For a whole year.

I'm afraid it's more than just preparation and bedding.

This is probably the most energy-consuming and time-consuming proposition among all the problems that have been solved by land boats in their lifetime.

In order to find a solution to the problem of zero point distribution, he tried almost all the possible research ideas, and finally chose the proof idea of the critical band of bundle, and created the mathematical tool of the hyperelliptic curve analysis method, thus proving the quasi Riemann conjecture.

And in order to bind the uncertain critical band to the critical line, he tried almost all the methods he could think of.

But as opposed to giving, the return is huge.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the field of mathematics, all the problems he has solved so far and all the honors he has won are put on one scale, which is not equal to the weight of this proposition.

For the most popular example, if the Riemann conjecture is true, the inference that the odd number greater than 7 can be expressed as the sum of three prime numbers can be directly true, while those who have a little understanding of logarithm theory know that this is actually the weak form of Goldbach conjecture.

However, it was not until 13 years that this weak form was proved by Professor Harold Helfgott, a researcher of Paris Higher Normal University, by using the method of Fourier analysis of the function on the circumference. Two papers were published in the mathematical invention, one of the four top journals.

This is just one of the powers of Riemann's conjecture.

Almost one-half of the research results in the field of analytic number theory in the whole 20th century are based on two hypotheses at the same time: the establishment of Riemann conjecture and the non establishment of Riemann conjecture.

If Riemann conjecture holds, the formula π (x) = Li (x) + O (Xe {- 1 / 15 √ LNX}) can be extended to π (x) = Li (x) + O (√ xlnx), which is concise and more accurate.

This achievement was made by H. von Koch in 1901 under the optimistic situation based on the Riemann conjecture, and is only one of the fruitful results of the Riemann conjecture.

There are many similar things.

It can be seen that in front of the horrible extension of Riemannian zeta function, even if it is only a "guess right" affirmative answer, the impact on the whole mathematical world is nuclear bomb level.

Even if we put aside the thousands of propositions that have been promoted to mathematical theorems because of Riemann conjecture, this sentence is also true.

There is no other reason.

Riemann conjecture is like a cableway, on its two sides are algebra and geometry.

Proved it, there is hope to connect the two mountains together.

And unified algebra and Geometry

This is almost the ultimate proposition that is closest to the core since the birth of mathematics, just like the general principle of physics.

Although the development of mathematics is diversified and there are more and more branches of mathematics up to now, scholars in the past decades have never really given up the research on those ancient propositions.

Because it connects not only the oldest past of mathematics, but also the glorious and eternal future of mathematics!

Therefore, in the sense of mathematics itself, Riemann conjecture is undoubtedly the most valuable proposition in the millennial problem, and even the existence of solutions to the "many is complex" NS equation is far from comparable.

There's no comparison


After asking Professor holden to help him get some food, the boat sitting on the desk was not in a hurry. It just looked at the whiteboard and waited quietly.

Professor Holden, who was standing at the door, didn't disturb him either. After telling his assistant to go to the restaurant, he, like Professor feverman next to him, stared at the lines on the whiteboard.

It has to be said that it is very difficult to understand these contents. Even in the beginning, he felt a lot of difficulties.

Professor feverman, too, frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

Did not pay attention to the two people, even did not pay attention to the expression changes on their faces, looking at the whiteboard boat just waiting quietly.

The judgment of system task completion is very simple. Only two elements, the completeness of proof and the disclosure of research results, are needed to be satisfied.

This point, when Goldbach's conjecture was proved, he had already verified it.

According to his writing habits, AI finished sorting out the paper and uploaded it to arXiv. At the first time, the familiar voice finally sounded from the bottom of his heart.

And the heart, which was suspended to the throat and eye, was finally released.

Although it is expected.

Although the recognition of the system is only on schedule.

But after hearing the news, the boat was relieved.


The mountain was finally leveled by him!With a whisper of meditation, the next moment, he opened his eyes, has been in a pure white system space.

[congratulations to the host, finish the reward task! ]

[evaluation: the throne of the old era was razed to the ground, conquered the natural human civilization, and once again conquered their own mind. The spark on the vast plain has ignited their desire to meet the next era. Although in this endless cold night, there is still a long way to the future ]

[requirement: prove Riemann conjecture within three years! (achieved)]

[task reward: 10000 points, 2 million mathematical experience, a "legend" task card. ]

[s evaluation reward: double points reward. ]

the updated attribute panel appears in front of the land boat.


