The prestige of the five aristocratic families defeated the families outside the palace. However, the families in the other four states were far away from the capital, and some people were bewitched, so they still surrounded the local bureaus.

On the afternoon of the statement issued by the five aristocratic families, a rumor spread all over the country. The punishment hall is now dealing with the chaos of Dingfu and has no time to separate for the time being. If anyone dares to besiege the Yamen for up to three days, he will be found to be in collusion with Qingguo and will be dealt with as treason.

This rumor caused some panic. More than half of the families besieging the official office left, and some people were even in a panic all day, ready to turn themselves in and confess.

However, hundreds of families continue to encircle local bureaus.

Xiangzhou, Yueyang City.

This place, once known as baling, is the capital of Xiangzhou. It was officially renamed because of a record of Yueyang Tower.

It is regarded as one of the two strongholds of the party, and the other is Ning'an city.

However, in a place that can be said to be fully controlled by Party officials, thousands of people poured into the city a few days ago. Even several families in the city participated. They all blocked the gate of the State animal husbandry yamen, blocking the whole street, which is still impassable.

At night, under the bright Wenqu starlight, people here don't even need to light the lights, move freely, and everything is clearly visible.

On the long streets, thousands of people were covered with quilts, chatting, eating and drinking, or playing pot throwing, six Bo, go, Lu throwing, etc. just like an outing, they were not afraid of the three rows of soldiers waiting in front of the yamen gate.

Deep in the street, a large group of people stopped at the corner. Several senior officials in official clothes came out slowly from the corner and looked at the people in front of the state yamen from a distance.

Feng Zimo, the new governor of Xiangzhou, and Fang Shouye, the governor of Xiangzhou, led several subordinates and stood still.

Fang Shouye snorted coldly and said, "these fools are called by people as guns, but they don't know it. Do they think Jingguo is still the former Jingguo?"

Feng Zimo said, "we should be happy. A considerable part of these families are the fine works left by Qing Guo. They should have erupted when the current situation in Jingguo was turbulent. Unexpectedly, they were triggered in advance by Xiangye's innovation. This is a great good thing."

Fang Shouye's face was livid and said, "it's a good thing, but I have no shame. Not long ago, I vowed to each other's Xu Sheng that the fine work of Qingguo's installation in Xiangzhou has been basically solved. I didn't think so. There are still so many left. Feng zhoumu, your new zhoumu, you have to make some achievements to show Fang Xiang. Fang Xiang chose you, you can't make Fang Xiang cold!"

A strange light flashed in Feng Zimo's eyes and cut the railway: "Fang relative has the grace of knowing what to do and helping. Today's affairs should be done properly! What's more, these disordered officials and thieves who collude with Qing should be cut thousands of times! Governor Fang, don't worry. You and I deserve equal credit. If something goes wrong, the shepherd of this state will bear it alone!"

"Good! Brothers, follow me to catch Qingguo's exercises!"

Fang Shouye said, holding the official seal in his right hand and issuing an order.

They saw teams of soldiers jumping out of the streets near the state yamen, and finally blocked the streets in front of the state Yamen.

Then, thousands of soldiers approached slowly, like two mountains, squeezing slowly into the middle.

These soldiers are clearly from the army, but they all wear yamen service clothes.

The families in front of the state yamen soon found the soldiers, stood up in a hurry and looked around.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say you didn't start until three days later? Why did you come to arrest people tonight?"

"Don't panic, they are bluffing. I don't believe they dare to catch people! If we are caught, scholars from all countries will support us and the holy academy will support us!"

"Yes, don't be afraid! What can they do to us? As long as anyone dies here, there will be a flood of curses on the list the next day, which will make them feel overwhelmed!"

"Everyone is arm in arm and connected together. We should unite as one and fight against the evil government!"

All the people present gathered together and stood together hand in hand according to the agreed way.

Soon, the Yamen on both sides came to them.

These people began to shout and scold, and frantically attacked the Yamen servants.

However, the Yamen on the scene kept calm and only limited everyone to a narrow space.

Slowly, people realized that these yamen were afraid to attack, so several people suddenly rushed out to attack the key of a thin Yamen.

Although the Yamen officer was a soldier disguised as a soldier, he was just an ordinary state army. He had never experienced a battle. When he was attacked at the key, he immediately fainted with pain.

The men shouted as they continued to attack the fainting Yamen.

"Yamen serviceman!"

"Officers and soldiers killed!"

"Fang Yun sent someone to kill us. We can't wait to die!"


Suddenly, a spring thunder burst down all the voices.

"Qing Guo's crime is unforgivable. He pretends to be a good citizen, commits insurrection, attacks the government offices and assassinates officials! All the officers listen to the order and take everyone away. If there is resistance, they will be stunned. If the resistance is fierce, they are allowed to be killed!"

Feng Zimo's voice echoed in the sky of the street. The air seemed to freeze. People of all families stayed where they were, afraid to move or shout.

After a few breaths, the Yamen soldiers rushed up like wolves and began to tie people with prepared ropes.

Those people realized that the government wanted to be serious. Some yelled, some cried, some begged for mercy, and some simply pretended to be dead

Feng Zimo and Fang Shouye didn't care about the reaction of these people. They arrested them all, then sent them to the army outside the city for detention and began interrogation one by one.

Not only in Yueyang City, officials all over the country took action and launched a thorough arrest.

At dawn, all the personnel of the containment offices around Jingguo were arrested.

On the list, it has long been found that Jingguo began to attack Jingguo continuously. However, Jingguo took the arrest of qingguoxi as the reason, and used the officers rather than soldiers. In addition, there were too many deaths and injuries in the Dingfu rebellion. Most scholars took a wait-and-see attitude anyway.

As the sun slowly rose, the punishment hall began to announce the results of the interrogation of Dingfu officials.

At the beginning, it was only certain that some of them were fine works sent by the Qing state and had been lurking in the Jing state for decades. They bewitched officials to resist the imperial court.

Among them, the most senior work is actually the Tongzhi of Dingfu and the second leader of the land of one government.

As for the magistrate of Dingfu, it was king Kang's brother-in-law who finally confessed honestly that King Kang asked him to oppose Fang Yun.

Then, the punishment hall released several amazing news. Some aristocratic families even participated in the rebellion of Dingfu. They bought off the rogue gangsters of Dingfu and organized them to participate in burning, killing and looting.

Finally, a more powerful news shocked the ten countries.

Among the officials involved in the Dingfu rebellion, an official from the seventh grade was bought by the reverse kind!