flying stones is just the beginning!"

As soon as Fang Yun's voice fell, all the war poems of the great scholars attacked. Without exception, all the attacks have a certain penetration. Some war poems form flying arrows, some war poems form endless spears, some war poems form random sword puncture, and some war poems form a light blade

When the ancient demon king saw these ordinary college scholars and poems flying, he didn't care to rush forward, but in the twinkling of an eye, an incredible scene appeared.

Puff, puff

The sound of weapons piercing flesh and blood was heard, but in the blink of an eye, the three ancient demon kings were filled with all kinds of weapons, and some weapons even went straight into the flesh and blood to destroy their internal organs.

Endless pain spread all over the body. The ancient demon king could endure the pain of the body, but they couldn't accept the reality!

The three ancient demon king completely forgot the battle and looked down at the war poetry weapons on his body. It was impossible to imagine why these war poetry weapons could penetrate the light of the king.

The impact of these weapons is not just the consumption of Qi and blood. All the parts of their body that can transmit power, such as ligaments, bones and veins, are damaged or even interrupted!

Their legs and feet were cut off one after another, and their bodies were broken one after another. Their recovery speed could not keep up with the destruction speed of war poetry.

The three ancient demon kings stared wide, unwilling to tilt slowly and fell to the ground. Even if they were as powerful as ancient demons, they could not attack anyone at the moment.

Until this time, the three ancient demon kings understood that the real power of this first battle poem was not yellow sand and stones, but the battlefield formed by Qinghai, snow mountain, yellow sand, Yumenguan and so on!

"I'm afraid these ancient demons will not understand when they die. What this first battle poem forms is not the wind and sand, but the military holy land that condenses the souls of countless human heroes!" Wei Huangan's voice floated in the wind and sand.
