Yang Feifei is an ordinary white-collar worker.

Until a month ago, she lived a very ordinary life.

Until one day, when she saw the blog post of virtual reality system seal test qualification lottery released by star technology official Weibo on the hot search list, she learned about the phantom system and the neural access virtual reality technology that is about to change the future face of human society.

Although she is not interested in games, the concept of "the second world in the spiritual field" mentioned in the posters by star technology has aroused her interest.

In line with the idea of joining the fun, she ordered the next forwarding.

And then

When she realized that she had won the prize, she had become one of the 200 lucky people in the 20 million, and joined the team of the sealed beta of star technology.

To be honest, the first test was boring.

Apart from the empty and single scenes and fragmented pictures, it is a very boring thing to do in the virtual reality system, which is enough to make her boring in life.

However, under the favorable conditions that star technology helped these remote examiners arrange round-trip air tickets and five-star hotel accommodation, she still participated with the mood of free travel, but did not have too much expectation for the phantom system.

But the idea lasted only a week.

By the time of the second test, her inherent impression of the phantom system was completely subverted.

Or more specifically, it's amazing.

The forest presented in front of the players of the blockers is as lifelike as alive. The breeze passing through the ears and the halo passing through the branches are so lifelike.

Not only that, but the other examiners are also in the same scene with her. Despite the different background of the air crash, it's a journey through time and space.

At this moment, she finally realized what the "second world in the spiritual field" of star technology was like in the poster.

In a sense, they are really creating the world.

At least, they have created a forest almost the same as the reality!

If you can give a score, Yang Feifei thinks that this time's test experience can be given full marks.

If it wasn't for what happened later, it would have been a perfect game experience!

However, what happened later completely destroyed her good mood.

A group of zombies with rotten faces or something like that rushed out of the edge of the forest. When she saw the group of monsters, she was totally shocked at the scene.

Especially when she saw that the first person killed was bitten off her neck, she was so scared that she fainted and disconnected from the device.

When she angrily asked the researchers in the laboratory what happened to the monsters, all she got was "a little accident happened in the experiment, the reason is being found".

No matter what the reason is, what happened is to make her mood extremely bad.

And to think deeply that these materials actually exist in the database of star technology is a matter of extreme thinkings.

They were going to use the material for the beta testers!

However, they did not fulfill the obligation of informing in advance! When

returned to the hotel, she immediately put out a neck and make complaints about it.

What surprised her was that she paid close attention to the transparency of only a few hundred people. Less than ten minutes later, she received a private letter from a stranger.

The man claimed to be a reporter and left a wechat message that he wanted to talk to her about what happened during the afternoon test.

Although puzzled by how the so-called reporter found herself, she added the wechat signal with the intention of finding someone to talk to and vent her unfinished fear.

Then, after the reporter simply inquired about the beginning and end of the incident, the wechat call request came, and after she pressed accept, the following dialogue took place.

"We'll give you a million dollars for one thing."

Seeing this straightforward and undisguised words, Yang Feifei, who was typing, was stunned and asked subconsciously.

"What is it?"

The man who claimed to be a reporter smiled and said, "did you get unfair treatment when you sealed the test? What we hope you do is very simple. We can sue Star Technology to compensate you for your spiritual loss. "

Looking at the head portrait on the wechat phone, Yang Feifei looks like a fool.

"Suing Star Technology? Are you kidding? " Although

make complaints about the test, it is far from make complaints about Tucao in the neck.

She doesn't even have the slightest idea of that, and even the next beta will probably come.The man shook his head and said with a smile.

"Of course not. I didn't ask you to win this lawsuit. It doesn't matter if you lose the lawsuit or even get counterclaim. We will bear all the expenses incurred in subsequent lawsuits. You only need to sell miserably on the Internet, accuse the unscrupulous enterprises of star technology, test the so-called virtual reality devices that they are not supervised by, and make immoral human experiments with living people under the condition of no security guarantee That's all I can think of for the moment. In a word, it depends on your free play. "

Hearing the man's words, Yang Feifei fell into silence.

To be honest, a million dollars is very attractive, especially for a white-collar working class, which is almost equivalent to a suite in Shanghai.

She didn't care about losing the qualification of the test. After all, she was only curious to participate in the project. Besides, no one will give up the latter if they choose between the qualification of block test and one million dollars.

However, there is no free lunch in the world, and this money is not as easy to take as you think.

What she is about to face is a large enterprise with a valuation of hundreds of billions. Even if the enterprise is open enough to do things, it will not retaliate against a small person with those illegal means. Facing this huge capital is also a risky thing.

Struggling inside, Yang Feifei swallowed and asked in a trembling voice.

“…… What do you want to do? "

"Is that important?" The man smiled and went on, "if you have to find a reason for our actions, you can understand it as justice for those who cannot speak. After all, a few zombies sprang up suddenly when traveling, and they came running like themselves with their teeth open and claws open. I'm afraid this experience won't be pleasant. "

Yang Feifei: "the last question Who are you? "

"It doesn't matter who I am. It's a business."

"I don't even know who you are. Why do I believe you will pay?" Yang Feifei asked fiercely

"So that's what you're worried about? Don't worry, this is a good solution. " There was a happy laugh on the other end of the line. After a pause, the man continued, "give me your account, note US dollars or RMB."

"We can pay first."