"So, will the war to seize the state continue?"

No one can answer.

Cao De'an shook his head and said, "this war has nothing to do with us. What we have to do is wait quietly for the final result. Since Zongsheng shows the power of the second sage, the saints will hold a big discussion. After the two saints are solved, we will take the next step. Presumably, Qingguo thinks the same."

"The question now is, can Fang Sheng win?"

"Fang Sheng has unparalleled combat power and will never lose."

"What about the holy way?"

The ministers turned pale.

Politics is not stable. It is only dominant in Jingguo and has little influence in Wuguo. It has not developed and expanded in other countries. First, there are miscellaneous experts to suppress it. Second, most of the young scholars in various countries are now mainly engaged in politics, which can not form a strong force.

In the past, politics has indeed been stronger than miscellaneous schools, but now when the thing of one ape and three barbarians comes out, the miscellaneous holy road has been above politics!

Moreover, the Confucian holy way swallowed by the political way has also been taken away by miscellaneous scholars.

In particular, the holy road involving strategists was taken away by miscellaneous scholars in Jiucheng.

It was the greatest victory in the history of Terran diplomacy to make one ape and three barbarians become Terran vassals, and accomplished something that politicians and scholars of all ages could not do.

"Alas, I hope Fang Shengneng can stand it. Maybe in a few years, he can make a comeback." Cao De'an suddenly sighed, and then his face changed slightly.

The officials were frightened.

Although Cao De'an is concerned, it is chaotic, but he does speak the voice of everyone.

Zong Sheng's plan has been so long that he will break the earth when he makes a move. He may have an absolute chance of winning. Otherwise, he can continue to endure!

Fang Sheng is good in all aspects. He will never lose to Zongsheng in the future, but he is too young after all.

"You say, how will the two win?"

"There are only a few kinds of semi holy fights. We can count them slowly. The first is the evolution of the holy way!" Cao De'an said.

The faces of the ministers changed greatly.

The evolution of the holy way doesn't sound particularly fierce, but it is a battle of the holy way that has a greater impact than the personal battle of the two semi saints. It is also the most intense battle of the holy way. It has never happened in history because it has too much impact on the human race.

The so-called evolution of the holy way is that the Pope holds the power of the miscellaneous holy way, and Fang Yun holds the power of the political way, and then integrates the two holy ways into one. The two sides show their magic powers, collide with each other, kill each other, integrate and devour each other, and finally there is only one holy way!

Or, before being swallowed up, one party concedes.

Fang Yun's disadvantage is that he can only use political Dao, because he is not the master of Confucian holy Dao after all. Confucian schools can't let him completely call Confucian holy Dao. If Fang Yun uses other holy Dao, his power is not as powerful as his own political Dao.

Unless before the collision of holy ways, Fangyun will open up other innovative holy ways.

Zong Sheng, on the contrary, is now the master of the Taoism of miscellaneous families, and all miscellaneous families will support him.

At present, once the holy Tao evolves, Fang Yun will lose.

Cao De'an continued: "we all know that the evolution of the holy way is too fierce. Even if the two holy men agree, the other half holy men will resolutely oppose it, and the possibility of occurrence is very small. The second is to hold a semi holy literary meeting, and the two holy men will start to discuss the holy ideas and Tao. Of course, the holy ideas and Tao are different from those of ordinary literary meetings."

"I dare ask Cao Xiang, what's the difference?"

Most officials looked at Cao De'an curiously, their eyes full of expectation.

Shengnian said that most people even heard it for the first time. Things at this level can't be heard if they want to hear it. Even if they ask grandpa to sue grandma, they can't ask a little.

Cao De'an hesitated and said: "In fact, even if I am a great Confucian, I don't know much. I only know that the theory of saints and Taoism is based on saints and Taoism to build a kingdom of saints and Taoism, and the other party enters it with saints. I don't know what to do and how to distinguish the victory and defeat. I only know that the theory of saints and Taoism is actually an exchange and a means of mutual promotion, and good semi saints will enter We should learn from each other's strong points and complement each other's weaknesses by practicing the holy thoughts and discussing the Tao. Because the holy thoughts and discussing the Tao can also distinguish the victory from the defeat, it can be used to compete for the holy way. "

People's eyes are full of envy. Although they may not be able to see the holy thoughts and theories all their life, they can imagine what a strange power it is.

"As for the third kind, it is the holy Dao literary war. This literary war is the same as our literary war, that is, the two semi saints enter the depths of the stars, or fight for life and death, or fight within a limited time. In short, they try to figure out the victory or defeat. However, at present, the Terran is not suitable for the war of life and death. Even if the two saints fight, they will be measured."

"Cao Xiang, do you think there is a chance of victory for Fang Sheng in the holy Dao literary war?"

Cao De'an said with a bitter smile, "if you can mobilize foreign treasures, Fang Sheng will win. Think about it, Fang Sheng can use the sky viewing mirror. Zongsheng may be an opponent. However, if you don't use foreign treasures, you can only use human treasures or your own strength, or even don't use treasures, Fang Sheng is hard to say."

"Isn't Fang Sheng's Kunlun sword array invincible in the world?"

Cao De'an said helplessly: "The Kunlun sword array first needs to trap the enemy. By means of Zongsheng, we can certainly avoid the Kunlun sword array in advance. Moreover, Zongsheng is a miscellaneous family, and the miscellaneous family changes a lot. I estimate that the holy, Taoist and literary war between the two should be a draw, and no one can win. After all, Zongsheng's talent has surpassed LV Sheng. No one has been hidden in the world for these years, and no one knows what power he has created."

The crowd nodded gently. Indeed, it is impossible for miscellaneous families to fight head-on, but various means are very strange and difficult to prevent.

After all, the height may not be enough, but the breadth has always been the first in a hundred.

Cao De'an continued: "in addition to the evolution of the holy way, the discussion of the holy way and the literary war of the holy way, it is the competition of combat merit. This should be the competition method with the least impact. Both sides show their combat merit and win or lose points. This is a competition that everyone knows and should be willing to see."

Zhou Junhu said reluctantly, "before one ape and three barbarians surrendered, I supported bizhangong. But now, I don't want to see it. I'd rather have Fang Shengwen war."

The Hall officials nodded one after another.

The credit for accepting the three barbarians and the demon world is too big to imagine.

Even Confucius didn't do it!

Even Fang Yun can't do this bloodless means!

Therefore, no one can be sure of the specific combat achievements in the end.

"Who said that in order to stimulate the Terrans, the holy courtyard set too high the credit for opening up and expanding the territory! Not surprisingly, the war merit of occupying the ape domain is twice that of Fang Sheng in Liangjie mountain."

"No, at least three times, because there are tens of billions of demon barbarians in ape domain and Sanman!"

Everyone felt a headache.

"What about the demon half Saint received by the saint in Liangjie mountain?"

"They are not completely obedient. At most, they are domesticated. Maybe they will become Fang Sheng's military skill in a few years, but not yet."

"Who knows the current situation in the ape kingdom? I'm afraid the demon world will pour out its nest to retaliate for the betrayal of the ape clan?"

"It's strange. The holy trees did hear the roar of demon man and half saint, but there was no demon man to attack the ape domain. I don't know what to fear or I really can't take it out."


People were puzzled.