The third Monday in October.

For the two superpowers in the space race, today is definitely a day of great significance.

Today is the time for the two astronauts to return to their respective countries, according to the schedule announced in the last work report of Mars rescue plan.

This is the end of the greatest rescue in human history, which spans tens of millions of kilometers.

Having experienced so many things along the way, the two astronauts were already exhausted physically and mentally.

After consulting with the astronauts themselves, Jones, who was originally a Dutch citizen, will return to Amsterdam directly on a flight provided by the Dutch government. As for Johnson, who was originally an American, he naturally took the flight arranged for him by the White House and returned to his motherland.

Shangjing International Airport.

China's Concierge department arranged a grand handover ceremony.

Standing at the door of the special security inspection channel, Johnson finally met his rescuer, Lu Zhou, the chief designer of the moon orbit construction committee who promoted the whole rescue plan and sent Xiaguang to Mars.

"Thank you," Johnson's Adam's apple slightly moved as he shook his right hand, and looked at him with some complicated eyes. He said falsely, "thank you for bringing me back from Mars!"

Although because of his identity and position, he is the biggest competitor of Ares program and NASA. But this did not prevent him from paying the highest respect and thanks to Lu Zhou himself.

"You're welcome," Lu said with a smile as he shook the astronaut's hand. "I remember coming here often when I have a chance."

"Sure," Johnson said, releasing the boat's right hand. He looked at the American diplomats standing nearby, looked at the boat again, took a deep breath, and continued, "well I'm gone. "

"Well, go ahead," the boat continued with a smile, waving. "Remember to say hello to Mr. Carson for me."

"I'll give him your regards!"

Nodded his head, Johnson picked up his large carry on luggage, turned to the gangway and boarded the plane.

Soon after, the hatch was closed, the gangway was removed and the flight took off.

As the engine roared away, the plane had dragged a white line and disappeared at the end of the clouds.

Seeing the plane go away, the boat squinted and was about to turn away.

Standing next to him, the U.S. ambassador to China smiled at him and held out his right hand.

"Thank you for all you have done for the American people and the people of the world. History will remember this moment of friendship."

"You're welcome. Although we have different countries on the earth, we are all earthlings when we come out of this planet," said the ambassador, shaking his hand gently, and the boat smiled lightly. "May history remember and friendship last."

The ambassador smiled.


After the handover ceremony, there was a banquet.

Not very good at this kind of occasion, the land boat then pushed the banquet matter to the Mars rescue plan working group another person in charge.

As for himself, he returned to his hotel.

When passing by the lobby of the hotel, Lu Zhou borrowed printer equipment from the reception of the hotel, and ordered the reception to send the printer equipment to his room, then he went straight back to his room, took out the unfinished paper about the lunar surface quality projector from the trunk, sat at the desk and thought about it for a while, then followed the unfinished one Some of them have been improved.

In fact, the idea of building a mass accelerator on the moon was not his idea.

As early as about 12 years ago, NASA put forward similar ideas, and even completed the technical demonstration. Relevant papers can be found on its official website.

In principle, the acceleration technology of this facility is similar to that of maglev.

That is, through a long and narrow orbit and electromagnetic acceleration technology, the ore or spacecraft is accelerated to the breakaway speed, and then directly into the orbit of the moon.

Of course, although the whole technical principle is a one sentence thing, it is not an easy thing to really want to turn it into reality.

As the chief designer of the whole moon orbit construction committee, what we need to do now is not to make detailed drawings of the whole project, but to make an overall evaluation of the whole project.

For example, how long does the orbit take? What is the cost or budget per meter? Technical feasibility? What's the risk? And the most critical, specifically built on that crater!

The data that may be used in the whole paper has been collected in advance by researchers on the Moon Palace.

With his current LV5 engineering level and his long experience as chief designer of the moon orbit construction committee, it's not very difficult to complete the whole paper.After typing the last line, Lu Zhou clicks the mouse and selects the option of printing.

Soon, the printer on the side of the table started to whine, and after a while, it spit out a paper with a warm smell of ink.

Take up the printed paper and check it carefully. Just when the boat began to feel hungry, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. After knocking on the door, Wang Peng came in with a plastic bag.

"Still busy?"

"Yes," he said, putting down his paper and noticing what he was carrying, Lu Zhou asked casually, "what are you carrying?"

"I went to the headquarters in the afternoon. When I came back, I brought you some local specialties."

With that, Wang Peng put the things in his hands on the desk of Lu Zhou.

"Roast duck?" Seeing the contents clearly, Lu Zhou's eyes lit up and picked it up with interest. "Good thing, all Jude?"

"I found it in the alley," Wang Peng said with a smile as he sat on the sofa. "It's not famous for big brands, but I feel it's authentic."

"It's really fragrant," Lu said with a smile as he pulled open the plastic bag and took a sip of it. Looking at the roast duck, Lu said with a smile, "it's just in time for dinner. It's perfect to listen to beer again."

Wang Peng, who had just sat on the sofa, stood up again.

"What brand do you drink? I'll buy it for you."

"No need, I call the front desk of the hotel to send some to listen to it." I close the packing bag, open the drawer by land boat, take out a document bag, and fill in the newly published paper. "Compared with the small matter of buying wine, I have some things here, so I have to ask you to send it for me."

Wang Peng didn't ask what he was going to send, he said directly.

"To where?"

Lu Zhou reaches out and hands the document bag to Wang Peng.

"West of the Forbidden City, Chang'an Street."

"You know who to hand it to."