Thunder is like a net. Who can weave it?

Fang Yun looked at the boundless sea of clouds and endless thunder, and his eyebrows were dim.

These days, people searched all the places with abundant holy Qi on the edge of Zhilei mountain, but they often threw themselves into the air. There were at least seven of the ten places. Even if the holy Qi was strong, there was no holy air mass. In the end, they only found 79 sacred air masses, and none of them had spirit bones.

A few years ago, the Holy Spirit of the mountain expedition Xuantian River passed through Zhilei mountain and searched all the spiritual bones. However, the burial of shenggulongkai valley will inevitably lead to the emergence of spiritual bones and treasures. Zhilei mountain should not be so barren.

"Are we so unlucky? We can't find every valley." Fang Yun was puzzled.

Fang Yun and the spirit of Shitou mountain stop at the edge of a huge valley. It is not only a mountain basin with a radius of thousands of miles, but also the only way to go deep into Zhilei mountain.

Shanzhong Yang thought deeply and said, "in my opinion, someone took the lead to search for the spirit skeleton in Zhilei mountain. As for the holy air mass, it is far less effective than the spirit skeleton, so they should only search the best place. Otherwise, even at the edge of Zhilei mountain, the Holy air mass and spirit skeleton should not be so."

Fang Yun nodded and said, "there should be more than one person."

Not only the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea has a topographic map of Zhilei mountain, but also the Dragon palaces in the other three seas and even the Dragon families outside Shengyuan continent. The Dragon families are all over the world. It is normal for the Dragon Emperor to come to Zhilei mountain first to collect holy Qi and spiritual bones.

Seeing Fang Yun's bad complexion, Yang in the mountain comforted: "even so, we are still looking for a lot of holy Qi."

"It's not enough." Fang Yun said, breathing slowly and deeply, pressing down his irritability.

"What shall we do? I don't want to send you to the blood tomb cemetery of the ancient demon family. In your capacity, maybe you can borrow a big Khan or even the spirit skeleton of the emperor, or simply exchange the holy skull ring for a holy skeleton or multiple spirit skeletons of the emperor." Yamanaka Yang Dao.

Fang Yun looked down at the holy skull ring on his finger and shook his head gently.

This ring is the key. If you exchange it now, all previous plans will be wasted. What's more, those ancient demons may not exchange it and may rob it.

At this time, shanzhongyang suddenly looked into the depths of Zhilei mountain and whispered, "something's wrong. I feel that there are strong people peeping at us in the sea of clouds. Retreat!"

The Holy Spirit of the other mountains hesitated and looked at the square movement on the shoulder of the sun in the mountain.

"Retreat!" Fang Yun gave the order without hesitation.

The spirit of Shitou mountain turned and ran away. Several of them even put holy Qi outside, which can be turned into protective force at any time.


Deep in Zhilei mountain, a far louder sound than ten thousand thunder fell suddenly, like a mountain collapse and tsunami.

Fang Yun hurriedly looked back and saw that between the sea of clouds and the mountains, in the dense thunder, a dark blue dragon came down from the broken cloud, thousands of feet long, like a mountain in the air.

The blue body of this Thunder Dragon is completely composed of countless thunder. Where it passes, like a long whale sucking water and swallowing all thunder, it is like the Lord of thunder, emitting a great and solemn momentum.

The body composed of thunder is not fixed, and the details are constantly changing, but the outline is the same as that of ordinary dragons.

The Thunder Dragon's eyes are dark whirlpools, in which thunder hovers, which is very strange.

Fang Yun was surprised because Lei long only lived in the depths of Zhilei mountain and rarely left. Now Lei long not only chased over, but also sent out a surge of killing intention.

The Thunder Dragon is different from the dragon family. The dragon family is a living creature with flesh and blood. In essence, the Thunder Dragon is bred by the idea that the thunder devours the saints. It is not smart but has superior strength. Especially in Zhilei mountain, no emperor can defeat them without using the Holy Spirit.

The flying speed of this Thunder Dragon is far faster than that of others. It seems that it is not flying, but moving constantly with the help of thunder clouds.

Shanzhongyang exclaimed, "it's crazy and its speed is far faster than us! Fang Yun, you run away first and we'll intercept it!"

Fang Yun said helplessly, "it's for me."


"You have never entered Zhilei mountain. Why did it kill you?"

Fang Yun said, "it must be the person who took the holy Qi mass and spirit skeleton before. I don't know how to make this Thunder Dragon target me. If I don't enter Zhilei mountain, everything will be safe. If I enter, I will be attacked. Good means, I underestimate them."

Fang Yun looked around. The good news was that there was only one Thunder Dragon. The bad news was that he had no power to fight back against the Thunder Dragon. In addition, the Holy Spirit of the mountain might not be able to escape.

The two sides were originally thousands of miles apart, but in a short time, leilong even chased hundreds of miles away.

Shanzhongyang has used holy Qi to fly, but the distance between the two sides is still shrinking.

At this time, a dog shaped mountain spirit suddenly turned around, surrounded by holy Qi, gave birth to Chi Xu light golden light and rushed at the Thunder Dragon.

The Thunder Dragon set his height empty, and there was no color of joy and anger. With a random wave of his claw, he saw the wind howling in the sky, thousands of thunder falling like a column, instantly drowning the Holy Spirit of the mountain.

Leilong didn't even look at the Holy Spirit of the mountain. He approached quickly.

After a few breaths, Fang Yun saw that the Holy Spirit of the mountain attacked by thunder came, the rock body was scorched and damaged everywhere, and the holy Qi of the whole body was seriously consumed. He was mobilizing the strength of the holy Qi group in his body to rest.

Fang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. The holy Qi protector used by the demon king in the four areas was overwhelmed by the Thunder Dragon. It can be seen how strong the Thunder Dragon is.

"Why did the Thunder Dragon attack me? Did he obey others' orders or mistakenly treat me as an enemy?"

Many thoughts flashed through Fang Yun's mind. Finally, it was determined that someone must have taken what he had used. It had his own breath and angered Lei long. Therefore, he was chased by Lei long as he appeared.

"How to do?" there was some confusion in Yamanaka's voice.

But the next moment, the mountain spirit stopped in mid air.

Lei long didn't know what moving method he used. He jumped a hundred miles and appeared in front, completely blocking the way to leave Zhilei mountain.

Either turn around and run away again, or defeat leilong.

Before meeting the emperor of the fire family, shanzhongyang was not afraid, but he was helpless in front of Lei long.

The body of Thunder Dragon is far less than that of ordinary emperor, but in Zhilei mountain, every Thunder Dragon is the Lord of thunder and lightning.

"There is no escape, fight together!"

Fang Yun gave an order and immediately used war poems without using words.

In the rain and thunder, the attack of Zhenlong ancient sword is tantamount to falling into the net.

The Holy Spirit of Shitou mountain shot at the same time, some directly at the Thunder Dragon, some surrounded from the side, while the sun in the mountain was in the middle, with holy Qi surging around, and behind him emerged peaks formed by holy Qi.

The Thunder Dragon roared and its claws swept across.

The whole Zhilei mountain seemed to be at a sudden standstill. Then the thunder above the sky was like a waterfall, and the dark clouds turned into day. Countless dazzling lightning shrouded Fangyun and the Holy Spirit of the mountain like a silver rainstorm.

Whether it's Fang Yun's war poem or the magic of the mountain spirit, they were defeated in an instant, and their bodies fell to the ground as if they were under heavy pressure.
