Distributed computing?

When hearing the unexpected noun, the eyebrows of the boat raised gently.

Inspired by this concept, he suddenly thought of something.

"Can you elaborate?"

"No problem..."

It's no use hiding this kind of thing. It's better to talk about it completely rather than leave it in the dark. There's no possibility of cooperation.

For the direct request of the land boat, Mier just hesitated for a moment, and soon made a decision, and freely opened his mouth to say the thought in his heart.

"In short, we output the same electrical signal through a neural modem. When it is translated by the brain, it may be because the individual has different understanding of the same message, plus the fuzzy processing of the information by the brain itself, presenting different pictures It's like two sets of jigsaw puzzles carved in one mold. Even if each piece of jigsaw is labeled and restored in the same order, if the patterns on each piece are different, the final picture cannot be the same Am I right? "

The boat nodded its head and said in a programmed voice.

"Basically right."

"That's a good problem to solve," he continued, with a triumphant expression on his face. "The brain is a black box for us. We can hardly know the process of fuzzy information processing, but it will react to the outside world. We can build a statistical model of discrete data through the statistics of input and feedback results. "

"What is it called in physics? Like indirect observation? Forget it, it's not my major, and I don't understand it very well. In a word, through such a statistical model, we can constantly eliminate the differences between the puzzle and the puzzle, and establish a one-to-one correspondence between the electrical signal and the puzzle. "

"In a stage play made up of the fuzzy concepts of cattle, sheep, knights and kings, everyone will see different pictures. But if we define the picture with the basic three primary colors, define the sound with 44 basic tones, and then restore the whole scene with these more trivial and small pieces..."

"I believe that with the exception of some people who have misconceptions about color or who have never heard a voice, everyone can have the same resonance with the virtual world we've built."

After listening to Professor Meier's description, there was a clear look of interest in the eyes of Lu Zhou.

However, he did not immediately give a positive answer, but after weighing many advantages and disadvantages, he continued.

"Amazing idea Through statistical methods, we can find a set of instructions that can be correctly interpreted by the brain, and establish a one-to-one correspondence with the mechanical language output by the neural modem. Can I understand it in this way? This method is really good, but there is a concept in physics called "more is complex". I think the same applies here. As we have learned, the brain is a black box, and we can't understand how it processes information in the existing technology unless we can download a material library in each user's brain, but this is impossible in both the technical and practical sense. "

"Yes, the brain is a black box," he said immediately. "That's what I said at the beginning. Each individual has the ability to think independently and is a unique sample, but even so, we can still find their commonalities between samples. "

"So I mentioned distributed computing, that's how we implement this idea!"

"In short, let enough samples participate in this study!"

"When a puzzle can be unified in the eyes of 1000 people, this puzzle can be used for us! The more we accumulate, the more detailed and complete the world we build. And all of these can be achieved through the method I said! "

Then, Mier narrated his thoughts to the ship in detail.

In short, it is to find the information that can generate the same feedback in human brain, and then build a one-to-one relationship between the information and machine language, and then build the whole world through programming.

For example, red is 01, blue is 10, and yellow is 00. A six character code can produce different colors in human brain through different permutations and combinations.

But in the cognition of basic color, everyone is the same.

Of course, this is only the foundation of the foundation, and it can be obtained without distributed computing. In fact, it is in this way that the land boat presents a Blue Grassland in the world that the student elder sister sees.

The ultimate goal of a whole set of distributed computing research methods on virtual reality system is to mine all the elements similar to three primary colors and basic sounds that can reach an undisputed consensus in everyone's brain as the basis of the whole system.

The color in the pupil gradually became clear. After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou felt his chin a little excitedly.“…… This method of building a system through distributed computing is quite interesting. I will try to study it later. "

Seeing that there was no place for him in the words of the land boat, mielton was in a hurry and said.

"Wait a minute, don't you want me to join your project? Do you expect a man to finish such a huge project? Impossible Well, even if it's possible, you'll have to spend more than twice as much time. If you can afford all the research, I'm willing to give you all the patents and so on. My requirements are not high, let me participate! I'm sure I can help! "

When Mier said this, he was quite straightforward, and even didn't feel any pain at all.

After all, patent has nothing to do with him.

Generally, it helps enterprises to engage in similar research. Patents are things that the inventors don't need to think about. On the contract, the ownership of patents is usually clearly defined. Only the top-ranking Bull has the qualification to negotiate with the industry, and it's quite good that ordinary professors or researchers can get the share promised by enterprises to developers.

In fact, Miel doesn't care about it either.

It's not that he doesn't love money, it's just that he knows that fame is the real important capital of a scholar.

This reputation is not only a reputation, but also an exhibition of academic qualifications.

Once he has enough fame and become the real big bull in everyone's eyes, does he need to worry about such small things as research funding?

If he really becomes one of the founders of virtual reality system, people who want to pay for his experiments can line up from Geneva To Zurich.

From that eager tone, I heard Professor Miel's hope, and the boat in front of the computer smiled and shook its head.

It's very superficial.

However, it is quite true.

Although the character of Professor Meier is not so pleasant, one of his words is about the heart of Lu Zhou.

As a scholar who is proficient in the field of biological neural network and neural network algorithm, it is easier to build this system with his participation than by himself.

After all, the idea is also proposed by him. He must have better ideas on how to implement this algorithm.

After thinking about it for about ten seconds, the boat said.

"If you want to join my project, it depends on your sincerity."

At this, Miel was slightly shocked.

He really can't think of anything else worth the man's scheming.

He said nervously, frowning slightly.

"What do you want? Money? Declaring in advance that I'm a pauper -- "

interrupted his boring and ridiculous speculation, Lu Zhou went straight to the point and said:" on the 20th of this month, the global AI application innovation summit will be held in Shanghai. If you want to come, I can talk with you face to face about participating in R & D. "

After hearing this sentence, Mier immediately asked, "how can I find you in Shanghai? Use this mailbox? "

Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"You don't have to come to me."

"When you arrive, you will see me."