Chapter 410: Fifth World: One Man For Himself

The splendid sun rays shone through the curtains onto Qie Ranzhe's handsome face making his long lashes flutter. The enchanting pheonix eyes opened slowly looking straight up at the ceiling dazedly.

His foggy mind finally cleared recalling where he was. Despite having slept all night, he wasn't the least well-rested. This is because he had one of those realistic dreams again.

These dreams were the source of his insomnia for years but after it happened a couple of times he got used to it. He would simply fall asleep and relive that horrible experience in the realm. Once he falls into this kind of dream he would be trapped within and can only relive it till the end.

But today it was different. He didn't dream about the painful memories of watching his family members die. Instead, he dreamt of being dragged underwater. The dream was murky but the emotions he felt at that time were real.

An emotional cocktail comprising of fear, anxiety and loss ran rampant within him as he was dragged to the deepest depths of a large lake. He wanted to struggle and swim back to the surface but his body was like a corpse unable to move.

This fuzzy scene recurred several times till he woke up. Qie Ranzhe rubbed at his half-lidded eyes as the sound of people cleaning up in the streets grew louder. Qie Ranzhe sat up straight and put on his boots and outer robe before walking towards the window to see what was happening outside.

Half of the lively town had been reduced to rubble during the attack but at least they were able to save a large population of its citizens with only a few reported deaths. Qie Ranzhe closed the curtain and turned around to wake up Qie Xieling.

It was about time they get back to Qie Sect since their business here was concluded. As soon as he laid his eyes on the quilt his expression turned grave. With a scowl, he scanned the room and noticed the bulge in the other bed had clearly increased in size. It became obvious where Qie Xieling was but how on earth he ended up there remained a mystery.

Locked on his target like a long-range missile, he strode over and took off the quilt. Qie Xieling was curled up like a ball beside Zhao Zhi with a smirk on his face clearly having a lovely dream. Zhao Zhi on the other hand had a third of his body off the bed looking like he could fall off at any moment.

The reason for this was obvious. Qie Xieling had greedily hogged the entire space almost kicking Zhao Zhi off the bed. Qie Ranzhe shook his head recalling how Qie Xieling used to kick him when he was four trying to monopolize the bed in his sleep. Yet when he was awake he would cry that he wanted to sleep over.

'Definitely got that habit from his mother,' he thought pushing the blame to the unknown party. He was about to wake them both up but it seemed he wasn't needed because Qie Xieling suddenly made a move.

He must have dreamt himself playing ball or something because he kicked Zhao Zhi in his sleep successfully pushing the unfortunate victim right off the bed. With a loud thud, Zhao Zhi crashed to the floor forcing Qie Ranzhe to take a step back.

"Fuck!" swore the dazed Zhao Zhi. It seemed like he hadn't fully awoken yet grimacing in pain. Qie Ranzhe pressed his lips together suppressing his laughter but his urge to laugh vanished in the next second when he was accused of a crime he didn't commit.

"Ranzhe! You dumbfuck.... why did you kick me off the bed? ..... Fuck!" yelled Wen Qinxi still half asleep. His hazy mind was still stuck in the fourth world making him blurt out nonsense. In his foggy state of mind, he was thinking Qie Ranzhe was usually well behaved in bed. Besides harassing him to start something Qie Ranzhe would never kick him off the bed. How nice of him. He was selling himself out without earning a single penny. 

Wen Qinxi crawled back into bed while squinting his teary eyes when he noticed a figure standing by the bed with his arms crossed. Wen Qinxi's brow creased staring intently at Qie Ranzhe but after that, he was hit by a sudden realisation. Vowing to never share a room with these two, he hurriedly stood up straight while trying to mitigate the situation.

"Haha... Sect leader Qie, good morning. I was just dreaming so don't take it to heart," he said but Qie Ranzhe's expression remained unchanged.

"Do you constantly dream about me?" he asked with a sullen expression that sent shivers down Wen Qinxi's spine.

'Too fuckin terrifying,' he thought while trying to fumble a response but Qie Ranzhe didn't wait for him to lie. He simply picked up the sleeping Qie Xieling on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried him out of the room.

The sudden movements were enough to wake up Qie Xieling and one can only imagine his reaction when he woke up being carried out by his father. "Ah!..... Shixiong, save me!" he said but judging from Zhao Zhi's expression, he was on his own.

Wen Qinxi was seriously contemplating whether he was going to get laid in this world as he ate his breakfast. The Zhao Sect disciples sitting around him were happily chatting away but he was staring into space thinking through the problem like a physicist trying to figure out how to get people on Mars. So troublesome.

He was completely lost in a sea of thoughts that he didn't notice Qie Ranzhe and Qie Xieling show up at his table. The Zhao sect disciples scattered in haste making way for the Qie sect leader. None of them were willing to offend this great buddha so they scurried away with their bowls selling out their senior free of charge.

The two silently watched him looking dazed for a minute that is before Qie Ranzhe brazenly said, "It's best you give up."

Wen Qinxi returned to earth and stared at him with a blank look. "Huh?" he asked seeming perplexed. Give up? Give up on what exactly?

Qie Ranzhe poured out some tea that had just been delivered by a waiter and passed the cup to Qie Xieling before emphasizing his point. "It's never going to happen so I highly suggest you give up."

Wen Qinxi was truly lost as lost as someone in the Gobi desert. He looked at Qie Xieling with a questioning look but the kid pressed his lips in a thin line before calmly taking a sip of his tea like he knew nothing. He had his own problems to worry about especially after being scolded to high heaven. Just as the saying goes, one man for himself, god for us all.

Seeing that Zhao Zhi was still confused he said, "You said you love me last night... I know I am charming but don't get any ideas especially now that you agreed to come to the Qie sect with m-." The sect leader made a full declaration in one breath but he didn't get to finish his speech because Zhao Zhi suddenly snickered.

Qie Ranzhe, "...."

"Pfft... I am sorry, hahahahahahahaha..... whoo you made my fuckin day. Hahahahaha.... sect leader Qie has nothing to worry about," said Wen Qinxi before standing up to leave still laughing himself to tears. He took two steps forward before looking back again and said, "Pfft, that was fuckin funny."