I used the mobile phone I found and dialed my own number. It turned out that it was connected. This old mobile phone didn't owe any money.

My mobile phone screen shows the note name of the call: Jiang Yuxuan.

Jiang Yuxuan? Brother Yuxuan?

How could Jiang Yuxuan's mobile phone be in Fang Zhe's study?

I opened wechat again. Yes, it's Jiang Yuxuan's wechat, and it keeps all the chat records of Jiang Yuxuan and me.

Is Fang zhe aware that I have been in contact with Jiang Yuxuan, so he robbed Jiang Yuxuan's mobile phone?

Jiang Yuxuan is a bone marrow donor. How can he treat others like this?

I feel that this matter is not right. Since I contacted Jiang Yuxuan, I have never met Jiang Yuxuan. I began to have a bad idea in my heart.

I called Wang Jun and asked him to meet.


Wang Jun looked at the photos in those mobile phones and didn't speak for a long time.

"I hope you can help me find out the whereabouts of Jiang Yuxuan. I want to know what happened between him and Fang Zhe? You're a policeman. It's not hard for you, is it? "

"Jiang Yuxuan, he..." Wang Jun a face embarrassed, "now zhe elder brother's matter is not more important, why study Jiang Yuxuan's matter?"

"Fang zhe himself admitted that he did Lu Zishan's work. I thought he was threatened, so he confessed. But he also admitted that he was the real murderer of my mother. Now I can't see through him. I don't know what kind of person he is."

"Brother Zhe is brother Zhe. What kind of person can he be? You've been with him for so many years, and you know him best. How can he do such a thing?" Wang Jun showed some displeasure.

For him, I'm going to investigate these things now. It's a little suspected that I'm falling into a hole. He thinks I'm making excuses to stay away from Fang zhe when he's in trouble.

"But he admitted it himself. What can I do? He said that Su Maokun killed his father, and he approached me just to threaten Su Maokun with me. Later, my mother found out his motive, so he killed my mother. "

Wang Jun asked me, "what has brother zhe done to you these years? He's been with you for so long. He's useful. Do you want to threaten Mr. Su?"

Fang zhe didn't. The only time he went a little too far was when he took me to the lakeside for a holiday and didn't get in touch with outsiders. Su Maokun thought I was kidnapped by him, so he took the initiative to resign as chairman of Xingde group and let Fang zhe take back that position.

But that position was originally Fang Zhe's, and it should have been taken back. Besides, Fang zhe didn't embarrass me behind his back. Su Maokun let it out by himself.

"You came to me. I thought you wanted to discuss with me how to save brother Zhe, but you didn't expect that. You came to ask me to help you investigate some unimportant things." Wang Jun clearly expressed his dissatisfaction.

"But Jiang Yuxuan's mobile phone is in Fang Zhe's hands. Now I'm worried about Jiang Yuxuan's safety. Please check his address for me. I just want to know if he is safe." I'm in a hurry.

"Let me tell you a story. After hearing this story, you will understand everything, and you won't be confused."

Mr. police officer is about to tell me a story all of a sudden, which makes me a little surprised. But he is a serious person. The story he wants to tell must have something to do with what I said. I motioned him to tell it.

Wang Jun looked at the watch, "time is limited, can only be a long story short."

I nodded.

"You know how our brothers used to live in Zhushi No.1 middle school. At that time, brother zhe was brilliant. He played well, he was handsome, and he was a son of a rich family. It can be said that he was at the top of the day. Many girls chased him. Do you admit that?" Wang Jun looks at me.

"Well, I don't know much about your life at that time, but that's probably the case."

"But Zhe Ge is arrogant and doesn't like anyone easily, so he takes an indifferent attitude towards those pursuers, which offends many people, but he doesn't care. Until one time, he met a girl in the cherry garden of his school. At that time, the girl didn't know whether she was lovelorn or wronged in other aspects. She was watching cherry blossoms alone. Her temperament was melancholy. In Zhe Ge's words, she was an angel falling from the sky. She was so beautiful that he fell in love with her

I looked at the photos. I was standing under the cherry tree. Was that girl me?

"Since Zhe Ge found out that the girl liked to watch cherry blossoms there, Zhe Ge went to cherry garden every day. The girl was often there, sometimes reciting words, sometimes in a daze.

Sometimes we would go with Zhe Ge, but Zhe Ge didn't allow us to disturb the girl, just let us watch in the dark, and then let us investigate the girl's background, address and so on. Then Zhe Ge often followed the girl, and later we found that the girl had a favorite, and was also an excellent boy in our school.

