The taste of vegetarian food is very delicious, but the atmosphere of vegetarian meal is a little strange.

Ye Tianxin does her best to dance with long sleeves and enlivens the atmosphere.

To the end of the speech is still only when cold and her, and Mo'er.

Thank you and Xie xuning, both of them are cold.

The weather in winter seems to change face.

Before lunch, it was still sunny and sunny.

After lunch, it was snowing and dark clouds covered the sun.

"In this way, we can't go down the mountain today."

If there were only four adults, there would be no problem going down the mountain.

But now with Mo'er, the child, it is easy to be in danger if he goes down the mountain at this time.

"Can't you go down the mountain?"

thank you. It's snowing hard and the wind is blowing.

As soon as the door was opened, the wind mixed with snow, whirring into it.

"You can't go down the mountain in such weather."

When I heard that I couldn't go down the mountain, I felt a sense of gratitude. How could I not go down the mountain?

She has asked Mo Shi to supervise the hospital to check the old lady's body. She needs the latest examination report and the latest operation plan.

If she can't go down the mountain, it means that her operation will be very risky.

As a doctor, she would rather have the scalpel rusty than have patients suffer.

But As long as she picked up the scalpel, she hoped that her own operation could rescue a patient from the edge of pain.

"Thank you, don't worry. Come on, follow me and take a deep breath. Since we can't go down the mountain because of the heavy snow, it's just our fate that we'll steal half a day's leisure, and we'll have a holiday together?"

Shi Han has been observing the state of thanks, he is worried that the situation of thanks will not be very good.

Thanks for looking at the time of cold, when cold sign thanks to follow their own relaxation ~ relax.

"Dad, there must be a lot of people going down the mountain. I don't know if the fast room is enough?"

"I'll ask."

Xie xuning opened the thick curtain and went out. A gust of wind blew in. The scattered snowflakes came to the ground and soon melted.

"Better?" Asked Shi Han.

Thanks nodded. "Much better."

When cold stretched out his hand, tried to thank the forehead, see her forehead, a little bit cold, then very worried that thanks will be sick.

It's because of his thoughtlessness that he shouldn't go up the mountain today.

"I'm fine."

Thanks again and again, she took a deep breath for dozens of times before she released the melancholy air in her hands from her heart.

Half an hour later, Xie xuning returned with a ceramic teapot in his hand.

"It's cold today. I specially asked them to cook some ginger soup. You can have some. Don't catch a cold."

Xie xuning poured a cup of ginger tea and handed it to Ye Tianxin, "honey, pass it to Dr. Xie."

What Xie xuning thought was that Xie Yi fell down in Merlin today, and he was probably frightened.

In case of a cold because of this, which affects the operation, that would be great.

Ginger soup with brown sugar and ginger, cooked out of the taste, with a few strands of spicy and sweet greasy.

Thanks from ye Tianxin's hand, took ginger soup, after drinking, the heart of the vexation and depression completely disappeared.

"Mr. Xie, you are so careful. I didn't think of ginger soup." Shi Han sincerely praised Xie xuning for his carefulness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!