A. Mathematics: Lv9 (- /???)

B. Sutra of The test value allows the mathematical level to rush directly from lv8 to Lv9, and the distance between lv10 and the last line is less than the full lv10. Twenty thousand points will directly increase the integral stock of the land boat by an order of magnitude.

It's just amazing that the experience bar was cancelled after the math level was upgraded to Lv9. Not only that, but also the upper limit of experience is gone. Instead, it is a question mark of unknown significance.

However, at the moment, Lu Zhou has no intention to pay attention to these things. He goes directly beyond the reward of the task and the "legendary task card" with golden aura. He looks at the column of random task and selects the extraction.

A light blue screen of light sweeps across the holographic screen.

Seeing the three random tasks, the heart of the land boat, which had been pounding wildly, suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley.

After a moment's silence, he took a deep breath and asked in a slightly quivering voice.

"System, solve cancer How many points do I need? "

No response.

And that is almost predictable.

There is no cancer related task in the random task, which only shows that the problem is far beyond his ability scope, otherwise, on the premise of meeting two judgment factors, the system does not make sense that a random task in the biochemical direction is not followed.

At the same time, it needs to spend more points to solve problems that exceed the current level of the discipline. For problems with more than two levels, the system will not show the amount of points spent.

Because for the system's decision rules, this is the current stage in which he is in, which can not be solved in any way.

After all, in essence, the integral system is just an abstract acceleration of scientific research, not a prize exchange.

It's equivalent to using integral to compensate for the time he should have spent on the subject.

The premise of being able to use integration, naturally, is that this problem can be solved by him even without integration or even without system interference.

At the beginning of controllable nuclear fusion, he also consulted the system, but somehow the system gave him an astronomical number, so that he still had the hope of splitting the problem and solving it.

But cancer

Obviously, from a systematic point of view, there are still several branches of science and technology between human civilization and cancer, which have not fully understood the pathogenesis, and they are not qualified to conquer this subject in a short time.

“…… It seems that the first option will not work. "

After recognizing this, the boat was silent for a while and reached out to turn off the system panel.

It's a pity.

But he was not discouraged.

In the academic sense, whether it can be done or not is also an important information in itself, corresponding to two different choices, positive and negative.

If even systems from the future or higher civilizations think that cancer is not a problem that can be solved by the current level of science and technology of human civilization

He already knows what to do.


Out of the system space, a warm current surged up the brain and spread along the inside of his scalp.

The sense of upgrading from lv8 to Lv9 is more than ten times stronger than that of attacking lv8 from LV7.

However, this strong feeling did not cause his sudden fainting, instead, it made his tired spirit recover a little.

It seems that in this growing road, what is strengthened is not only his thinking ability for specific subjects and specific problems, but also his brain's endurance.Of course, in contrast, the hunger in the abdomen is becoming more and more intense.

But fortunately, when he left the system space, almost when he opened his eyes, Professor Holden's assistant took two hotel staff into the lecture hall.

In addition to the two plates of bacon sandwiches and vegetable salad, there was also a steaming cup of coffee.

Perhaps it seems that he is a bit of a slovenly man. The staff of the clincia hotel also kindly sent him a portable vanity mirror, a razor, a wet towel and a washbasin.

It's just a pity that the boat didn't have time to touch these things.

As the wind swept the food on the plate like residual clouds, after a burp, he took a sip of coffee to moisten his throat, so that he would not choke on the food.

Professor Holden, who was waiting nearby, did not show any impatient expression. Even though he was still waiting for a mountain of work, he was still patiently waiting for the boat to finish his coffee, picked up the razor and shaved in the mirror before asking his first question.

"Yes Will you explain it in detail for me? "

Lu Zhou answered Professor Holden's question in a concise and comprehensive way.

"Yes, but I'm afraid not now. I have to meet someone later. I've organized and uploaded the paper to arXiv. If you are interested, you can download it and study it first. "

Professor Holden said with an expression: "have you uploaded your paper?"

"Yes," Lu Zhou said, nodding his head and looking at the silver watch with his left hand in his eyes. "It should have been uploaded five minutes ago."


(thanks for the reward from the book friend's "going to step on the horse" ~ ~ ~)