For Jinling, December is the beginning of winter.

The red leaves of the mountain have gone away, and what is left on the ground is the withered yellow leaves. However, if you look at it, you can still see a piece of green from the mountain. For those conifers, winter is home.

Due to the proximity of the family, sometimes when it is not very busy, the boat often changes into sports clothes and comes here for morning or evening running.

For him, it's like his back garden. I want to ask who is more familiar with it. It's probably those who are responsible for his safety work and find out the area from a technical point of view

“…… I remember that some of the participants in the academic conference seemed to organize mountaineering activities. Why didn't you go with them? "

Fartins: " What can I do for an old man and a young man? "

"I'm also a young man," Lu Zhou reminded

For a moment, he said in a tone of indifference.

“…… Well, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot. "

Lu Zhou: "..."

After all, I can't keep up with my physical strength when I'm old. Just now I'm halfway up the mountain, Professor fortings is a little short of breath. He reached out and unbuttoned his windbreaker, took off the dome hat on his head, looked back at the stone step road he had already passed, and looked at the empty mountain road. He gasped a few times.

"Here No one seems to be there? "

"After all, it's late December," he said, pausing, holding one hand on his knee, touching the water bottle from the mountaineering bag behind him, wiping his mouth. "It's so cold, it's not a holiday, so few tourists can be seen. If you want to see the most beautiful Zijin Mountain, you have to wait for the beginning of October. At that time, all the mountains and fields were golden. When the wind blows, it looks like a wave. "

Faltins's eyebrows were raised, as if interested.

"You seem to come often?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "my villa is on the hillside."

Fartins: "..."

Although he is the director of the Institute of mathematics of Max Planck Institute, his savings are obviously not enough for him to build the house on the edge of the scenic spot

But it doesn't matter.

At this age, no matter the house or the car, there is no value for him to pursue.

After a rest, the two continued to advance.

After walking on the mountain for a while, Professor fortings has been breathing heavily. Although he seems to want to insist on the stubborn old man's appearance, considering his physical condition, Lu Zhou has to say that it's not too early. It's not convenient to walk down the mountain again, and there's no scenery to see. This persuades the old man.

They stopped in the rest area of the hillside, and Lu Zhou found a familiar restaurant. After greeting the boss, he asked him to help him get a grilled fish and a beer and put them on the table.

Sitting on the stone table next to the railing, they chatted while eating the grilled fish.

"The grilled fish here is more delicious than that in the hotel last night What's its name. "

"No name," Lu said with a smile after opening a beer. "It can be seen in many small restaurants in China. It's generally called grilled fish, or Wanzhou grilled fish. The method is basically the same and the difference is only that the ingredients are a little different. It's very suitable for eating, especially for drinking Can you drink it? "

Professor fortings smiled faintly, his thin fingers clasped open the pull ring of the can.

"Is there a German who can't drink? In the country where I live, it may not be so convenient to go to the supermarket, but I can definitely find a pub for drinking. "

The boat shrugged and said with a smile.

"Is it? Why didn't I notice when I went to Berlin? "

"Because it's the center of the city, it's not a place to enjoy life," said Professor fortings, who took a sip of beer and put his hand on his mouth, then turned his eyes to the mountain road not far away.

The sky has gradually turned yellow, pulling out a gauze like halo at the edge of the jungle. Squinting at the beautiful scenery, the old man took a picture of his mobile phone from his pocket.

“…… How far is the top of the mountain? "

The boat thought for a moment and replied.

"At the same speed, it will take about two hours to walk."

Professor fortings was silent for a moment, and suddenly he sighed with regret.

"Then I'm afraid I can't go up."

Hearing this, the boat was silent for a while.

Although the old gentleman seemed to have something in his mind, he didn't know what to answer at the moment. He could only comfort him with a broad speech and took the topic to a less heavy place.

"It doesn't matter. There are still many opportunities. We can start early next time."

However, I don't know if I didn't understand his kindness, or if I didn't pay attention to the heaviness at all.Professor fortings, looking at the setting sun, was silent for a while, shook his head, and slowly opened his mouth and said, "time waits for no one, especially for those of us who have little left, we are almost counting the unfinished things while counting the rest of our lives."

In the face of time, everyone is equal.

No matter the king or the farmer, in the final moment, they can only face death equally.

After a pause of about half a minute, the old man took his eyes back from the setting sun in the distance, and his eyes fell back to the face of the boat.

"Now you are probably the closest to God in the world Or the person closest to the truth. For the first time since Mr. grotendick's death, I feel that there is such a person in the world who may know the answers we all want to know. "

Lu Zhou: " Thank you for your compliment. "

"Not praise, but advice Of course, it also contains the blessing of a bad old man, "Professor fortings continued after a deep look at the boat." whether I can see that day or not, I hope you don't give up. If anyone can really solve this problem, it's probably only you. "

Speaking of this, the old Germanic man, who is always insincere and satirical, suddenly pulled off the dry corner of his mouth and said in a joking tone.

“…… If I'm not there that day, remember to leave a copy on my tombstone. But don't let me wait too long. I'm afraid something will come out from under my tombstone and knock on your door. "

Drinking wine in silence, Lu Zhou suddenly smiled and said.

"Forget the tombstone. I swear I won't let you wait too long At the latest, in three years, I can definitely find the exit of this maze. "

"Three years?"

He was amused by the words of Lu Zhou, and he laughed.

Shaking his head, he looked toward the top of the mountain, and after a while he continued.

"It's nice to be young."