But the girl was obviously in secret love. She didn't have much contact with the boy because the boy had a girl she liked. At that time, the girl didn't study in Zhushi No.1 middle school, but went to another noble middle school. The girl was very beautiful, just a little bit of a lady's temperament. "This story has deeply attracted me. What I am most curious about is who Jiang Yuxuan likes? Why didn't I notice that?

"Cherry girl is far from the other girl in terms of family background and other aspects, so Zhe Ge worries that if that girl confesses to Jiang Yuxuan one day, she will definitely be hit hard. For fear of her sadness, Zhe Ge secretly sent things, chocolates, music boxes, everything, even a set of school uniform to that girl by Jiang Yuxuan, But the girl always thought it was sent by Jiang Yuxuan, but she didn't realize that it was brother zhe who said it. She was very grateful to Jiang Yuxuan and liked him more and more. She took Jiang Yuxuan as a male god. "

I'm fascinated by this. I stare at Wang Jun and wait for him to go on.

Wang Jun sighed, "I've never seen zhe elder brother treat a girl so carefully. Zhe elder brother is a very open person, but when facing that girl, he is so cautious, even humble.

After discovering that the girl still likes Jiang Yuxuan and Jiang Yuxuan likes another girl, Zhe Ge makes another decision. He decides to go after the girl Jiang Yuxuan likes personally. He thinks that as long as he catches the girl, Jiang Yuxuan will come and like cherry blossom girl. "

I couldn't help interrupting: "later, did he catch up?"

"Yes, brother Zhe is so excellent. It's too easy to take the initiative to catch up with a girl. It doesn't take a week for that little beauty to be dealt with by brother Zhe, and she likes brother zhe very much. But Zhe Ge is not happy with her because he likes the girl under the cherry tree Wang Jun said.

When I heard that, my heart was pounding. How could there be such a past? "Then what happened?"

"Brother zhe was not happy to catch up with that girl. The girl Jiang Yuxuan liked was caught up with, and even more unhappy. Later, he soon dropped out of school, as if he had gone abroad. I didn't expect that the girl was not happy after Jiang Yuxuan left. Zhe Ge was kind to her. She always thought it was Jiang Yuxuan. In her heart, Jiang Yuxuan gave her too much warmth. But in fact, Zhe Ge did all the things that made her warm. We all did nothing for Zhe Ge. We asked him why he didn't chase her. He said he was worried that he would be rejected. At that age, if a girl Like a boy, that boy is her whole world, she will not consider other boys, her eyes will always focus on the boy in her heart.... "

I can't help nodding. That's right. At that time, to like someone is to like them wholeheartedly. There is no room for others in my eyes.

"So in the end, Zhe Ge didn't tell the girl. Later, Zhe Ge had something to do with his family and left Zhushi. His youth ended like that. Everything that didn't start ended."

I am still in a daze, I have not completely come out of the story, seriously distracted.

"So the things I received in Zhushi No.1 middle school were all from Fang zhe? The gifts in my desk box are all from Fang Zhe, not from Jiang Yuxuan? " I still don't believe it.

"Maybe it's cruel to you, but it's the fact that Jiang Yuxuan never liked you. Those things were given by Zhe Ge, so your nickname at that time was" Cherry Blossom sister ". Now you understand why Ma Liang and I call you Cherry Blossom sister?" Wang Jun said.

"But why did Fang zhe never mention these things to me? He can tell me the truth. Why did he keep it from me? " I still have questions.

"If he said that, would you believe it? You will only think that he is deceiving you. Have you ever really believed him in your heart? " Wang Jun asked me.

I can't answer. It seems that I have too many doubts about him. If he had told me before, I would not believe it.

"You say Jiang Yuxuan likes a girl. Who is that girl? Do I know that man? " I asked.

"Before, you didn't know each other, because she was rich, but you weren't, so there should be no intersection between you. But later, you knew each other. Her surname was Lu, and her name was Lu Zishan." Wang Jun said.

"How is that possible? Didn't Lu Zishan get to know Fang zhe later? "

"I've known each other for a long time, and then we met again. We've been together for some time. You should know everything later. I don't need to say more about it. I don't know some details, but generally speaking, it's the same thing."

"What about Jiang Yuxuan? Where did he go? Later I got in touch with Jiang Yuxuan. He helped me a lot and donated bone marrow to me. Why is Fang zhe holding his mobile phone? "

"Jiang Yuxuan had been ill and died as early as ten years ago. Where is there Jiang Yuxuan in the world?" Wang Jun sighed.

I was stunned again.