The edge of Jinling High Tech Park, the space shuttle assembly center.

This factory, which is guarded by the army, is the safest and most confidential place in the whole park.

From Xiangrui to magpie bridge, 90% of the spacecraft to and from the Earth Moon system are the final assembly from here, and sent to the space launch center not far away from here for low earth orbit.

If Jinling has gradually become the heart of China's space industry due to the existence of Star Technology and the presence of a series of aerospace companies such as aerospace group, then here is the marrow of blood production.

Standing at the gate of the No. 1 workshop of the assembly center, two engineers with safety helmets were chatting with each other, looking at the unloading workers and mechanical equipment not far away.

"There are a lot of big tigers who have been killed recently. I heard Lao Wang's boast at dinner yesterday. It is said that even the deputy head of Jinling High tech Industrial Park Development Zone has been investigated."

"The chief of sun district?"

"Well, it's not who he can be. It's said that when the criminal police took people to his house, they found two gold bars of suitcases."

The younger engineer smashed his tongue, which was a little unimaginable.

How much gold can two suitcases hold?

In any case, in RMB, that's the number he won't earn in his whole life.

"In my day, a district chief can get so much."

"It's only found at home. It's said that his circumstances are a little serious. He doesn't accept bribes in general. He also has relations with foreign forces."

With that, the old engineer sighed and shook his head.

"Who would have thought of this? It's also thanks to the timely discovery of the problem. If it makes him climb to the position of district chief, it's OK. "

In the middle of the conversation, the goods in the car have been unloaded. With the help of automated logistics vehicles, one by one red and brown containers were transported to the inside of the plant.

And then a truck drove up not far away, and the workers waiting at the unloading point continued to repeat the previous operation, sending boxes of goods to the factory.

Squinting at the trucks lining up in the garage not far away, the younger engineer continued.

"You said that the traffic of our original car is a little frequent recently."

Old engineer: "I don't know. It's said that there are some big projects."

The young engineer took a look at him.

"What do you think it will be?"

Teacher Fu squinted at the young engineer and stared at him.

"Why do you want to earn so much money?"

"This is curiosity..."

"Don't ask what you shouldn't know. People who are in a panic about this matter recently should talk less and do more. Hurry to work and don't dawdle here. "

Clapping the young man on the shoulder, the old engineer buttoned up the belt of his helmet and turned to walk towards the factory.

Behind the old engineer, the young man who was inexplicably speechless muttered and fastened the belt of his helmet.

“…… It's really inexplicable. Just ask casually, as for the response

At the end of the noon break, the engineers in No. 1 factory have returned to work one after another.

On the other side of the factory, beside a huge steel support, a group of experts in safety helmets stood there as early as in the morning, as if they had never left the neighborhood.

“…… This is our latest shield machine. The main material is titanium alloy. After assembly, the total weight is only 50 tons. It is suitable for low gravity environment, and can be excavated at a maximum depth of 20 meters in the lunar soil, which is the use of the tunnel of the moon Hadron Collider. "

At the moment, standing by the boat, is an old engineer about 50 years old. His name is Chen Yongliang. His position is deputy manager and technical director.

From the perspective of his work clothes, he does not belong to the space shuttle assembly center, but to the subsidiary of China Railway Group.

Space and railway don't seem to match each other, but in fact, it's a matter of the last era.

Since the launch of the hadron collider project on the moon, Huatie group has entered the space field from the ground high-speed rail and magnetic levitation orbit projects, following the steps of star technology.

The acceleration track, which is hundreds of kilometers long and distributed along the inner side of the crater, is the masterpiece of numerous engineers and researchers of Huatie group and aerospace group.

Now the shield machine in front of the land boat is one of the by-products of the accelerator project.

The whole body is made of lightweight titanium alloy material. The modular design enables it to complete the assembly with its own power without the help of crane and other large engineering equipment.

Generally speaking, the shield machine made of iron and steel materials has a weight of 50 or 60, plus the front shield, the middle shield and the tail shield. The weight of this large shield machine is just over 50.It's no wonder that there is a proud expression on Chen Gong's face.

As the only company in the world that has the ability to build orbit on the moon, in a sense, they have stood at the peak of the times.

After listening to Chen Gong's introduction, Lu Zhou finally asked him the second question he was most concerned about.

"How much is the offer?"

