Although Zhang Xiaomi looks cheerful, Liu fangxiu feels guilty. She always feels that Zhang Xiaomi came to her home before she woke up this morning, but she was so heavy in her confused sleep that she missed it.

But now it's not easy for her to ask. As long as she asks, it means that there is no silver here.

"How big the fish is. Mom will cook it for you in the morning. By the way, when did millet come back? "

"Just came back, went to the reservoir, just saw brother Bao Zhong feeding fish there. This is what he fished this morning. "

Zhang Xiaomi is as careless as if he didn't find anything.

"Didn't you drink much last night?" Wang Baolai got up and rubbed his bleary eyes. At this time, Liu fangxiu has carried the fish to the kitchen.

"No Zhang Xiaomi suddenly changed a pair of indifferent expression, she did not look at Wang Baolai, a person went inside.

Originally, she wanted to go to bed on the Kang, but now when she thought of the way Wang Baolai and her mother had fallen asleep on the Kang, she had an indescribable feeling, so she sat down on the sofa, picked up a book and looked at it.

Wang Baolai went out to wash and then went back to the house and sat on the edge of the Kang.

"Why, with whom?" Wang Baolai is not very happy to see Xiaomi.

"No? I had a good drink last night. I went to sing a children's song, and then I went to my classmates' home. I came back before 5:30. "

Zhang Xiaomi wants Wang Baolai to know that she came back early, but she doesn't directly say that she has seen them sleeping on a Kang.

Because she thought that if she raised it, she would show that she had doubts about them. And in that case, Wang Baolai will certainly defend, but it will appear that she is very dirty as a daughter.

After all, I didn't see them "sleeping" together.

It's better not to talk about it at all than to go into a knot of indistinct argument.

"Oh." Wang Baolai didn't think about it elsewhere, because it was Liu fangxiu who got up early today. When he got up, Liu fangxiu was already gone. He can't even remember what happened last night.

However, when Zhang Xiaomi entered the room, he clearly saw Wang Baolai's appearance.

She couldn't imagine what it would feel like to see her mother sleeping with Wang Baolai. All in all, she thought it was a very awkward scene. So, she doesn't want to touch the scene at all.

"I must be sleepy after a night's tossing. Go to my bed and have a sleep. I guess you won't be too hungry now."

"No, just sit here and lie down." Zhang Xiaomi suddenly felt that she had a bitter taste in her heart. However, she didn't want to be too obvious. If she suddenly became abnormal, she would make everyone in the family unhappy.

She put the book aside and closed her eyes.

See millet sleepy, Wang Baolai went out of the door, want to let her a good sleep.

To the kitchen, see Liu fangxiu is cleaning up the two fish.

"Where's millet?" Now Liu fangxiu's heart is empty, she has been worried about whether Zhang Xiaomi will suspect her mother who stole her.

"Sleeping on the sofa in the east room. It looks very sleepy. "

"Why did the child sleep on the sofa? Go and build something for her. It's so cold in the morning. " Liu fangxiu said.

So Wang Baolai went to his room and found a blanket.

When he went in, Xiaomi was sleeping with his eyes closed, but Wang Baolai found that there seemed to be tears in the corner of Xiaomi's eyes.

Wang Baolai didn't think about it many times. He thought that after the little girl attended a classmate party, her separation from her classmates made her sad. He didn't expect that she had provoked the princess.

Wang Baolai never thought that Zhang Xiaomi's heart was pricked by a needle.

When he just got up to leave, he saw two big tears rolling out of Zhang Xiaomi's eyes.

"What's the matter?" Wang Baolai asked in a low voice. He took a paper towel from one side and gave it to Zhang Xiaomi to explore.

"It's nothing. It's just a pain in the heart." Zhang Xiaomi still closed his eyes and burst into tears.

"Oh, when is my millet so sentimental?" Wang Baolai smiles, but it is a burst of heartache.

Wang Baolai didn't say anything, but thought that she was caused by a classmate's party, so he sat on the sofa and hugged Zhang Xiaomi into his arms, coaxing her like a little sister.

No, it's OK. This hug made Zhang Xiaomi cry as if he had broken the dike.

This is the first time that Wang Baolai has seen Zhang Xiaomi cry so sad.

"I howl like this in the morning. I'm not afraid of people's jokes? What do you mean, dumped? Or did you dump someone? " Wang Baolai asked jokingly. Anyway, he felt that Zhang Xiaomi's cry this morning was abnormal.

After crying for a while, Zhang Xiaomi finally stopped.

"I'm fine." She wiped her swollen eyes, but didn't look at Wang Baolai.

"Go wash your face, your eyes are red." Wang Baolai said, holding her little nose.

Getting up from the sofa, Zhang Xiaomi went directly to the yard and washed his face hard for a while in order to clean all the tears on his face.

At dinner, Liu fangxiu asked Xiaomi. Wang Baolai said that she had gone to bed, so don't call her, let her have a good sleep.

"I'm not going to work today. You can find someone to replace me." Liu fangxiu said that she felt she had to take a chance to communicate with Xiaomi at home this morning.

Although Zhang Xiaomi has been careless at home, Liu fangxiu always feels that she is deliberately hiding something.

"Well, that's fine."

After breakfast, Wang Baolai went to the office.

There are only mother and daughter left in the family. Liu fangxiu has nothing to do but wash clothes, but she is afraid that it will affect Xiaomi's sleep. However, she doesn't want Xiaomi to sleep all the time. She wants Xiaomi to get up early and find a suitable opportunity to tell Xiaomi about last night.

Because as a mother, she didn't want to be misunderstood by her daughter.

Although her heart has been so eager for men and women's affairs, she even once took advantage of Wang Baolai's drunkenness to do something to him, but after all, they did not enter the place of incompatibility.

This is the reason why Liu fangxiu still has some confidence in her relationship with Wang Baolai.

At ten o'clock, Xiaomi finally couldn't lie down. She got up from bed, but she didn't know what to do and didn't want to face Liu fangxiu.

"Awake?" After hearing Xiaomi's rising, Liu fangxiu finally couldn't hold back.


"Last night, your brother held a Daqing Gong banquet for you in the canteen. The whole village went there. This toaster and that toaster made your brother drunk, or his mother helped him back. I didn't dare to let him sleep in his own bed for fear that he would fall to the ground. Well, I don't know if he is comfortable now. You can go to his office later and let him drink more water to avoid suffering. "