Fang Yun stayed in the treasure house for final sorting and confirmation, and took out some treasures he could not use to donate to the holy courtyard for military merit.

As for those semi holy treasures, Fang Yun didn't donate them all to the holy yard. First, the human semi holy people don't like to use foreign semi holy treasures. Second, he donated enough divine materials to create many holy treasures. Third, Fang Yun should also enhance his strength. The demon man's semi holy treasures can be used by Niushan.

As for the Zixia pen, Fang Yun has communicated with the master of Zixia aristocratic family a few days ago. Fang Yun will not return it, but will give Zixia aristocratic family some magic medicine and materials.

The follow-up arrangement was very complicated and didn't finish after a day.

Fan Chui said with concern, "Fang Xusheng, you are too tired. You'd better have a rest first."

Fang Yun shook his head and said, "I'll leave after processing."

When they saw this scene, they sighed and felt sorry for Fang Yun.

Some people went to inquire about Fang Yun's condition from the medical scholar or bachelor present, but those people did not dare to disclose anything, because judging from their experience, Fang Yun now depends entirely on divine medicine and has absolutely no strength of great Confucianism.

The more those doctors dare not say, the more people who ask understand that Fang Yun's injury is serious.

After staying in the treasure house for three days, Fang Yun left the Treasury yard and went straight to Xisheng Pavilion.

The Xisheng pavilion was well prepared. As soon as Fang Yun entered the main hall of the Xisheng Pavilion, he saw the relevant personnel among them.

In addition to the personnel of Xisheng Pavilion who are responsible for the affairs of the demon world, there are also people from various relevant key departments such as war hall, Liangjie mountain, medical hall, work hall and even classics hall. The lowest is a bachelor and there are more than 20 great scholars.

The gate was closed, the Pearl of the night shone, and the main hall was as bright as day.

Fang Yun sat down. The people were silent and looked at Fang Yun kindly. Even the great scholar in Dongsheng Pavilion did not show any other emotions.

Fang Yun said, "if you pay attention to the barbarians in Shengyuan, especially the grass barbarians, you will find one thing. In recent years, the food production of the barbarians has decreased, the animal husbandry has been damaged, the environment is bad, and the number of barbarians born is far less than in previous years."

The crowd nodded gently. It was of great significance to the Terrans. They heard it many times in the holy courtyard.

Fang Yun said, "you must have guessed that this is the work of the human race."

The crowd nodded again, and the person who knew the inside story smiled at Fang Yun, because it was Fang Yun's credit.

"This kind of attack is an 'ecological attack', but it only applies to grasslands with a single environment. For the demon world with a very complex environment, this kind of attack is very small. Therefore, we need to carry out a broader and more lasting ecological attack on the demon world." Fang Yun said.

"Fang Xusheng, but it doesn't hurt to say that all the people present are carefully selected and will never divulge half of it." Chen Ben, the great Confucian who guarded the boundary of the two boundary mountains, said.

Fang Yun nodded and said: "I found a very interesting thing in the inheritance of ancient demons. Ancient demons are very powerful and are not afraid of ordinary disasters, but the hybrid descendants of ancient demons or other vassal races are not particularly strong. You know that some powerful pests or diseases will affect them. Many years ago, there was a blood sucking mosquito in the ancient demon world. This mosquito is very small and is an ordinary human mosquito One year, blood sucking mosquitoes suddenly spread in the ancient demon world, causing a large number of ordinary races to be bitten by blood sucking mosquitoes, and witch doctors were helpless. You know, in those years, the medical means were backward, and there were few magic drugs that could be distributed to ordinary races, so they had to rely on their bodies. Therefore, many children left the root of the disease or even died that year The old man also died, and the strength of young adults decreased, which led to the failure of the war with the demon world. That battle was the famous battle in autumn. "

The people showed a sudden look. The battle of autumn was very famous, because it was the first disastrous defeat in the history of the ancient demon. It was that battle that made all ethnic groups find that the ancient demon was strong and weak, and gave the demon man great confidence. Only then did they have a series of actions and finally become the Lord of the world.

