"I'll go." Qin Shengmo gets up.

Zhang Huili has never been scolded like this. She was so angry that she smashed her cell phone.

Smashed is not enough, but also scream, completely unable to control their temper.

And then I cried.

Zhang Guohuai and Yuan Xueqing couldn't persuade them any more.

I really cried at home with my parents as Hong Qi said.

What else?

People outside are not your parents. They will be used to you.

Red seven against the bed, with a mobile phone, extremely happy mood.

Why answer Zhang Huili's call? Because she knew Zhang Huili couldn't tell her.

How dare you cheat her into going to a bar and try to do something bad to her.

Can she spare her?

It's the rhythm of death!

I was looking at my cell phone when a call came in.

Red seven one see, is Luo Luo Li, answer, "hello."

"Off work?"

"I didn't go to work."


"No matter how comfortable you are, you don't have to go to the company at work."

"Who sent you to the company? You may not go, either! " Laurie said she was.

"That won't do. I love work."

"Yes, you love work. Would you like to come out for dinner? We've got a date with them, like last time. Only by eating more can we cultivate our feelings better! "

"The five of us are like fair weather friends."

"That's true." Laurie laughed.

"But I won't go, you go."

"Why not? How strange it is to be short of you. " Said Laurie. Every time the dinner party is called Hongqi, she will go. What happened this time?

"That I'm pregnant

Laurie was quiet, and then her voice went up, "what? Pregnant? Really? So am I going to be a godmother? "

Red seven smile, "yes, to be a godmother, you can give him a big red envelope at that time."

At that time, when two people were beggars, Luo Luoli said that when Hong Qi had a baby, she would be a godmother.

At that time, red seven advised her to accept that heart, because she could not get married, let alone give birth to a man.

The man who made her willing to have children will never be there in her life.

But now, her face is crackling!

"No problem. Is it a boy or a girl? "

Seeing Qin Mo coming in, Hong Qi said with embarrassment, "it's only been more than a month. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl."

"Oh, yes, that's great. Red seven, you're pregnant, and when you have a baby, you'll be a mommy!"

"All right!" Although red seven says so, but the corner of the mouth can't help but rise.

She feels that being pregnant is the same as not being pregnant. She can't feel it.

Otherwise, Qin Mo and her elders were so careful that she didn't feel different from before.

Hung up the phone, red seven ate porridge, only eat half, don't eat, really can't eat.

When leaning against the bed, red seven asked, "do you like boys or girls?"



"Like you."

"They say girls are like dads and boys are like moms."

"No, have a girl like you." Qin Mo insists.

Red seven feel funny, Qin Mo is so infatuated with her heart is still a little small.

She had never been so infatuated with Shaokang before.

Laurie hung up and lay on her back, staring at her cell phone.

She was happy for red seven, but also thought of her own child.

She knew she had been pregnant, but because of an accident, the child was gone.

If the children are there, can they walk?

I don't know whether it's a boy or a girl.

Laurie lived with her mother the day after she came back from the Middle East.

She thought she would get used to living in her and Gu Linshen's mansion.

But I found that without Gu Linshen, I felt that the house was so big and the bed was so big that I couldn't sleep well.

She went back to her mother's house.

After coming back, my mother also asked, thinking that when she and Gu Linshen went to the Middle East, they said that they had been there for half a month.

Now, not only did she not have half a month, she came back alone.

Luo Luoli did not dare to say that it was too dangerous. She said that there was something wrong with Gu Linshen's business. She had no time to take care of her, so she came back with Tang Bao.

So up to now, she has been living in her mother's house.

Luo Luoli looks at her mobile phone. Gu Linshen hasn't given her a video today.

Texting never came back.

So late, did you go to bed?But the time difference, now there should be daytime, right?

So, is he busy?

Laurie turned over.

A little angry.

Clearly want to ignore him, but once he ignored himself, his heart was not happy.

It's too hard to take her to heart.

Or What's going on over there?

Impossible, but just one day without contact, Gu Linshen so busy, will not have to contact every day, ah, not in love.

Love is not like that.

Laurie comforted herself so much.

However, the next day, Gu Linshen did not give her any news.

During dinner, Luo Meijuan also asked Gu Linshen about his situation and when he would come back. It has been more than half a month.

Laurie says she's not sure. What can she say? I didn't get in touch with Gu Linshen last night.

She didn't know whether to call Gu Linshen.

What if he's too busy to answer?

Besides, his side is more important. Will her call disturb him and affect his attention?

It's just that I haven't contacted her for two days.

Laurie tried to calm herself down and wait quietly at home.

For her, every movement of mobile phone brings her hope.

But see is not, a raised heart and put down, as if all of a sudden sink to the bottom.

I don't know how it's coming.

She's always distracted.

"Laurie?" Luo Meijuan called twice before she called Luo Luoli back.

"What's the matter, Ma?"

"What are you thinking? Why are you wandering? "

"Nothing, it's just that red seven is pregnant. I'm thinking about how big a red envelope I'll give you." Laurie picked up a recent good thing to tell her mother.

"What? Red seven pregnant? When are you pregnant? You see, Hongqi is pregnant. She married later than you Luo Meijuan was worried as soon as she heard that.

Laurie doesn't know what to say.

She has been pregnant, but can't tell Luo Meijuan.

And Gu Linshen also said that he would have children later.

"Mom, don't worry."

"Not yet? How long has Hong Qi been married? Someone else is pregnant, and your stomach is still. Are you really doing something all the time? " Luo Meijuan began to doubt.

"What are you thinking, Ma?"

"I'm thinking, if there's a problem, check it as soon as possible. Don't think about it at that time, only to find out there's a problem."