It's obvious that Zhao Jinkun is not the one or two years old. Judging from his immature and green face, it should be Zhao Jinkun at least three or four years ago.

Zhao Jinkun was only 28 years old. Three or four years ago, he was only 24 years old at most.

At this moment, Ling Qing just wanted to sigh.

The Buddha said that all living beings are equal, which is all comforting.

People are more popular than people. Just look at the wall.

"Lao Zhao has been to the hunter school before, and his head has been permanently engraved on the honor wall of the hunter school. How come he hasn't heard of any news before?"

Ling Qing's words are said by looking at Hua Linzheng. His face and eyes are full of surprise. It is reasonable to say that such glorious deeds should have been popular in the army all over the country. How could there be no news at all.

"How do I know?" See Ling Qing's eyes full of doubt all toward oneself release, flower Lin Zheng black pupil a blink even innocent way, she if know of words also won't so shocked.

"I knew that Lao Zhao was a real man, but it was too exciting!"

Chi Su pushes away Ling Qing's head, which blocks his sight, and stares at Zhao Jinkun on the wall, exclaiming:

"I thought it would be very good to enter the hunter school. I didn't expect that Lao Zhao had the ability to carve his head on the honor wall full of foreign devils. His wife was so good!"

"What can I do? I really want to take a picture with Lao Zhao on the wall. Who has a camera?"

Chi Su, who had been staring at Zhao Jinkun's head, suddenly turned to face the crowd and stood beside Zhao's head, looking excited.


Looking at Chi Su's excited and excited face, the other five people's expressions are tacit understanding of a stay, forehead down a few black lines at the same time, the top of the head also flew over a large group of crows.

"Chi Su, can you be normal?"

Zongfan's tone sounds a little sour. Although he knows that Chi Su only worships Zhao Jinkun, he is still a little uncomfortable.

In front of him, can't Chi Su save him some face.

"I'm normal, OK." Chi Su micro Du mouth, slightly wronged looking at Zongfan.

She just wanted to take a picture. Zong fan is jealous?

To see Zhao Jinkun's head on the honor wall of the hunter school is totally unexpected.

For her, it's too sudden, and it's like, it's normal.

From the fact that Zhao Jinkun didn't do it easily, she accepted it immediately.

It seems that everything should be taken for granted. Otherwise, at such a young age, how can Zhao Jinkun serve as the captain of the special forces with special status.

When several people finished studying Zhao Jinkun on the wall, they had different shock and feelings in their hearts.

"Hi! Chinese doll

Colin crutch and Leon Norris suddenly appeared behind them, and Colin said hello to them excitedly.

Colin crutch's voice came from behind Hua Linzheng. As soon as Hua Linzheng looked back, the first thing he saw was Colin crutch's white face.

Evil is not enchanting, that is, bewitching and attractive, such a beautiful face in a height of 1.95 meters of a man, but also abnormal harmony, does not give people Niang or neutral feeling.

You can recognize him as a real man at a glance. If you are not careful, you will fall into his bewitching, evil and innocent smile.

In a word, the first word in Hua Linzheng's mind when he saw Colin crutch was evil.

If this man was born in an ancient dynasty where masculinity prevailed, with his evil face alone, he could definitely get a male queen to do something.

"Hi! Soldiers

In the face of Colin crucci's slightly ironic greeting, Xiong Fei also talks to the three female soldiers of Hua Linzheng when they are all looking at each other.

Colin crutch and Leon Norris looked at Xiong Fei as he called for their soldiers.

Looking at Xiong Fei's rough face and his fearless black eyes, Leon Norris's eyebrows picked.

According to his experience as a bystander, Colin crucci should prefer Xiong Fei to Hua Linzheng.

It seems that Leon Norris's guess is right, because his comrade in arms Colin crucci blinked his eyes when he saw the face of the bear flying, and then the green bead slipped through the light.

"Hello, Leon Norris."

When Colin crouch was still a flower maniac, Leon Norris held out his right hand to Xiongfei, and his word "hello" was in poor Chinese.

Colin crucci was obviously stunned by Leon Norris's sudden outstretched hand, then reached behind Leon Norris and gave him a severe wring.

It seems that Leon Norris expected to be attacked. He shrunk but didn't snort. He still held out his hand and had to wait until Xiong Fei shook hands with him.

Hua Linzheng catches a glimpse of Colin Crouch's little action, looks at two big American soldiers playing tricks, and then sees Colin Crouch's hot eyes staring at Xiong Fei.

At this moment, Hua Lin Zheng suddenly opened up and understood something in an instant.

Xiong Fei's eyes first glanced over Colin and Leon's face. After seeing Colin's outstretched hand, he followed his hand to look at his face carefully.

Leon's first impression on Xiong Fei was that he was a tough man, completely opposite to Colin's evil face, with a very tough outline.

"Hello, Xiong Fei." Xiong Fei reaches back to hold Leon's hand. Since Leon greets him in Chinese, he returns to him in Chinese.

"Fierce... Fat?" After shaking hands with Xiong Fei, Leon recalled Xiong Feigang's self introduction and repeated Xiong Fei's name.

"Poof! Hum... "

As soon as he heard Leon's poor Chinese pronunciation, Ling Qing was so happy that he just puffed at it. It's too humiliating for Xiong Fei, so he had to smile with Hua Lin Zheng.

Feifei and Feifei?

It seems quite smooth.

"... you can call me bear." Xiong Fei understands how difficult it is for foreigners to pronounce Chinese correctly. He has to find a simpler word in his name to call himself.

"Fierce, fierce, it's easy to remember!" Leon seemed to be relieved in an instant. He raised his eyebrows and applauded for his smart memory.

"It's a bear, not a murderer." Chi Su's temple in the sudden jump a few times, see bear fly mouth twitch constantly, finally can't help but speak to correct Leon Norris.

Fierce what fierce, sounds like chest.