[- Willa puyoi]

[written on June 8, 2020. ]

when it comes to the content written in the preface, it's professor Helfgott's academic lecture at the University of California, Berkeley.

If I remember correctly, it's the end of 15 years.

It is clear to Lu Zhou that he just won the honor of the Coel number theory award and just made the Goldbach conjecture the next goal of his research.

In that lecture, Professor helfergott showed him the important mathematical tool of "hardy Littlewood circle method" and the progress made in Goldbach conjecture by using this tool.

About the memory of that time, the specific details have been blurred in the mind of the land boat.

However, the author who wrote this biography was particularly impressed by that academic lecture, and even remembered what color he was wearing at that time.

With delicate strokes, she opened the biography with curiosity in the preface, but always felt that it was a wrong decision.

What do you say?

It's like riding a tiger.

To be honest, he has never had similar timidity in the face of the threat from the cosmic spirit foundation and those who are awakened

Well, that's not cowardice.

It's just embarrassment.

Looking away from the biography, Lu Zhou looked at the librarian standing behind the front desk and said after a moment of silence.

"I can take this About my autobiography taking away? "

After hearing Lu Zhou's words, the old librarian hesitated for a moment and said in a conciliatory tone.

"Of course This biography is written in your name. If there is something untrue in it and it causes you to dislike it, you have the right to take it off the shelf. "

Lu Zhou's antipathy is not Besides, there's nothing wrong with it. "

At most, it just makes him feel embarrassed.

Because even people like him who don't care about emotional matters can see that it's not a biography at all, but a million word love letter.

As if to see the embarrassment on Lu Zhou's face, the librarian's face showed a smile of "I understand" and said in a funny tone.

"I know. Who didn't do a few stupid things when he was young? There's nothing to be embarrassed about. "

“…… I don't know where you want to go, but I can swear, it's not what you think. "

"It's not easy to write a million word biography, no matter what I think. In addition to devoting my heart and soul, I think there should also be some feelings such as missing. I understand that everything seems too heavy in front of time, but do you really have the heart to tell a page about youth and tear it from a little girl's heart? Even after 100 years, she's probably in the ground. "

After a while of silence, Lu Zhou finally put the biography down.

Although he doesn't want his descendants to have some strange misunderstandings about himself, if this biography really carries so many things, he should not.

Looking at the land boat that is finally enlightened, the librarian has a warm smile on his face, and has put the book in his arms.

"Thank you. You gave the later people a chance to dig for treasures from history, and also kept a young girl's youth I may feel the joy of my grandfather. "

Lu Zhou gave him a squint and said, "your grandfather is not a gossip enthusiast."

"I know that the old man always talks about" the wealth of civilization ", but can you deny that the biography in my hand - or the million word love letter, is not the wealth of civilization?"

Said, this interesting old man, toward the landing boat crowded eyebrows.

"After all, the biggest difference between human beings and machines is that human beings have feelings!"