Professor grotendic's tombstone is a small part of the cemetery. It is covered with dust. No one has visited it for a long time.

Since his old age, he has been out of touch with people. Except for a few friends who know where he lives, most people don't even know where he was buried.

According to the old priest, except for the last two months of his life, grotendic would come here to pray almost every weekend before that.

Facing the old man's long preaching, Lu Zhou simply lowered his head and put the bouquet in front of the tombstone.

In his own way, he sent a blessing to the great scholar in his heart, and thanked him for leaving those precious materials to himself. Then Lu Zhou turned around and left.

It's not that he doesn't want to stay here much.

It's just that he doesn't want to embarrass director giacobino and stand there with a sad and deep expression.

In fact, there is nothing sad at all. It's human nature to be old and dead. It's something many people can't envy to be able to choose the life they like for the rest of their lives. His seclusion was a great loss to the mathematical world, but it was a blessing to himself.

After leaving the cemetery, Lu Zhou followed the old priest to his home near the church and saw the rest of the materials in his garage.

The reason why we use the word "heap" is that there are so many materials, just like a hill.

It is said that in the 18th century when academic exchanges were not developed, most European mathematicians relied on letters and manuscripts to "open" their research results. Lu Zhou did not expect that he could see such a "primitive" way of communication in the 21st century.

Although these materials are put here in the form of piles, it can be seen that the old man spent some time to separate the draft from the official notes, and covered them with a layer of plastic cloth to prevent dust.

For such a good copy of these notes, the land boat fulfilled its promise and symbolically donated one million euros to the Church of St. lizzier, which was entitled to the retention fee for eight years.

No matter how happy the old priest was because of the huge amount of money, Lu Zhou took out his mobile phone and called her sister. She asked her to help contact the local logistics airline in Paris, and entrusted them to send the books and drafts back to China, and then took the car back to Paris.

The latter is very simple.

In the case of an irresistible price offered by star technology, the entrusted aerospace company stepped on the back heel of the land boat and the group left and came to the small town of omites. The professionals were responsible for packing and taking away those precious materials, which were sent to the special plane to Jinling on the same day, almost no fighter escort was arranged.

In the evening, he returned to the hotel. After finishing the dinner in the cafeteria, Lu Zhou returned to his room, spread out professor grotendic's notes on the table, and opened the title page with interest.

"A problem that even professor grotendic can't solve? Let me see... "

It is said that before his seclusion, Professor grotendic and his student, denine, had been devoted to the study of Riemann conjecture and its popularization in the field of algebraic geometry, during which time the famous weii conjecture was solved by denine.

If the reclusive professor grotendic is still studying mathematics, then it is very likely that his problem is the Riemann conjecture that he has solved.

However, when Lu Zhou thought that he would see a research note about Riemann's conjecture, he saw a strange color in his eyes when he looked at the note.

“…… What is this? "

Dynamic theory?


Although abstract numbers are used, they are not the same thing as the dynamic theory he knows more about.

Looking down, Lu Zhou turned a page and soon found that what was recorded in this note was totally unexpected. This is not a Riemann conjecture at all, but He has never seen or even heard of mathematical propositions.

The first one, Professor grotendick, has given the proof method. As for the second one, it seems that he didn't solve it.

Interested in the problem that trapped professor grotendick, Lu Zhou took a ballpoint pen from the table, pulled a piece of sketch paper, and made a simple transformation of Proposition 2 by using the unified theorem of algebraic geometry.

However, at the moment when he finished this operation, looking at the results on the paper, the whole person was stunned.

Another expression of Riemann's conjecture!?

Quickly turned a few pages to the back of the note, and when he saw the back part, Lu Zhou was relieved.

“…… Obviously professor grotendic has not proved it. "

Maybe he had already used his intuition to predict that this proposition is actually Riemann conjecture, but he didn't give a reasonable proof.

After all, the unified theory of algebra and geometry was not solved by itself until last year.With a pencil, I lightly tick the position of Proposition 2, indicating that the proposition has been solved by myself. Looking at the formula in this note, Lu Zhou fell into deep thought.

“…… It's not just some math problems. "

These complex propositions, even published as mathematical conjectures, are enough.

Regardless of the academic value itself, at least in terms of difficulty, they are no less than the Millennium problem, and they are not something that one can accomplish at all.

But that's where the problem lies.

If you want to get the answer, Professor grotendick can make this note public.

Now the Internet is so developed that even if he still feels conflicted with publishing his research results, he can publish it anonymously.

Many people are not necessarily powerful, but the opportunity to solve problems is always greater than when one thinks.

The tip of the pen is gently pointed on the rough paper, and the brow of the boat is slightly wrinkled.

At this time, a rumor came to his mind.

In his later years, according to his friends, Professor grotendic was in a state of considerable mental instability and indulged in the imagination of devils.

For example, he believes that the devil turned the beautiful speed of light, which should have been 300000 kilometers per second, into an ugly 299792.458 kilometers per second.

Although it is not clear why an outstanding mathematician made such a fundamental mistake in the field of measurement and balance, if not for the friend's fabrication of facts, most of them were due to something.

After that, the reclusive Pope suddenly wrote a letter to his former student Professor ilucci in January 2010, declaring that all his words published since his "disappearance" could not be reprinted.

This incident caused a lot of trouble at that time, because the two books, algebraic geometry foundation and algebraic geometry seminar materials, which were cancelled, can be said to be the Bible of algebraic geometry circle, because the author's own requirements can't be published or translated, it will only make it more difficult for people to get them.

When I think back to the letter I wrote to myself, I don't really believe that a mentally abnormal person can write those things.

What he prefers to believe is that something must have happened to the scholar that is difficult for him to understand.

For example

Pupil contracts slightly, land boat faintly in thought of a kind of possibility suddenly.

“…… Physics is the universal law of the universe, and mathematics is the universal language of the universe. "

He chewed this sentence over and over again from Dr. lane. Looking at the mathematical formulas in his notes, Lu Zhou felt that his thoughts were opened in an instant, and his eyes were brighter.

If his conjecture is right.

This is really not a simple mathematical proposition

But, a language!