After Fang Yun spent a long time explaining the battle plan to the saints, the saints were like a treasure.

Emperor Han glanced at all the young semi saints and said, "do you hear me? Keep your eldest brother's words firmly in mind. If you hunt again in the future, you should follow this step. You are not allowed to go out without making a plan!"

"Yes, big brother!" the saints for many years and a half bowed their heads to Fang Yun.

Fang Yun was helpless. These emperor people were too simple.

The four legged black snake whispered to Fang Yun, "isn't I also their second brother?"

The eyes of all the semi saints and great saints swept away coldly.

The four legged black snake rolled its eyes, fainted, fell to the ground, and its claws twitched slightly.

Dihan said, "OK, now everyone closes their eyes and goes through the whole battle in their mind... Well, the battle plan. What do you don't understand? Let your big brother answer."

The saints immediately closed their eyes.

All the great saints just blinked and reviewed the whole plan.

The semi saints opened their eyes one after another after three breaths.

Obviously, the semi saints have no habit of thinking, otherwise they can resume the whole battle plan in the blink of an eye with the power of semi saints.

Later, some young semi saints asked questions and Fang Yun answered them one by one. He not only talked about phenomena, but also examples, but also principles and truth. Occasionally, he joked, making the whole explanation process very easy.

Several great saints present have been staring at Fang Yun and replaying Fang Yun's every move repeatedly in their minds, just like serious primary school students recording everything with small notebooks.

Fang Yun was also aware of the actions of the great saints and secretly sighed that he was worthy of being an emperor. Although he was not smart enough before he grew up due to racial reasons, once he grew up, he knew what to do and never gave up the opportunity to learn.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the emperor family was able to lead Qun Lun in the Archaic period.

Emperor Han waved his hand and said, "from today on, you won't call him big brother. You should call him a teacher! You can't let Diao haiweng rob our emperor's teacher, do you hear me?"

"Yes! Teacher!" the young semi saints called them with sincere admiration.

Fang Yun smiled and asked the saints, "what's the battle plan?"

The ten great saints looked at each other. The Emperor Han said, "the emperor family has you, no less than a holy ancestor!"

Another great holy emperor Xu nodded his head and said, "although the saints are strong and master the profound holy way, they will not teach and guide us. But you are different. Whether you make a fire, cook, practice guns, make jade, or make a battle plan, it seems to open up a new holy way."

Fang Yun understood that it was not that the emperors were really stupid, but that the sacred way in the ancient times was not perfect. Like the enlightenment sacred way, it was not born from birth, but formed the day after tomorrow. In this era, it was naturally very weak. Even the saints would not master it at all. After all, it had no effect on themselves.

"Isn't it true that the holy way of enlightenment is only an embryonic form, not really opened up?"

Fang Yun couldn't help looking up at the distant sky, watching the dense color storm roaring in the sky, and realized that his Taigu trip might be more variable than expected.

"Can we act now?" Emperor Han's body leaned forward slightly, but then he realized that it was only in the face of the holy ancestor and straightened up quickly.

"No, I want you to do one thing before taking action. As for the reason, I will tell you after the end, and you can think about it yourself." Fang Yun said.

"Say!" dihan said.

Then Fang Yun said his requirements.

Several great saints discussed secretly for a long time and decided to agree.

Fang Yun immediately said, "how to implement the battle plan requires the right time. Looking for the time is not to win a savage, but to prepare for stronger enemies in the future, to hunt them for us and to prevent them from hunting us!"

The hearts of the saints nodded their heads.

The four legged black snake got up and said, "now is a good time! Savages will sleep at this time. Only a few people are on guard. When they wake up, they will walk in the dark to avoid the dark night."

The Emperor Han looked at the four legged black snake and said to the emperor's young people, "look after this little snake in the future. Don't sell our emperor's family."

The four legged black snake rolled his eyes, went to the ground and pretended to be dead again.

Fang Yun picked up the tail of the four legged black snake and said, "to be on the safe side, finally rehearse the plan in his mind. If you have any questions, you will attack the savage tribe!"

After getting familiar, the saints opened their eyes.

Even the most timid young semi saints showed unprecedented self-confidence in their eyes.

Fang Yun smiled. It was a sign of growth.


Fang Yun, like a leader, waved to the emperor and the saints before they started.

Fang Yun then realized that this was not good. If he held himself in his holy mind and stood behind the emperor and Han.

Emperor Han nodded gently and said to the young semi saints, "in order to test you, we decided not to follow the teams, but in the rear. Therefore, no matter what danger you encounter, you should buy us time to fight! If you die in battle, you can only blame you for not practicing hard before and not listening to the teacher carefully today!"

The great saints were pleased to see that if Emperor Han had said so before, the young semi saints would inevitably panic, but now, not only no one is panic, but eager to try.

Because they have learned the battle plan and are confident to face all situations.

Emperor Han couldn't help looking at Fang Yun. This young new clan almost changed the emperor's young semi saints.

This is a power that the holy ancestor does not have!

"Let's go!"

So, the young semi saints in front and the great saints in the back began to use planned ways and use various obstacles to get close to the savage tribe.

The savage tribe is located on a Loess Plateau, which covers an area of more than ten miles. Thousands of black stone houses are built on it, and the style is very similar to that of the emperor family.

However, the savage's stone house is taller than the emperor family.

Fang Yun could see through his mind that savage Sentinels were patrolling in the grass. Those savages were covered with thick long hair, with an average of about five feet. Their whole bodies were dirty, more like upright barbarians.

However, the strength of savages is strong, and those sentinels are semi holy.

Beyond the Highlands, there is a flat plain covered with lush weeds, followed by lush forests, slow flowing rivers and fluctuating hills.

In the past, the imperial clan attacked carelessly, which would inevitably disturb all the enemies as soon as it appeared.

But this time, all the emperor clansmen dived into the river, easily avoided the savage sentry and came to the edge of the highland.

Ten young semi holy teams are suddenly in trouble!

Some killed sentinels, some rushed to specific buildings, while the ten saints ranked first in the college entrance examination rushed to the second largest building of the tribe.

The largest building of the savage tribe is the conference hall, and the second largest building is the residence of the only great saint of the savage tribe.

The savage sentry was killed first, but because it was a battle between the holy places, it immediately alerted the whole savage tribe.

When the top ten saints rushed to the door of the second largest stone house, the whole stone house exploded, and a seven foot tall savage and an eight legged tiger head cow monster rushed out.