As elder martial brother Luo said, this is an invitation.

To be exact, this invitation was not sent to him personally, but was signed by CERN and sent to imcrc.

In the invitation letter, CERN put forward the initiative of launching the world physicist summit with the theme of "hundred years of physics". It is hoped that imcrc can act as the main organizer of the conference and work with other major high energy physics research institutes and top scholars around the world to discuss the future of physics in the next century.

In fact, after listening to elder martial brother Luo's explanation, Lu Zhou was very surprised.

We will discuss the way of physics in the next 100 years with major research institutes of high energy physics around the world. Such an important conference, I didn't expect that CERN would give up the opportunity to imcrc.

But when he thought about it carefully, he figured out the way.

The reason why CERN gave up the chance of pretending to be a force was not that they didn't want to pretend to be a force, but that they were not allowed to do so in reality.

One of the reasons is that with the replacement of LHC by the lunar Hadron Collider, the world center for physics has gradually moved to East Asia.

On the other hand, it is because of a very realistic problem.

Then there is no money


There is no money.

Since the construction of the LHC, CERN has gradually lost the excuse to ask for funds from EU countries.

Compared with CERN, which has a bigger appetite than black holes, and those research projects that are never enough, countries around the world are more inclined to choose imcrc, which can satisfy their physicists with less money and produce a large number of outstanding achievements.

In particular, the leaders of France have said in public more than once that the historical mission of LHC has been completed. Instead of scaring the residents living in Seth and Geneva, it is better to put the experimental site on the moon from the border between France and Switzerland.

The U.S. views are largely the same.

Although dissatisfied with the fact that imcrc is dominated by China, physics, after all, is not as sensitive as military, aerospace and semiconductor research, and all research results are publicly accessible.

For Washington, which is in a recession cycle, it would be great if the Chinese were willing to bear this heavy burden for them.

It may be a consolation, but at least it can save the White House hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

In this case, CERN has gradually declined from the former World Physics center to a regional physics research center.

Although he still has a large and excellent research team, it is difficult to attract researchers from other countries to contribute cheap and high-quality labor without restarting the experiment.

Even local managers are considering whether it is necessary to transform the abandoned large collider into a science museum or amusement facility while keeping the small positron collider.

But so far, the proposal is still in the stage of proposal, there is no stable passenger flow guarantee, there are still border supervision problems, it is hard to imagine which transnational amusement park group will consider accepting the offer.

After pulling out the letter paper, which was sandwiched in the invitation letter, Lu Zhou unfolded it and began to read it carefully along the first line.

In addition to some polite remarks, the above content is still concise, mainly related to the meeting process.

It includes parts of most academic conferences, such as lectures for all physicists, symposiums, posters, etc. It also includes the main play of the conference - "one hundred years physics" closed door conference.

According to the suggestions of CERN, this conference will be led by the top 100 physicists in the world,

as the top experts of a research branch, the participants invited to the conference will represent their own research direction, explain their own direction and its importance to other scholars in the field of high energy physics research, and put forward that direction urgently needs to be solved The most important proposition.

It's like the Millennium math conference, Hilbert's twenty-three questions.

But the physics problems to be solved at this meeting are not seven, nor 23, but 100.

As for other scholars who have not received the invitation letter of the "100 year physics closed door meeting", they can understand the progress and discussion results of the meeting through live broadcast, conference video released after the meeting and written records.

At the same time, the organizer will set up corresponding awards and bonuses for the 100 world-class problems raised in the conference.

Seeing this, Lu Zhou couldn't help laughing and joked.

"Do you have to donate some money to attend this meeting?"

It seems that he didn't expect that Lu Zhou would ask such a question. Luo Wenxuan was slightly shocked, and then he received it with a smile."I didn't say that, but if we want to be the main undertaker, we'll definitely get a big head."

"How much will it cost?"

"At present, we are considering setting up a bonus pool to realize the value-added of the bonus pool through bond stock investment and other ways. The first person who solves one of the problems will be given priority to one percent of the bonus pool, and the rest will be given priority until all the bonuses are allocated."

Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows with interest: "it sounds interesting, so the later the problem is solved, the higher the bonus will be?"

"It doesn't have to be, after all, there are risks in investment But we will hire the best brokers to handle the money through the most prudent investment strategy. " After a pause, Luo Wenxuan continued, "and from a practical point of view, the later the problem is solved, doesn't it mean that the problem is more rewarding?"

Lu Zhou: "how to raise the prize pool?"

"At present, our idea is to donate money. It is said that many generous rich people are interested in naming these unsolved mysteries. At present, ten rich people on the Forbes wealth list have expressed their willingness to donate topics they are interested in and name the awards after themselves or their families. If we don't have enough money, we can try to raise the bonus by auctioning the naming right. "

"It's a good idea. I'll donate a little to the imcrc president then."

Without specifying how much the "one point" was, Lu Zhou took the invitation in his arms. Hearing Lu Zhou's words, Luo Wenxuan was slightly shocked and immediately spoke excitedly.

"You mean, let's have the next meeting?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "why not? To host such a conference is not only the recognition of the world, but also our responsibility to the world. Besides, we have enough money to hold a meeting. In other words, has CERN made any suggestion about when to hold this meeting? "

"Their suggestion is the 12th, but the venue has not been determined yet."

"12?" Lu Zhou frowned and muttered, "is 14th Valentine's day?"

If he remembers right, it's like this time.

Luo Wenxuan: "...?"

Noticing the strange expression on elder martial brother Luo's face, Lu Zhou suddenly realized that he seemed to read out his inner monologue, so he quickly gave a light cough and changed his mouth.

"I mean, Feb. 12 seems to be the third day of the lunar new year. Now most people are still celebrating the Spring Festival, right? Physicists are also human beings. They can't afford to have a meeting with their families. Moreover, catching up with the Spring Festival transportation is a big problem. In this way, the holding time will be pushed back, at least after the Lantern Festival. As for the venue, it will be in Shanghai. "

"After the Lantern Festival? Then it's March. There's no problem with the venue in Shanghai, although I recommend some interesting cities... "

Pause for a moment, Luo Wenxuan made a helpless expression.

"but you are the chairman, you has the final say."