Computational Materials Laboratory of Jinling University.

Looking at the translucent cube, the black cylinder gradually formed under the guidance of the blue light beam, Lu Zhou said in a rather emotional tone.

"When I was at the Jinling Institute of higher learning, I was discussing with Dr. Hou and vice director Yang how to stably synthesize SG-1 superconductors. Vice director Yang smoked in the corridor all afternoon At last, what do you think we'll do? "

At this moment, the half man high device in front of him is the core facility of the Institute of computational materials - molecular 3D printer.

Unlike the popular home 3D printer, the advantage of this device is that it can set the spatial order of atom stacking within a certain range of accuracy, and even adjust the energy of chemical bonds.

This means that whether there are molecules in nature or not, as long as they can exist logically, they can be "printed" in batches through this device.

Just as few people can accurately describe how awesome his hyperspace theory is, we can't think of a suitable word to describe it.

But there is no doubt that if we take this thing to the 21st century, the world's material scientists, biologists and medical experts will be excited and crazy

Standing beside the boat, the young doctoral student who demonstrated the molecular 3D printer for him asked curiously.

"How did you solve it?"

"Vapor deposition method," Lu Zhou smiled, and then said, "I don't know if it's popular now, but the only way we could think of at that time was to stack one layer of graphene six grid at an angle of 1.1 °, form Mott insulator between each layer of cross section, and then find the" half "we dreamed of Fill 'structure. "

Said the young doctoral student.

"It's too That's too much. "

He meant to say trouble, but he always felt a little impolite.

Looking at the expression on the young man's face, Lu Zhou continued with a smile.

“…… The technical route of the gas deposition method is locked, and the road behind is slightly flat. We tried to improve the method of laboratory preparation, and cooperated with the engineers of Baosheng Group to find out the method of industrial mass production. But even so, the cost is only 'acceptable' relative to a strategic industrial facility such as a controllable fusion core. "

"In the past, an idea of scientific research needs to go through rigorous argumentation and tedious design experiments, before it can be tested. But now the cost of verifying an idea is only one hour and 10000 credit points. "

"The technology of this era is really beyond my imagination."

Hearing the praise from the founder of computational materials, the doctoral student scratched his back with embarrassment.

"In fact, it's not as exaggerated as you said There are too many Pan Asian cooperation researchers, our funding is very limited, and in fact, there are not many opportunities to try. And most of the relatively novel materials have been mined almost since the molecular printing technology came out. Now, if you want to make new results, you have to go through rigorous calculation and design. "

The boat smiled and shook its head.

"What a happy complaint."

"Be content, son."

At the sound of "child", the doctor's expression was a little subtle.

Although he came from a hundred years ago, he didn't look much older than himself.

Regardless of what the young man of the 22nd century thought, Lu Zhou looked at the translucent cube in front of his eyes and said.

"I've got the basic information. I have some ideas here that I want to verify. You can go out first."

"Will you use the equipment here?"

Lu Zhou said with a faint smile.

"You look down on me too much. Before I enter the lab, I have to do some homework first."

"How dare I look down on you..." The doctor touched the back of his head awkwardly. "I'm afraid you won't operate these new devices. But if you insist, I won't be there. "

With that, he went to the door.

But just then, the boat stopped him from behind.

"Wait a minute."

Hearing academician Lu's voice, the doctoral student stopped and threw questions at him.

"Is there anything?"

Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"Can I have a coffee, if it's convenient? Instant. "


To Lu Zhou's surprise, there is no instant coffee here. It's either the coffee machine or the canned or bottled or bagged coffee drinks sold in the convenience store.

People in this era don't seem to like boiling water very much. Although the drinks made of dry powder won't be out of the stage of history, they have become a rare thing. Few people prepare them at home or in the office.After drinking the frowning black coffee, Lu Zhou put the cup on the table, then took out a memory card the size of a pen cover, and gently put it on the holographic computer host in the laboratory.

