However, after she vomited out, she was reminded of new pain.

She remembered the days when she was deeply hypnotized.

She would have become so terrible.

So unreasonable, it's all for the sake of being with emperor junbai.

Emperor Haotian, how can we keep going

"You turn around." Yu sanghuan said.

Tang Bao did not understand, "what's the matter?" Asked, turning.

Then she felt that Yu sang Huan was biting the rope on her wrist with her mouth, which scared her to turn around immediately.

"Mom, you don't have to." Tang Bao said.

"What do you care? It's better than staying here and being taken to a place he doesn't know? "

"I'll untie yours first, and then you'll untie it for me."

"Your rope is relatively simple. Don't move. Just untie it, and we can escape. " Yu sanghuan bent down and continued to bite the rope on Tang Bao's wrist.

Tang Bao had tears in her eyes. She thought, they must get out of here.

Don't take it away for nothing.

The farther he went, the harder it was for emperor Haotian to find them.

It took ten minutes for Tang Bao to feel the rope loose.

When her hand was free, she untied the rope for Yu sanghuan.

Tang Bao looks at the door and looks at Yu sanghuan. Then they turn over the window and go.

Because it's all mountain roads, it's difficult to run.

Yu sanghuan, in particular, is older and more difficult to run.

Tang Bao helped her and ran.

But just a hundred meters away, he was caught up by Emperor junbai.

"Tang Bao, do you like to run away from me so much?" Emperor all white ask, the facial expression has already become dark.

"Can't you let me go? I don't belong to you at all. " Tang Bao retreated a little flustered.

"Does it belong to Emperor Haotian? If it doesn't belong to me, you shouldn't belong to him! " Emperor all white finish saying, take out a gun, "since you want to run so, I have to break your leg."

With that, he fired at Yu sanghuan's leg -

"ah Yu sanghuan fell to the ground in pain.

"Ma!" Tang Bao's face turned white with fright

Tang Bao saw a blood hole in Yu sanghuan's leg, and the blood kept coming out.

She could only cover the wound with her hand, and there was nothing around her to bandage the wound.

The hot blood scared her.

Can't let emperor Haotian's only relative have an accident, she has done so many wrong things, absolutely can't let Yu sanghuan have another thing!

She was very angry, "Di junbai, are you still not human?"

Di junbai stepped forward, squatted down in front of Tang Bao and looked at her, "I'm not human? Who do you think is more kind to me than emperor Haotian? Do you think if I was caught by Emperor Haotian, he would spare me? "

"You can completely let us go. Emperor Haotian won't kill you." Tang Bao said.

"No? Don't you know emperor Haotian, Tang Bao? " The emperor asked in vain.

Tang Bao is speechless. Yes, Emperor Haotian won't let him go.

"It's better than you take us and run away?" Asked Tang Bao.

"My goal is you. How can I live without you?" Di junbai touched her face.

Tang Bao's face is disgusting. Turn away.

Di junbai was not angry at her rejection, saying, "I won't hurt you, but don't run any more, or I will break her other leg."

Tang Bao and Yu sanghuan are caught in the house again.

Emperor junbai tied them up again and turned to go.

"Emperor junbai, are you like this? You take care of my mom's leg Tang Bao asked.

Emperor junbai turns around and looks at the blood still flowing on Yu sanghuan's leg. Without saying anything, he goes to find a towel and wraps it up.

"That's it?" Asked Tang Bao.

"What else?"

"Isn't there a doctor here? You go to the doctor and get the bullet out Tang Bao said.

"It's the price of her escape. If her leg is broken and she dies, it's her life. " Emperor all white finish saying, turn round to walk.

"Emperor junbai! The emperor is white Tang Bao called him.

"Don't call him." Yu sang Huan said weakly.

"Mom, how do you feel?"

"It's OK. The blood doesn't flow."

Tang Bao looked at the leg. It didn't flow, it just flowed slowly.

Because the bullet is in it, it can't stop the blood.

"If I die, you'll run alone, and I won't drag you down." Yu sanghuan said, "when I go back, I'll live with Haotian and take my grandson with me. I'm willing to die."

"Ma, what are you talking about? Don't say it. We will definitely run out, or dihaotian will find us. " Tang Bao said, tears falling down. "You'll be all right, you will! I'll ask emperor junbai to take the bullet out of your leg. ""Don't you hate me, Tang Bao?" Yu sang Huan asked.

Tang Bao thought about it and shook his head.

"Why? I used to do that to you. "

"You are the only relative of emperor Haotian. I can't let you have an accident." Tang Bao said chokingly. "Don't worry, mom. I won't let you have anything to do."

"Is that all?" Yu sang Huan asked.

"Well, because I once had a mother, I know how sad it would be to lose my mother. Before I was young, I didn't know how to save my mother. Watching her sick and leave me, I felt very sad, but I couldn't do anything. I didn't like I don't like the feeling of helplessness. " With tears in his eyes, Tang Bao thought of the past, "in fact, when I stole your wallet, I felt uncomfortable and scared. So when I saw you pulling out your wallet, I had that kind of thought. I know that's not right. But I didn't hold back... "

"So it is." Yu sang Huan laughed weakly, "because you have such a mind, I live to now, otherwise I would have died in that explosion. I'm sure you've grown up with filial piety. "

Tang Bao couldn't help laughing when he thought of something.

"What, I'm wrong?"

"No, I just think about being beaten by my mother when I was a child."

"Did your mother beat you?"


"Really?" Yu sanghuan doesn't seem to believe it, because she thinks that girls generally don't corporal punishment, "because of stealing money?"

"No, because I run in the snow in winter, trample on and play with the snow, so that my body and feet are wet, and my feet are cold. My mother scared me with a stick. If you run in the snow for me again, I'll beat you with this stick. I was obedient at that time. I was obedient for one day. On the third day, I went to the snow again. Then I was pulled by my mother's calf, and it was blue and purple on my calf. "

"Then you should learn a long lesson."

"No, I went again on the fifth day."

Yu sanghuan couldn't help laughing, "you..."