That year was named the year of autumn by the demon world.

Fang Yun smiled: "Many ancient demons knew that the battle was defeated by blood sucking mosquitoes, but they did not pay too much attention. The next year, blood sucking mosquitoes suddenly decreased, and no one mentioned it. This matter was submerged in the long river of history. Until I reviewed the history of ancient demons, I found one thing, that is, in the spring of autumn, the ancient demon world caused sky fire due to accidents, which affected earth fire and led to a large number of volcanoes The eruption raised the temperature of the whole ancient demon world by about three to five degrees. The so-called degree is the measurement unit of temperature invented by me. At the same time, there is a thermometer. Soon, the Terran will produce in mass, not to mention. In short, this is a seemingly slight change. If we Terran are in the ancient demon world, we can hardly feel the difference. "

"Well, what's the relationship between the rising temperature in the ancient demon world and the battle in autumn? I found the root knot after careful exploration and deduction. The larvae of blood sucking mosquitoes lay eggs in the water like ordinary mosquitoes. It is well known, but few people know that there is a kind of 'green striped snail' in the water of the ancient demon world. Green striped snail is very common. There are a lot of them at ordinary times. They feed in the water, and they like it best We like to eat the larvae of blood sucking mosquitoes. Now you must guess that the reason why the blood sucking mosquitoes suddenly flooded that year was because the number of green striped snails decreased. So why did the number of green striped snails decrease? "

Fang Yun paused for a moment and said with a smile: "It turns out that green striped snails hatch in spring, but this little thing is cold and heat resistant. When the temperature suddenly rises, young green striped snails can't adapt to the temperature change and die in large numbers, resulting in the proliferation of blood sucking mosquitoes. You may think that this may be just an example, but I keep checking in the history of ancient demons and find that there are seven blood sucking mosquitoes flooding in history, each time , it's all a sudden rise in temperature. "

After hearing Fang Yun's words, people's eyes brightened, especially farmers, doctors, workers and strategists, were too clear about the information contained in these words and the terrorist effect of ecological attack.

Fangyun Road: "Now you probably know what ecological attack is. When the temperature rises, some ethnic groups will be affected, and when the temperature suddenly decreases, the same thing will happen. Therefore, my plan for ecological attack in the demon world is very clear. First, Xisheng Pavilion is responsible for collecting all kinds of insects or plague sources that affect the health of the demon from the demon world, strictly isolating the sources of these diseases and pests, and then starting to detect them , determine the temperature at which they will flood and die. Then, select the diseases and pests that will multiply after the temperature rises, and ensure that their natural enemies cannot adapt to the high temperature. Then the saints work together to find ways to raise the temperature of the demon world, and then put these diseases and pests into the demon world. With the strength of the demon world, there will be some chaos after the disaster Then you may think of ways to control them, but they will be weakened anyway. Then, in a year or two, we will reduce the temperature of the demon world and spread those diseases and pests that adapt to low temperature. This is my ecological strike plan. "

Then he saw all the people standing up and saluting Fang Xusheng together.

Many people are very excited.


"If you had been born 30 years earlier, I'm afraid we would have entered the demon world now!"

Chen Ben, the great scholar who guarded the boundary of Liangjie mountain, looked at Fang Yun and said excitedly, "there are people, there is no Confucius! There is Confucius, there is no Fang Yun!"

After listening, many people kept repeating this sentence in a low voice and nodded again and again.

"There is Confucius, but there is no Fang Yun..."

Fang Yun is too busy to dare.

Since the birth of the people, there has been no Confucius. This is Mencius's praise for Confucius. It means that since the birth of the human race, there has been no great figure like Confucius, and no sages can be compared with Confucius.

Now, Chen Ben even thinks that Fang Yun is the first of the human race after Confucius!