Their attack may not do any real damage to the troll, but will infuriate it and bring more crazy attacks. But just because they don't attack doesn't mean the trolls don't attack them.

At this time, giant bull monster seems to be able to see AI kongyi and Leng Qiuyan, because they stand more abrupt. So it began to gallop over, toward Leng Qiuyan and others standing place, a blow on the past.

"Boom ... "

there was a loud noise, and suddenly a small pit appeared. Fortunately, Xiaofang reacted quickly, and pulled Leng Qiuyan to one side. AI kongyi and his wife are smart and flash directly to the bottom of the building.

So, now the target of exposure is only Leng Qiuyan and Xiaofang. AI kongyi wanted to go.

But seeing Biyue here, in case the troll finds out what to do with the attack, people are selfish and selfish to their lovers, so AI kongyi decides to stay.

At this time, Elvin bull monster looked at the two girls standing not far from him. After fixing his eyes, he walked slowly. They had already pulled out their swords and had a look around. There was no cover except for a few small trees.

All of a sudden, a big net came down from the sky, and then a lot of iron ropes crossed. Looking back, they turned out to be warriors in the city.

"Girls, run! We'll get it. "

Cried a young man who looked like the captain of the team.


Leng Qiuyan reacts. He knows that these iron ropes should be useless to the giant bull monster, but since she has the chance to get away, she and Xiaofang run away.

At this time, the giant bull monster is preparing to play with the two girls for a while. Suddenly, these annoying things appear, and the iron rope and hook entangle him all over.

All of a sudden, the giant bull monster was very angry. He grabbed the big net, pulled it hard, and broke it.

"No, we can't catch him. Hurry up and tie the iron rope to the boulder, or we will all be pulled away later." The team leader is more clever. He knows that giant Bull has infinite power and can only be stabilized by tying it to a building or a huge stone.

At this time, in addition to these preparations, the captain also prepared dozens of archers. The archer was ready to attack while the troll was entangled.

"Archer, launch!"

With the captain's order, dozens of arrows flew past. However, the giant bull monster had thick skin and thick meat. Many of the arrows just hung slightly on it and didn't do much damage to it.

"Captain, it seems that bows and arrows do little harm to him. What should we do?"

A team member ran over and anxiously followed the young team leader.

"Ah, it seems that we have to take out the killer's mace. Come and prepare the powder. I don't believe that he can't be killed."

Said the captain viciously.

They are members of the city management and security team. There are more than 200 good people in all the members. These gunpowder and other things are usually captured by bandits and mountain bandits. I didn't expect that they could be used now.

"OK, but it seems that there are only ten shells. Are you sure you want to use all of them? Captain The player asked.

"Well, take them all out. If we don't take them, I'm afraid our whole city will be destroyed. If we go on like this." The captain frowned. This big monster is really too tricky to use.

Soon, the gunpowder was ready, and the troll was just curious.

These little chains are of no use to him. I saw it easy to shake hands, the houses and stones tied with iron ropes were torn apart.

The team leader quickly took the team members to dodge. At this time, Elvin bull monster began to get angry. He didn't want to play any more. He just wanted to kill all the people in a hurry.

The eyes of the giant bull monster began to turn red again, just like the eyes of the demon king. This is the demonic nature after being demonized by the heart burning formula. In fact, Elvin is now a giant Bull Demon strictly speaking.

"No, Captain, we can't hold the iron rope."

Another team member came to report the situation.

"Well, I've seen them all. Are the ten firebombs ready?"

The young captain turned and asked, "if you're ready, get ready to use it and blow up the beast."

The captain was very angry. At that time, because there was a dead man in the square who was his sister and had come out to play with his little niece, he was beaten away by the giant bull monster with a fist and died.

So, after receiving the news, the captain was very sad and came with hatred.

"Captain, the firebombs are ready." The player replied.

"Well, call on ten brothers, each responsible for a firebomb, ready to blow up the giant bull monster." Said the captain, biting his teeth.

"Yes, captain." Then the team members rushed to arrange.

Leng Qiuyan and AI kongyi frown when they hear it. I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with this monster. If it doesn't blow up, it will go crazy. Isn't it more serious.However, they are the city protection team of Irving, and Leng Qiuyan can't say anything, so she can only hide not far away with everyone, waiting for the palace of Irving.

After Nie Tian was sent away, Lin Wushuang and Zhuge Yun were fighting against Wu FA. However, after the first World War, they found that they had no harm to the devil. Next time, the devil would run away.

as like as two peas, Zhuge and the two clouds fly up to the sky. All kinds of them use the sword technique and then separate their positions. They begin to see their hands together, and then cross their hands back and forth, as if they are opening what kind of battle array, and the movements of two people are exactly the same.

Suddenly, light snow began to float in the sky, and gradually the snow became more and more heavy. For a while, the whole magic area was already white.

At this time, the demon king was surprised. This is a way to die together. It comes from the ice palace Treasure Book of Magic City, frozen cold region. This move is one of the ultimate moves of frozen cold region.

"No, these two bastards trapped me in this way." The devil was depressed, so he no longer wanted to fight, but tried to escape.

However, Lin Wushuang and Zhuge Yun couldn't see it. They quickly opened the Dharma array. In an instant, they were fixed in the space.


A ray of light appeared from the sky. A woman, like a fairy, appeared outside the Dharma array. However, she was a little late. Looking at Zhuge Yun's loving eyes, she was in agony.

At this time, the darkness and snow disappeared, and a message came through the vacuum in the sky, "madam, I'm sorry, I didn't do what I promised you, but I have no regrets. It's our duty to save the life for the common people. You should live a good life. Farewell, my favorite lady