Princeton campus.

It was the coldest time of the year in New Jersey, with silver snow outside. The snow accumulated on the window eaves and roof makes the Oxford style campus immersed in academic atmosphere become an ancient castle in fairy tales.

Sit quietly in the library activity room of this "ancient castle", sit quietly at the desk and look at Vera of the computer, and the bookshelf beside her and the snow outside the window, just like a picture.

The long light blonde hair is downcast softly. Although the white skin is a little white, it is hard to let go. But the soft and strong eyes like sapphire give people a sense of peace and add some dazzling colors to her.

On the computer screen, it's Lu Zhou's reply.

His concise language style, as well as direct to the main topic of the use of words, has his characteristics.

I have read your email. ]

[it's a very interesting improvement idea to use the irreducible unitary representation theory of the eight element Heisenberg Group and do Fourier transform for it. ]

[and this reminds me of a quantitative version of the weak form of Riemannian conjecture proved by Professor Levinson and Montgomery in 1974. That is, the ratio of the number of zeros of ζ '(s) in the open region {- 1 < re (s) < 1 / 2, T1 < im (s) < T2} to the number of zeros of ζ (s) in {0 < re (s) < 1 / 2, T1 < im (s) < T2} is approaching to 1 A similar approach has been applied. ]

[it's very good. This idea you put forward just indirectly answers me. It's a place where I have always had doubts. Remember what I said a long time ago? Riemann conjecture is a problem of analytic number theory, but its essence is still a problem of complex analysis. We must solve it with the thinking of solving the problem of complex analysis, but it can not be limited to this. ]

[my suggestion is that from a class of simply connected nilpotent Lie Groups G_ Starting with the Plancherel formula on N, G_ In this paper, we discuss the sub ellipse properties of left invariant differential operators on N, and we should find something unexpected. ]

[by the way, I suggest you sort out the items in the email and send a paper, which is also convenient for me to quote. ]

"is it not limited to the solution of complex analysis problems? Your style has not changed at all. "

Read the email from the beginning to the end, Willa's mouth slightly curved up a smile.

But then the curl of the lips gradually flattened. The little girl at the desk frowned and thought for a long time. She reached out and picked up the ballpoint pen in the pen holder, and wrote down the ideas put forward by Lu Zhou one by one on the draft paper.

At the same time, it also integrates some of its own ideas.

At this time, the door of the activity room suddenly opened, and a woman in a big windbreaker came in with a clang.

Shaking off the snow, Molina hung her coat on the hanger at the door and walked to Vera with two sandwiches and coffee.

"Don't look at the computer first. Let's have lunch. I brought you your favorite tuna sandwich And Mint Coffee. What's the strange taste? It's amazing that some people put mints in their coffee. What's more strange is that some people will buy them. "

"Thank you, Molina," she said, warming her palm with a warm coffee, and Vera smiled at Molina with a soft, sincere thank you smile. "But it's not about putting mints in the coffee. But after brewing coffee, soak in the cleaned mint leaves, wait for five minutes, and then take out It's like making tea. "

"I can't stand that strange smell anyway What are you looking at? "

"Professor Lu's reply," said Vera, with a faint blush on her face, picking up the paper to cover her mouth and coughing softly I was just studying his paper on Hyperelliptic Curve analysis a few days ago, and I just thought of an application of irreducible unitary representation theory on the Heisenberg group of octuples, and then I tried to study it It seems that my research has come in handy. "

Looking at the email on the screen, Molina said gloomily.

"Hey, you're a collaborator! You should never forget that I am your comrade in arms. "

"Professor Lu is not our enemy," Vera said solemnly when she looked at Molina, who rarely showed courage or stubbornness. "We agreed at the beginning, why can't we solve this problem together? Solving Riemann's conjecture is not a job that one can accomplish. "

Looking at Willa's stubborn expression, Molina opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word.

She admitted that she was selfish, but who was not?

If Riemann conjectured that it was proved by land and boat, even if no one said so explicitly, he would certainly be credited with all the credit, and he certainly believed that he had solved 99% of the problems.

It's like who remembers Hardy's paper collaborators? Who will remember the year when Hilbert worked with someone to complete an important paper or research achievement?Unless it's hardy and Hilbert working together.

When there is a big gap between the two sides, people are always used to remembering the name that is easiest to remember and the one that doesn't matter.

She admits that mathematics is her life, and she studies mathematics just because she likes it, but it is also one of her obligatory responsibilities to promote the name of the Abelian family.

At least that's what she thinks.

However, looking at Willa, she can't say anything selfish.

“…… "I can't help you," she said with a conciliatory sigh, grabbing the back of her head. "If you think it's that simple, you can go on the right path."

"Thank you." Vera smiled softly and thanked her sincerely.

"You are welcome Speaking of it, is your body really OK? " Looking at the basket beside her eyes, Molina said with some worry, "you coughed all day yesterday, and today you feel not in good condition."

Vera shook her head gently, smiled and said, "it's OK, don't worry about me."

After a moment's hesitation, Molina said, "otherwise, I'll go to the 45 minute report meeting in St. Petersburg for you. You'd better take a good rest here."

"No, I will go myself," Vera shook her head, blushing. "He must be expecting my report. I will live up to his expectations."

Molina took a deep breath and finally asked the question she had been hiding for a long time: "may I ask, what is your disease?"

Holding the tip of the ballpoint pen, Vera shook her head as usual and said with a soft smile.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine."

That's what I said, but I can't feel at ease.

Looking at her, Molina's heart was palpitating.

Impulsively, she snatched the draft paper and pen from Willa's hand, held down the delicate shoulder, and said in an unquestionable voice.

"Listen, you need a rest! The patient should be lying in bed, you look like -- "

" I don't need to, give it to me... " Struggling to retrieve the Scribble and pen from Molina's hand, Vera watched her stubbornly and continued, "what I need is not rest. Trust me, I know what I need."

Time is running out

There is no room for waste.

Looking at the girl who didn't give in, Molina finally made a compromise, let go of the hand holding Vera's shoulder and said to herself.

"I've convinced you!"

After that, she turned and went to the door. She grabbed the wet coat and put it on her body and walked towards the outside of the activity room.