Chen Yongliang: "60 million!"

"It's a little expensive."

See the chief designer shake his head, Chen Gong hurriedly explained.

"It's not expensive anymore. The titanium alloy framework alone costs tens of millions, not to mention other technologies inside."

The boat did not speak or make any representations.

He's the chief designer. He doesn't need to worry about the purchase. If it's not expensive, it's natural for someone with a quotation to evaluate it. He just talks about it according to his feelings.

Looking at this equipment for a long time, the general manager of Huatie Group subsidiary, who had not spoken for a long time beside him, began to beat a drum in his heart, hesitated to say anything, when Lu Zhou suddenly said.

"I plan to build an electromagnetic orbit on the moon."

Chen Yongliang was slightly shocked.

“…… About how long? "

"20 to 40 kilometers."

"What about the standard? What about the collider? "

"It must be different from the collider, at least it should be wider, and the limit of bearing speed should be higher," Lu Zhou smiled, squinted at the steel skeleton in front of him, and continued, "I need it to be able to accelerate the mass of 50t to 2.5km/s in 2 minutes Can you do it? "

Hearing the request of the boat, the engineer's face showed a surprised expression and took a cool breath.

"Hiss You really have a problem for us. This requires not to say that it's us. I'm afraid no one in the world can do it. "

2.5 kilometers per second, which is faster than the escape speed of the moon. Is it intended to launch the cargo directly into the Earth Moon transfer orbit?

"If someone in the world can do it, I won't come to you," continued Lu Zhou, looking at Chen Gong, joking. "Jinling Institute of higher learning plans to set up a special research team to design this lunar surface quality projector, aiming to project the minerals mined on the surface of the moon directly to the entrance of the low orbit or even the Earth Moon transfer orbit 。 Whether it's processing in space or transporting directly back to earth, it's quite necessary. "

"At present, we have applied for the state's special funds. The initial budget is 10 billion yuan. If the situation is optimistic, we will continue to increase it in the future. You are also among the top domestic companies in the fields of magnetic levitation technology and electromagnetic acceleration technology, especially in the application level. I wonder if you are interested. "

Chen Gong didn't speak yet. Standing beside the boat, the general manager who had been waiting for the opportunity to interrupt, took the conversation and said.

"Yes! Yes, of course! Ha ha, I'm afraid that such a request will be rejected by everyone. It's our honor to cooperate with Jinling Institute of higher learning! "

Lu Zhou smiled and nodded politely.

"It's also our pleasure."

Listening to the conversation between the two big men, Chen Gong smashed his tongue.

He really guessed it.

Academician Lu really plans to build an "electromagnetic cannon" to shoot things on the moon directly to the earth.

But is this really possible?

Though doubted, he didn't say anything. After all, what the big guy decided to do, no matter how exaggerated it sounded so far, has become a reality.

Thinking of this, Chen Yongliang could not help sighing in his heart.

Maybe this is the man standing on the shoulder of the times.

One hundred years from now, no one will remember a technical director named Chen in a subsidiary of Huatie group, but he will certainly remember that with a wave of his hand, it will not be possible to become a possible name.

Looking at the back of being surrounded by a group of people walking to the office, Chen Yongliang can't help admiring


I spent the whole morning with the people from China Railway Group, watching them assemble and demonstrate the latest lunar shield machine. The boat didn't even have lunch.

After returning to the office, Lu Zhou took the boxed rice from the canteen from Wang Peng, picked up the chopsticks three times, five times and two times, and then planed it clean. After that, he did not forget to burp.

"Next time, remember to bring me a coke and don't drink anything. I always feel choked."

Hearing this, Wang Peng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Can't you have some healthy food?"

Touch out the paper towel and wipe your mouth calmly. The boat doesn't care.

"Throw the cigarette out of your pocket and say that to me."

Wang Peng sighed.

“…… I also hope you can live a healthy and long life. For people like us, it's enough to live 60 or 70 years old. Smoking and non-smoking is about the same number. ""I don't like that. I was born the same."

Wang Peng shrugged. Naturally, he would not talk back to Lu Zhou, but he still made an expression of no objection.

Maybe his realm has not reached the height and spiritual realm of academician Lu, or in other words, it is too vulgar, but no matter from which point of view, this sentence of academician Lu is too idealistic.

How can people be the same as people?

This kind of society is unimaginable