With the bright blue light, AI's hologram soon appeared in front of him.

"Laboratory takeover succeeded! Now it's AI's! φ (≥ ω ≤ *)? "

looking at the little guy jumping up and down restlessly in the holographic beam, Lu Zhou asked.

"Don't do anything. We're just borrowing the equipment here. We'll return it when it's used up."

AI: "understand! What does the host need Xiaoai to do? (????????"

instead of answering immediately, the boat took an orange metal ball about the size of a fist out of her arms and gently placed it on the table next to her.

Kill the core.

That is to say, "private-1" intelligent person guards the initial memory!

Although intuition told him it was dangerous, he wanted to try to study it.

After all, this is from the Kalan Empire, the super civilization technology that once completed the wonders of the ring world

"I have something here that needs to be analyzed."


The gate of computational materials laboratory.

The doctoral student who just came out of the laboratory was hesitating whether to go to the library to spend some time. Then he saw principal CAI and President Zhou of the materials Institute coming in with a group of people.

His face suddenly changed. He thought of President Zhou's previous instructions. The doctoral student turned around and wanted to leave. Finally, President Zhou saw him.

Calling his name from afar, President Zhou quickly stepped up and stared at him.

"Why did you come out alone? What about academician Lu? "

“…… Lu, academician Lu is still in it, "said the doctoral student hurriedly," he let me out. "

Zhou Yuanchang stamped his feet anxiously and stared at him.

"Didn't I ask you to follow him? How can you put him in alone! "

He's not worried that academician Lu has broken his precious instruments Well, actually, I'm a little worried. But what worried him most was that academician Lu hurt himself.

Although 3D molecular printer is not dangerous, some unstable products and wrong operation may lead to a series of serious consequences including explosion.

Similar things have not happened in Jinling University, but they have happened in the next university.

An intern introduced the wrong model into the 3D molecular printer in the wrong way, creating a highly unstable chain like Cho compound. In less than a millisecond, the compound quickly decomposes into CH4, Co, oxygen, and a lot of heat.

As a result, it is said that the intern did not just blow himself up, but the whole experimental building was filled with black smoke.

Because of this, the university next door didn't produce a paper on computing materials that could be sold last year, and the whole college was pulled to safety education class.

A frozen man from the 21st century, even if his previous work is sufficient, his experience in the operation of experimental equipment in this era is infinitely close to zero.

To leave such a person in the laboratory is no different from throwing a cigarette end into a petrol tank.

Looking at Dean Zhou, who was angry at the students there, principal Cai said in a roundabout.

"Old Zhou, don't be too hard on this kid. Academician Lu asked him to go out. Can a doctoral student talk back? Think about it. "

Although also understand is this truth, but President Zhou still can't stop shaking his head, indignant said.

"Nonsense, it's nonsense!"

After persuading President Zhou, Cai Mingrui then looked at the doctoral student and continued in a gentle voice.

"It's not your fault. You can take us to academician Lu as soon as possible."

See the headmaster to solve the encirclement for oneself, that doctoral student is at last relieved tone, hurriedly nod to say.

"OK, no problem, please follow me!"

After entering the Research Institute, the group soon came to the door of the laboratory.

The doctoral student stepped forward and pressed his fingerprint on the code lock.

However, something unexpected happened.

There was a light flash of red light on the door lock, and the door remained motionless.

Seeing the two words "lock" appearing above the door handle, the doctoral student was slightly stunned, whispered a "strange", and then tried again.

The same is true this time.

There was no movement in the door.

I can't wait any longer. Li Guangya, who has been patient and has not spoken, can't help but say in a hurry."What's the matter? Don't you go in yet? "

"It's not that I don't want to go in..."

The expression on his face was full of embarrassment. The doctoral student standing at the door looked back awkwardly at President Zhou and President Cai behind him, and continued with a swallow of saliva.


"It seems to be locked from the inside."