Therefore, when they enter the amusement park, there are many places where they do not need to wait in line.

"Wow, Nie Tian, you brought me to the playground. I'm so happy."

This is the place Leng Qiuyan always wants to come to, but she only has Liu Yiyi as a good friend, and usually doesn't like to play with boys, so she doesn't feel safe.

But this time it was different. With Nie Tian by her side, she felt at ease.

"Ha ha, just be happy. Let's go and have a look." Nie Tian with Leng Qiuyan into the Le Mantian playground, the first point to play is the carousel, two people on the carousel after a few circles, walked down.

This is a sacred place Nie Tian'er yearned for when he was young, but he didn't feel it now. He can't help feeling that time flies, everything in his childhood is like a misty rain. After things are right and people are wrong, what are we left with?

Then, they went to another place to play, which is a game called peak sprint.

In fact, it's a device that looks like a roller coaster, but the only difference is that it's not as high as a roller coaster, and it doesn't have the inverted aisle. At most, it's also a quick turn, emergency stop, drift and other functions.

"Qiuyan, you are not afraid. If you are afraid, don't go up."

Nie Tian looks at Leng Qiuyan, a little nervous on her face, and knows that she is worried, but it's really a little frightening to see the rapid drift on the track.

In addition, those who are playing, yelling from time to time, is to add a sense of tension.

Nie Tian, an expert, doesn't worry about the drift and the rapid stop. Instead, he feels that the speed is weak.

To tell you the truth, Nie Tian is sure that he will jump down directly when he is in danger, and there will be no harm.

"Oh, I'm not afraid."

Leng Qiuyan bites her teeth and pretends to be brave. She can't let Nie Tian look down on her. She has to prove that she is brave and not the one who needs Nie Tian to protect all the time.

"Ha ha."

Nie Tian smiles without saying anything. He can see that Leng Qiuyan said it on purpose.

Although I don't know what she thinks, Nie Tian is sure that she doesn't want to worry about it. It's hard for her to come out and play once. How can she be a wet blanket?

Two people followed the line, just quiet down, suddenly behind rushed three boys.

As soon as Nie Tian came back, he turned out to be some gangsters. One of them was a little girl, and the other two were boys. However, his hair was dyed red, which made him not a good bird.

Little Taimei's figure is not bad, although her face is almost unrecognized by her makeup. But the protruding and backward figure, coupled with a little bit of Bohemian character, for men, there is still a little temptation.

Originally a very young person, such a make-up looks a lot more sophisticated.

Nie Tian shakes his head and looks at them jumping the queue. Originally, he can't see it. But Leng Qiuyan pulls his clothes and winks at him. Nie Tian doesn't pay any attention to it.

But Nie Tian's action is seen by the little sister.

She turned around and said to them, "why don't you agree? What's wrong with jumping in line? Can you manage it? Be careful, I'll beat you and the little whore around you so that you don't even know your mother. "


it's the first time Nie Tian has been scolded for nothing. He was furious immediately.

First of all, you a little sister, you scold Nie Tian, he still has some disdain, but, you even his girlfriend Leng Qiuyan scolded together, and also very ugly, how can Nie Tian let her go.

"Little sister, you scold again to see."

Nie Tian stares at the man in front of him. He doesn't want to scold women, but he is too arrogant. Besides, Leng Qiuyan is also a little angry. He obviously supports Nie Tian's practice.

"I'll go and fight with me, won't I?"

Obviously, little sister is coming. She is Wang Xiaoya's sister who grew up together in the orphanage. Recently, the orphanage's economy is in crisis. These sisters can only act separately and make money by various means.

This time, her purpose is not to make trouble, but to steal Nie Tian's wallet. Sure enough, Wang Xiaoya got angry, so she leaned over to Nie Tian, and the two of them stuck together in a twinkling of an eye, very close.

Nie Tian was stunned. He never thought that this little girl should be so presumptuous. She just bickered. She was so close to a boy that she was intimate with him.

"Well, what do you think? If you have the ability, you will eat me?" Wang Xiaoya said directly put her mouth close to the past, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to bite Nie Tian.

However, the next moment Nie Tian a side face evaded Wang Xiaoya's attack.

Leng Qiuyan frowned on one side. This woman is too licentious. She sticks to a stranger like this. She is still fighting with Nie Tiandou in front of so many people.

At this time, and Wang Xiaoya together with the two little gangsters also surrounded. Obviously, Wang Xiaoya is the boss. They are just errands and thugs.Needless to say, these three people look like little gangsters, but they are not.

Those two men are all childe brothers of some explosive families. Only Wang Xiaoya is a petty thief. That's because she doesn't work and doesn't study, so she can only make a living by touching something every day. If there is more, she can give it to the orphanage.

The two boys also took a fancy to her beauty, as well as stealing technology, and then recognized her as the boss.

And the key is strength, Wang Xiaoya in addition to quick eyes, theft skills, she is also a master. It can't be said that she was top class. She learned martial arts with the orphanage director in her early years. She could do military boxing, catching hands and Taekwondo.

Nie Tian looked at Wang Xiaoya in front of him, some speechless, but when he looked down from the top, he suddenly made his nose hot. Because he happened to see Wang Xiaoya's indistinct peaks.

Obviously, Wang Xiaoya doesn't know that she has been exposed. After all, she is too close to Nie Tian and feels like a couple.

Seeing this situation, Nie Tian directly steps back, so that he can distance himself from the little sister. Although the little sister has a good figure, her arrogance makes Nie Tian a little disgusted.

"Nie Tian, let's ignore her. She's a madman."

Leng Qiuyan looks at Wang Xiaoya dressed up as a non mainstream even if, but also vulgar into dirty, this kind of low quality girls, even she felt some disgust, let alone boys.

"Hum, bitch, you dare to call me crazy. You're dead. You're finished."

At this time, Wang Xiaoya turns the sign to Leng Qiuyan. Just now, she wanted to steal Nie Tian's wallet, but she always found that she wanted to do it.

This boy's hand is always in front of her hand and pocket. I don't know whether it's too coincidental or he already knows.

Therefore, Wang Xiaoya is a little puzzled. This is the first time she has ever met such a thing. Before, she always got it at once and never failed. This move can be said to be repeated.

"Little sister, I advise you not to talk too much. Believe it or not, I'll slap you." Nie Tian watched Wang Xiaoya become more and more arrogant, and began to be angry. He dared to shout with Leng Qiuyan.

"Shut up, I'll talk to this bitch. When's your turn?"