Young's modulus ≥ 2.1tpa, failure strength ≥ 80N / M

From a series of parameters given here, the first thought of a land boat is a cable with very high tensile strength, and then the anti impact coating used in automobiles or aerospace equipment.

As for where this thing can be used

That's more useful.

It can be used as a cable for space station when viewed from the sky. It can be used as a traction rope for fixing heat sink and solar panel. When it is placed on the ground, it can be used as a suspension material for engineering equipment. When it is lowered to the sea, it can also be used as a barrier cable on the deck of aircraft carrier.

Especially for the latter, it's not generally expensive.

These are just one of the uses of this material.

Lu Zhou believes that after the advent of this kind of material with high Young's modulus and high failure strength, there will be countless people who can come up with the uses for him that he did not think of.

Go back to the study itself.

For the technical standard given by the system, the best option that can be thought of by a land boat is a carbon based material with high tensile strength, light weight and strong plasticity.

Especially carbon fiber and a series of graphite derived reinforced composites.

This kind of material not only has broad imagination space in theory, but also is his old line in the research of computational materials. At the beginning of his research on computational materials, he started from carbon materials.

Therefore, the task is not difficult for him.

It's like giving away!

After leaving Professor Wang Qingping's laboratory, Lu Zhou did not stop at Jinling Institute of higher learning, but returned home.

When he modified the mathematical model against the experimental results, some ideas about theoretical research of computational materials came into his mind.

Perhaps because of the rise of both mathematics and physics to lv10, Lu Zhou found that her sensitivity to numbers and physical phenomena had reached an amazing level.

Even if it's just a tiny clue that can almost be ignored, it can be magnified infinitely in his eyes and become a key that can be touched by both hands.

No matter where the inspiration comes from, there is only one idea in his mind at this moment.

That is to take advantage of this inspiration has not dissipated, it is recorded.

Went upstairs to the study, and ordered AI to make a cup of coffee for himself. Then Lu Zhou sat at the desk and spread the draft paper brought back from the lab on the desk.

"According to the experimental process designed by the original model, the density of material a is low, and after deposition, a fluffy mass is formed, and the diameter of carbon nanotubes is extremely uneven..."

"The reason for this result should be that the free radical polymerization of monomer acrylonitrile is not sufficient, forming a large number of intermediate products, leading to the inadequate third stage reaction Finally, the foam mixture was formed.

"Tut Tut, interesting."

's interest in Luzhou's boat is not the mixture of bubbles, but some interesting phenomena he found in revising the computational model.

After thinking for a while, he took up his pen and wrote a neat line on a blank draft paper.

Looking at the inspiration of this line being refined into words, the corners of the mouth of Lu Zhou couldn't help holding a smile.

Generally speaking, when a problem is clearly written out, it has been solved in half.

At least for him!

The so-called implicit functional density is a kind of computational materials method relative to the explicit functional density, which is a relatively popular research direction in the theoretical research field of computational materials.

As we all know, the traditional exchange correlation energy functional is an explicit functional expressed directly by the electron density function, while the expression of Kohn Shan orbital wave function as a direct variable is an implicit functional.

The simplest implicit functional is Fock exchange energy, which is often called exact correlation in the context of DFT.

For molecular systems, the accuracy of second-order multi-body perturbation theory can be achieved by using implicit functional with relatively small amount of computation. Therefore, the implicit density functional method is widely regarded as a promising computational materials research method.

However, although there are some such advantages, the disadvantages are obvious. For example, the accuracy is limited, including the inability to accurately describe the van der Waals interaction and so on, which is almost fatal for the study of solid materials.

Therefore, the implicit density functional method is relatively less used in the study of solid materials, and only some progress has been made in some fields And this is still in the case of huge development of computing power.

At present, the implicit correlation functional based on adiabatic correlation fluctuation dissipation theorem is widely concerned by the academic community, which is widely regarded as a breakthrough to overcome the shortcomings of implicit functional density.However, the problem of this kind of functional is not small, especially the huge amount of computation, even the most powerful traditional computer will feel difficult, so the research direction is still in the exploratory research of simple system.

What we need to do now is to extend this method from simple system to relatively complex carbon material research!

Once this research is successful, it will be of great help to the whole research field of carbon composite materials, and its significance will even surpass the "Young's modulus ≥ 2.1tpa, failure strength ≥ 80N / M" that he studied The material itself!

The strokes on his hand did not stop at all. After finishing the title, he soon went deep into the exploration of the proposition itself.

According to H-K theorem, the ground state energy functional of the system can be expressed as: eg {P (R)} = e {P (R)} + ∫ V (R) ρ (R) Dr ]

[the functional e {P (R)} can be expressed as: e {P (R)} = t {ρ (R)} + 1 / 2 ∫ {ρ (R) {ρ (R) DRDR + exc {P (R)} ]

【…… ]

a line of arithmetic flows out from the tip of the pen, just like a trickle of water. Together with the burst of inspiration, it becomes a river, running into the sea!

All the inspiration about material, the numbers that are visible at this moment, are woven into the language that can be recited.

Under the cover of this huge net, all forces and physical properties are included in it, and all are abstracted into mathematical language by the rigorous and trembling logic, and answered by mathematical methods!

"Then, we introduce the Shrodinger equation --"

and recite it gently. The tip of the pen held by the boat at the fingertip, like a sharp dagger, marks a strong track on the paper, and at the same time pierces the dense fog that covers the end of the maze.

Looking at the result that almost jumped to paper, the pupils of the boat became brighter and brighter, and the slightly locked eyebrows finally relaxed the arc of a smile.

Although I don't know how far to go from the end.

But intuition about science has told him that he is very close to the end!

Time passes by minute by second.

The sun also gradually moved from the sky to the corner of the sky.

With the sky outside the window finally completely dark, the street lights on both sides of the mall began to light up. At this moment, the boat finally raised its head and took a long breath, and stopped holding the pen which was almost pinched to the heat.

“…… The implicit density functional method also has broad prospects for the research of carbon composites, at least now it has been extended to this field. "

"At the same time, it is also a breakthrough to extend the method from simple system to complex system."

"Although there is still room for further exploration."

"But, for the time being, I'll be here."

After that, Lu Zhou smiled with satisfaction and put his pen aside.

And almost at the same time when he just put the pen down, a line of light blue text appeared in front of him unexpectedly.

At first, I thought I was wrong, and blinked subconsciously.

However, the line of light blue text, not half dimmed by his blink, is still so clear and can not be ignored

[congratulations to the host, finish the task! ]